Obsolete physical evidence

The time was late afternoon, the sun shone down, the weather in late winter and early spring a warmth swirled.

  Our car soon arrived at the police station, and then Liao Qunqi took us directly to the file room where the files are stored.

  The file room was quiet and there was a small police officer to show us the way.

  After entering the file room, Liao Qunqi asked the police officer to find Lan Gu Sheng's case file and asked him to get the projector ready.

  The policeman went in and took out a paper box with the case files, and then he took away a video tape inside, and left the rest to us.

  "These are the case records of that year, and some of the evidence collected at the scene."

  Liao Qunqi pulled the paper box to the open place, first took out a case file from inside and patted it: "This is the detailed case records and transcripts. You can take a look."

  JIETOU did not take the case file, I can only take it, and then retreat to the corner to sit down, open a closer look.

  "What's written on it?" When Liao Xi Dove saw my action, he also came over and sat next to me, sticking his head out and looking over the case file with me.

  "I haven't read it yet, I don't know the details," I said with a smile.

  "These are all exhibits," this time, Liao Qunqi again from the case to lift a few yellowing plastic bags, then pointed to one of the plastic bags with a rusty blade to JIETOU: "This is the murder weapon, although not large, but stabbed in the vitals, as usual, to kill, and its greatest feature is easy to hide. The biggest feature is that it is easy to hide, can be hidden directly in the sleeves. You see, this knife does not have a handle, the purpose should be to facilitate concealment. When your father used it to stab YinYunShan's chest, the whole body of the knife entered the chest cavity and almost killed YinYunShan."

  Faced with Liao Qunqi's introduction, JIETOU remained unresponsive, he looked down into the box and looked again, asking, "Are there other exhibits?"

  "Other evidence is not very important, are some of the things collected from the scene, such as blood samples, and some debris and so on, the murder weapon is the most important evidence." Liao Qunqi said.

  "Can I see the video of the year?" JIETOU asked.

  "Let's go see it now," Liao Qunqi said, got up and led JIETOU to a small, dimly lit screening room.

  Seeing this situation, I could not read the case file in detail, and hurriedly put the case file in a folder, and got up and followed.

  Liao Xi Dove continued to support me, went into the projection room with me, and found a seat with me, and sat side by side.

  The room was quiet, with dim light and shadows, and the arrangement inside was similar to a small cinema, with a screen hanging on the back wall and a small stage, and after the stage came several rows of soft sofa seats.

  Liao Xi Dove and I sat next to each other, in the darkness, her breathing came gently, the body's aroma is also if not, the most important thing is that her hand has been holding my arm, which makes me feel very strange, I think people small couples together, should also be this feeling it.

  At that time, I subconsciously turned my head to look at Liao Xige's pink and white face, and could not help but secretly think that it would be better if she was younger, then maybe we still have a chance, but unfortunately, time can not be turned back, and she can not become smaller, so I finally had to treat her as an older sister.

  "Xiao Hu, let's begin." Liao Qunqi and JIETOU sitting in the front row, see that the little police officer almost ready, let him start to play the video.

  Hearing this, the little policeman then pulled the curtains also, so that the room light completely darkened, and then turned on the projector.

  It was an old-fashioned projector, when the projection, the wheel hissed straight, the lens on a column of light projected onto the screen, and then produced some images.

  Images without sound, only images, and black and white color images.

  The content of that video should be a section intercepted from the elevator surveillance video. At the beginning, we only saw the elevator open and close, a few people going in and out, but after a few moments, the elevator became empty, and then, a man wearing glasses, clutching a briefcase, wearing a suit, very civilized-looking people into the elevator.

  After the man entered the elevator, the elevator door closed and then went up.

  The elevator rose for a while and then quickly stopped, then the elevator door opened, a person wearing a black suit, also clutching a briefcase into the elevator.

  As soon as the later person appeared, I immediately recognized his identity, he was none other than YinYunShan.

  After entering the elevator, YinYunShan saw Lan GuSheng and immediately argued with him.

  During this period, Lan Gu Sheng subconsciously shrank towards the corner, he seemed to be a little afraid of YinYunShan.

  YinYunShan followed up, reached out and pushed Lan GuSheng, and even slapped him on the face.

  As a result, this slap made Lan Gusheng extremely angry, he gritted his teeth and rushed forward, raising his hand and hitting YinYunShan, then, in the process, I do not know how, I suddenly saw YinYunShan hand over his chest, grinning a twitch, then he stood up straight again, immediately a piece of blood splashed out of his chest, at the same time, a blade also fell to the At the same time, a blade also fell to the ground.

  YinYunShan was stabbed, immediately fell to sit in the corner of the elevator, can not move, and LanGuSheng see this, can not help but is a stunned look, then he quickly pressed open the elevator door, towards the outside of the run.

  After that, someone else entered the elevator and saw YinYunShan's miserable state, so they carried him out and seemed to be sent to the doctor.

  The video stopped here, some snowflakes appeared in the middle, and when it was played again, it was already the police entering the elevator looking for evidence collection.

  Those who collected evidence of the police, there is a person, apparently is Liao Qunqi.

  This footage did not last too long on the end of the time, and then, the entire video tape is finished.

  The video tape is finished, the police officer in charge of the projection of the curtains pulled open again, finally let the small room brightened up some.

  "Chief, is it ready?" The little policeman asked as he walked up to Liao Qunqi.

  "Well, put the video tape away and put it away, you go ahead." After Liao Qunqi sent the small police officer away, he could not help but say to JIETOU: "Little brother, you have seen it all, right? I did not wrongly accuse your father."

  JIETOU did not speak, he stood up and walked straight out.

  Seeing this situation, I hurriedly followed and said to him, "JIETOU, are you okay?"

  "I'm fine, I want to be alone for a while, you don't have to worry about me." After JIETOU finished speaking, he asked the location of the restroom, and then went inside the restroom.

  Seeing this situation, I couldn't help but feel helpless, so I had to sit down and continue to look through the files, and Liao Xi Dove remained with me.

  As a result, what I didn't expect was that I took a look at it, but soon found some very strange places in the file.

  The file contains a transcript of Lan Gu Sheng, according to his statement above, he did not use the knife to stab YinYunShan, he said the knife he did not know what was going on.

  Lan Gu Sheng this statement is not a lie? But, in the face of hard evidence, why should he lie, YinYunShan is not enough to kill him, so why should he deny it?