The beating is on the child's body and hurts the mother's heart

The old Tao's actions made me curious, wondering what he was doing.

  Fortunately, although he was stabbing JIETOU with a sword, did not really force, that action, at most, JIETOU will hurt, but not hurt, otherwise, I guess I could not help but go up and fight with him at that time.

  The Qin family is also very curious about the actions of the old Tao, especially the Hu Yudie, of all the people present, she is one of the more distressed JIETOU, so when she watched the old Tao take the sword in JIETOU's body, so she can not rest assured that the incantation, has been open eyes looking at the old Tao in the hands of the peach wood sword, and then whenever the peach wood sword fell to JIETOU, the body on the unconsciously shivered a little.

  Hu Yudie's actions make the old Tao very helpless, he hit two swords, and could not help but stop, glaring at Hu Yudie's drink: "Do not look, do not worry about it, I will not hurt the boy, besides, his three souls and seven spirits are almost scattered, is already a dead body, hit two and what does it matter? I'm forcing the ghost to come out, you know what it means to hit the body of the child, the pain in the mother's heart? I'm putting pressure on the ghost, so she does not run away!"

  The old Taoist speaks, does not feel is again lifts the sword toward JIETOU's face shot down.

  At this time, I listened to the old Taoist words, could not help but sink in my heart, and immediately understood what.

  That's right, according to this situation, the female ghost blood spirit is no accident, is definitely JIETOU's own mother.

  But then, things are a little strange, JIETOU's parents, to YinYunShan, is not a favor? Then why was JIETOU's mother's soul sealed by YinYunShan?

  What is going on here? Could it be that there are some unknown secrets here?

  Just when I was wondering, suddenly, I felt a gust of wind blowing, raised my eyes to see, only to find that the blood soul is to return, and this time seems to be more fierce and violent.

  After the blood spirit rushed into the hall, then screamed and lunged towards the Taoist priest.

  Seeing this situation, the Daoist priest was calm, raised his hand a divine talisman flew out, directly hit the blood soul on the head, instantly fixed her, then he coldly snorted, turned back to draw a sword, a sword through the heart, stabbing the blood soul's vitals.

  In this situation, the blood soul because of the inability to move, if not accidentally, will certainly be that Daoist sword stabbed to death.

  However, at this time, I could not help myself, because I already knew the complexity of the matter, so, before the matter is completely clear, the blood soul can not die.

  At that time, thinking of this, I did not feel a loud cry, and jumped out of hiding, followed by a yuan qi golden light towards the Taoist priest's peach wood sword hit.

  "Grand Master, I'll help you!"

  The golden light flew out, only to hear a "boom" sound, the Taoist priest was caught off guard, directly shaken by the golden light fell backward, and instantly crushed YinYunShan and his son-in-law to the ground.

  "Bold blood spirit, how dare you to show off in front of the great master, see if I do not take you!"

  I continued to shout, flew up, reached out, and ripped off the divine talisman on the forehead of the blood spirit, then I raised my right hand and struck out with a Yuan Qi, directly pushing the blood spirit out of the door.

  "Don't try to escape!"

  After pushing out the blood soul, I then flew after it.

  While I was chasing out, there was already a big mess behind me. YinYunShan was screaming and seemed to be looking for weapons to deal with me, while the rest of the people were shrinking and hiding to the side, each screaming and looking full of fear.

  Come to the backyard, I watched the blood soul go out before I stopped and turned around to look back.

  "Brat, it's you again, I said you = ancestor, why do you always mess up? What exactly do you want to do?"

  At this time, YinYunShan grabbed a kitchen knife in his hand and chased it to the backyard, and after seeing me, he gritted his teeth and slashed directly at me.

  I did not dodge or flash, standing there without moving, allowing him to chop this knife down on his head.

  "Yunshan, what are you doing?!"

  Just when YinYunShan's kitchen knife was less than three inches away from my forehead, a large hand grabbed his wrist, stopping him from committing the murder.

  The person who stopped YinYunShan was no one else but the old Taoist, and the reason I did not dodge was precise because I saw the old Taoist following him around, so I let go of my guts and let him cut.

  As I expected, although YinYunShan was fierce and vicious, in the end, it didn't even hurt me a hair.

  "Grand Master, let go of me, let me kill this brat, you do not know when I caught the female ghost, it was him who interfered and caused me to fail, I did not expect him to mess up again this time, he is deliberately against me, I will not spare him this time!"

  YinYunShan was furious, and after being stopped by the old Taoist, he still gritted his teeth and wanted to fight with me.

  I was so calm, smiling, and did not say anything.

  See my calm and collected, the old Tao also seems to see the end, do not feel is YinYunShan back a drag said: "This little doll is not simple, did not see him just a hand of golden light? I must be his opponent now, you do not cause trouble, really push him, you will only suffer yourself, you go in first, take care of your family, the child to me."

  As the old Taoist spoke, pushed YinYunShan inside, then turned back to look at me, smiling: "Poor Taoist knife volcano, currently presiding over the Qingfeng Guan, dare to ask the young master is what sect, why today to break the old Taoist spell formation?"

  "I do not have a sect, my name is Liu YiHeng," I looked at the knife volcano and said: "just now I was trying to help you, not to break your spell formation."

  "Hahahaha," hearing my words, the knife volcano can not help but laugh: "Good, good, young, ambitious, good, good, since you are not willing to say the sect, and not willing to admit what just happened, that is to force the old Tao to fight. Then I will not be soft when you suffer, don't say that I bully the young with the old."

  "What do you want to do?" I asked, frowning.

  "You first out to pay respect to the mountain, the old Tao naturally have to return the gift," the old Tao speaks, but suddenly from behind a whisk to, then to me a flip: "dust silk three thousand, River Ran Ran, a whisk a wipe, Dan Zhu will return!"

  The old Taoist finished speaking, a duster, turned around and closed the door, and went into the house, and I this time, vaguely smelled a strange fragrance, the smell seems to be from the duster above wafted out.

  The fragrance at first smelled nothing but then made my nose a strange itch, and then I did not feel like sneezing desperately, and finally even choked to the point of vomiting out the lungs.

  At this time, I finally understood, knowing that the old Taoist on my black hand, he that duster on the poison, I am in this condition, no accident, should be hit by his poison.