Fix the soul and condense the spirit

The old blind man's words made Guo Shaojie stunned and also made me stunned, I did not expect him to make such a request, my original intention is only to ask them to give JIETOU to us, but the old blind man now is to transfer JIETOU's account relating to his name, that is to say, he wants JIETOU out of the Qin family.

  This is something I did not think about, the old blind man also really dare to think.

  However, on reflection, I think this is the only way to save JIETOU from suffering, the reason why the old blind man is doing this is naturally for JIETOU's sake.

  But, what I don't understand is that the old blind man had never met JIETOU before, and I was the one who told him about JIETOU, so why did he care so much about JIETOU? What is this? Could it be that this old man has exploded with sympathy?

  But it's not right, how can this old man have sympathy?

  The heart can not understand what is going on, and can only continue to watch.

  At this time, Guo Shaojie pondered for a moment, and could not help but say to the old blind man: "Old man, the JIETOU can be handed over to you for the time being, but, but to officially pass on, this, this I really can not make the decision, why don't you go to the hall first, I will discuss with my father and them before giving you an answer, what do you think?"

  "Okay, then let's go in and wait, I'm not in a hurry anyway," the old blind man smiled, and then lifted his feet and walked towards the Qin family.

  Not long after, we once again into the Qin family, only this time the treatment, was obviously much better than last time. Guo Shaojie respectfully invited me and the old blind man to sit down in the living room and then went upstairs to YinYunShan to discuss things.

  At this time, JIETOU still lying in the middle of the living room, his face purple-black, blood purple like a zombie, look at his appearance, seems to have died.

  At that time, seeing JIETOU's condition, I could not help but be full of worry and nervousness, and then, after Guo Shaojie went upstairs, I immediately ran over to check the situation of JIETOU.

  As a result, when I checked, I found that JIETOU was cold, stiff, and seemed to be dead.

  At that moment, found this situation, I can't help a grab the old blind man's hand said: "Master, it's useless, JIETOU has died."

  "Dead?" Hearing my words, the old blind man frowned and pondered for a moment and said, "Help me over to see."

  "Okay," I hurriedly helped the old blind man over and let him check JIETOU's condition.

  The old blind man reached out to feel in JIETOU's body, palms tucked under the clothes, in JIETOU's heart fossa touched half a day and then heard the old blind man say: "Indeed is not good, the three souls and seven spirits have almost finished scattering, now there is only Yin Qi of the miscellaneous, if you do not want to think of a way, only afraid that the Great Golden Immortal came, can not save him. "

  "Then you think of a way," I was anxious to jump to my feet.

  "Do not rush, we have to stabilize first, this matter can not be rushed," the old blind man spoke, could not help but full of sigh: "But the time left for us is indeed not much, hey, at this time, if only there was a fixed soul pearl."

  The old blind man's words made me startled, could not help but ask: "What do you want to fix the soul beads?"

  "Of course, it is to fix his soul, he is now scattering his soul, if there is a soul-fixing bead, just put the bead into his mouth, and his soul will not be scattered. In this way, at least half a life is preserved, and after that, we will slowly invoke his soul, and maybe we can bring him back to life." The old blind man said here, could not help but sigh: "Unfortunately when dealing with that thousand-year-old female corpse Xiyu County, we were not able to get the soul-fixing pearl back, otherwise, it would have been possible to save JIETOU."

  This is said without intention, the listener intends, because the Xiyu County Lord's soul-defining pearl, is now in my body.

  "Is it really possible to save JIETOU?" I asked the old blind man again.

  "That's for sure," the old blind man nodded his head.

  "Then, I'll put the soul-fixing pearl in his mouth right now," I said, pulling out the soul-fixing pearl from my closed coat pocket.

  Hearing my words, the old blind man did not feel surprised: "That fixed soul pearl was taken by you?"

  "Well," I nodded my head, then but to him said: "Fixed soul beads can only fix the soul, condensation jade can condense the soul, master, you do not also contribute?"

  Hearing my words, the old man immediately showed a strange look and said, "What condensation jade? I don't know what you're talking about."

  The old man's performance made me a little helpless, so I put the soul-fixing pearl into JIETOU's mouth while saying to the old blind man, "The other day you said you were looking for the soul-fixing pearl and the condensed jade while you were actually looking for the Xiyu county princess for reincarnation. I took the soul-defining pearl, I didn't touch the jade, and now it's definitely in your hand."

  "I didn't take it, I didn't take it, your kid doesn't talk nonsense," the old man argued.

  "Master -" I was a little depressed, could not help but lengthen the voice, "JIETOU so poor, I beg you a little compassion, okay? He is now in critical condition, of course, we are able to make ten percent of the force to make ten percent, can not have reservations, do not you think? As the saying goes, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, Master, you are doing good deeds..."

  "Ahem, okay, okay," I said, the old man was a bit helpless and then did not feel his groping from the closed coat pocket to pull out an egg-white jade stone.

  After pulling out the jade, he still clutched it in his hand, and could not let go, I saw the situation and grabbed his hand, ready to snatch the jade down.

  As a result, which thought the old man like a child, hand clenched like an iron pincer, just can not break, which made me a little depressed, could not help but ask him: "Master, what do you want to do?"

  "This, this is a very precious treasure, you want me to take it out is fine, but I have conditions," the old man wiggled his beard and said.

  "What are the conditions? Say," I said helplessly.

  "This time after using, you, you have to give me that soul-defining pearl," the old man-lion demanded.

  Hearing this, I really cried and laughed, stunned for half a day before asking: "What do you want this old man to do? Could it be that you want to take it inside the coffin, and then cultivate it into a thousand-year-old corpse king?"

  "What do you care about me? I like to collect treasures, okay?" The old man said capriciously.

  I had no choice but to agree to his conditions, then I got the jade, and then stuffed it into JIETOU's ghost door, so that JIETOU's soul is completely fixed, in the short term, and there should not be any danger.

  After everything was done, Guo Shaojie also accompanied YinYunShan to walk down from upstairs.

  At this time, YinYunShan, looking extremely disheveled, seems to have instantly aged more than ten years.

  The two approached, looked at us, and then YinYunShan asked, "You really want to adopt this child?"

  "Good," the old blind man nodded: "I am a fortune-teller, no family, no mouth, just need a descendant, this child has good talent, I calculate that he and I have a great chance, so, if possible, also ask the old brother reluctantly cut a love, you see how? "