Blood Raising Spiritual Treasure

In the distance, there is only darkness, and in the near distance, the golden light extinguishes indefinitely, resisting ten thousand swords.

  I did not expect that the real ghost realm boundary is so ferocious, the female ghost is really like a god here, the power is so powerful to a fearful degree, I can not be her opponent.

  All swords return to the clan, the flood of yin qi surge, my life is like a fishing fire in the sea, at any time may be capsized.

  This moment, I can not help but feel a cold loneliness and fear, I know, this time I am afraid that it is impossible to escape.

  No one can save me, no one can save me, my final end can only be a million swords through the heart and die.

  I don't know what I will become after I die, but I think the ghost will not let go of my body and soul, she will absorb my soul and turn me into a part of her, and my body, most likely, will become her puppet.

  Is this the legendary not to die well?

  Why? Why is this happening? What have I done to bring me to this state?

  I can't think, I just feel that fate is ridiculous, it is playing tricks on me with reckless abandon.

  "Swish, swish, swish - hiss, hiss, hiss -"

  Another round of sword rain attacked, the golden light shield instantly thinned into cicada wings, looking like it would not be able to support.

  Faced with this situation, I could only kneel down helplessly, my heart filled with inexplicable remorse.

  "Little confused, I'm sorry, brother, brother can not go to save you, I hope, I hope you do not blame brother, brother incompetent, brother should die, you do not worry about it, brother this will go to the mouth of the Yellow Springs Road waiting for you, brother swore, one day not wait for you, brother will never enter the reincarnation ... "

  The opera will end, the curtain will be pulled down, the heart of the most indebted people, is a small confused.

  I do not know how she is living in that dark dark confinement, I only know that she must be waiting for me, she has been waiting for me to save her, but I can not do this anymore.

  If I die, I don't know when and how long it will take for Little Puddle to see the light of day again, will she be imprisoned in the darkness from then on, for ten, a hundred, a thousand, or even ten thousand years?

  I dare not imagine.

  "QingYue, we lost, and I'm sorry for you, I've caused you. I may not be able to bury your bones or help you find your elder brother."

  Now that death is doomed, the mind unconsciously enters an inexplicable state of calmness.

  I slowly sat down on my knees and enjoyed this last moment of peace.


  A cold blade of Yin Qi penetrated the golden light shield and brushed past my ear, bringing up a scattering of hair, but it could not cause the slightest fluctuation in my mind, because I was ready to die.

  "Are you ready to give up?"

  At the last moment, YunQingYue's figure slowly flashed, quietly standing at my side.

  Her expression was not joyful, nor sultry, she was as calm as I was.

  "I have waited for this day for hundreds of years, I did not expect to end up like this," YunQingYue raised his eyes to look at those horizontal Yin Qi sword blade, do not feel is a bitter smile: "Do not worry, if our souls can escape, I will accompany you to wait for her at the mouth of the Yellow Springs, so that at least you will not be so. In this way, at least you will not be so lonely."

  "ChingYue, do you blame me? It's all my fault, I've caused you all to die," I said, looking up at her.

  "Don't worry, everything is fate, I don't blame you, and there is no discontent," she looked at me with a rare smile, then but sat down next to me, together waiting for the moment of death to come.

  "To have such an encounter in the last time, I do not regret." She said.

  "I am very reluctant and regretful, but unfortunately I have - can not do anything!"

  I frowned and subconsciously clenched my fist, squeezing the yin and yang bell in my hand to rattling.

  "I understand, you've done your best, it's not your fault." YunQingYue comforted me.

  "Snip--" two more sword blades pierced through the golden light shield and brushed our shoulders, the situation was thrilling to the extreme, but at this moment, our hearts were surprisingly peaceful.

  We subconsciously clasped our hands together, clenched very tightly.

  "This is the Yang Soul Bell, didn't you just knock it out?" YunQingYue touched the bell in my hand and asked with some confusion.

  "Yes, it was knocked out, but it flew back on its own. This thing, and the Yin Soul Bell, is the Black Moon Evil God's original magic treasure, very spiritual, not too different from ordinary bells, they seem to have recognized me as their master now, so they listen to me. It's a pity that it's not of much use, just two bells can't have any effect on the battle." I said to YunQingYue with some lament.

  "That's not necessarily true," YunQingYue looked at me and said, "Since this bell is the Black Moon Evil God's original magic treasure, and he gave it to you to help him kill that Soul Fiend, I think it's because this thing has a great effect."

  "They do have some effects, but they can't-"

  "Do you think this is good? We are waiting to die, why don't you think of something to mess with, in any case, according to your own ideas to get, stimulate these two bells, see if you can develop their power, then maybe we can escape with this pair of bells." YunQingYue said to me.

  Hearing her words, I nodded my head, and my mind came alive a bit.

  Yes, I can not just admit defeat and wait for death, not to mention that even if I have to die, I have to fight with all my might, otherwise, it would be too much to let fate take its course, too cowardly.

  Thinking of these, I could not help but stand up, then I stared dead at the two bells in my hand.

  They are a green and a yellow, a yin and a yang, on the surface, there is no peculiarities, but the two bells in addition to the color is different, the shape is also somewhat different.

  Yin bell is open trumpet-shaped, Yang bell is a small round grunt, the two in the end what wonderful use, I have not yet studied through, only know that they can absorb power, but the absorption of power is very limited, after sucking full, can be converted into my own power.

  So now can I use them to flip?

  I didn't know the answer, but I was prepared to try.

  "Black Moon Evil God, this is your original magic treasure, I believe they can't be so weak, I'll trust you one more time this time, I hope you won't let me down."

  While thinking about this, I fished out the folding knife from my pocket, and then decisively slashed the left and right wrists.

  The blood, instantly spilled out, and then in my yuan qi urged, all converge towards the two bells.

  "You, what, what are you doing?"

  Seeing my action, YunQingYue could not help but ask with some amazement.

  "With blood to raise the spirit, with the soul to call the treasure, I want to use my native power to fight with her!"

  As I spoke, I gritted my teeth and let out a strange scream, and my whole body's power then poured out like a flood of beasts towards the two bells.