Searching for a son requires asking his mother

JIETOU is nowhere to be found, YinYunShan is missing, things instantly become confusing, no one knows what will happen next.

  I am most worried about JIETOU, although he should also do not know where YinYunShan, but, after all, he was adopted by YinYunShan for many years, there may be some kind of tacit understanding between the two, so, at this time, it is possible that they are deliberately avoiding the sight of the public, hiding in some hidden place to solve private hatred to go.

  This is something I will not allow to happen, whether JIETOU killed YinYunShan, or YinYunShan calculated JIETOU, will make me very painful, so, at this time, for safety's sake, I must try to find the two of them.

  And when it comes to finding people, no one may be better than the old blind man, he is Mr. Sky Eye, can know the past and future, find a person is not easy?

  Of course, based on the old man has always been unreliable behavior, I'm actually not sure he can solve this problem, but now in addition to this method, there is no other better method, so I must try reluctantly.

  At that moment, I let Liao Xige turn the direction, directly to the village of Shuilongkou drove over.

  When we arrived at the mouth of the water dragon, it was already dark, which made me a little worried, after all, the night is long and dreamy, the black light, a whole night, I really do not know how many unpredictable things will happen.

  As a result, what's worse, the old blind man is actually not at home, he is actually absent at this critical time!

  Now I was really anxious, and now I stood outside the locked gate, my heart was really torn, I wanted to punch the wooden door to break.

  "This is your master's house?"

  Liao Xi Dove with a flashlight, followed me, the night wind blowing her short hair, pink and white face cold and beautiful.

  "Unfortunately he is not at home, he just took your money, now I do not know where to fool around again." I bristled.

  "The old man should not be like this," Liao Xi Dove laughed a little, subconsciously took a flashlight shining around, not much time is suddenly a tug on my sleeve said: "Look, there are words on the ground."

  "There are words? What words?" Hearing this, I quickly turned around and she looked toward the ground, only to find that the ground in front of the door, there are indeed some words written, read carefully, only to find that it is a limerick.

  "Life is bitter, how much hate is ancient? Love and hatred only one heart, looking for a son need to ask the mother."

  "What does it mean?" After reading that little poem, Liao Xi Dove couldn't help but be puzzled and asked.

  Liao Xi Dove does not understand the content of the poem, but I have already figured out the mechanism, and then did not feel is grinning.

  "Good, good, finally the old man has some numbers, not completely spilled, otherwise, next time I really want to push him to the mud pit." I said with a smile.

  "Hmm? You see the point? What exactly do you mean?" Liao Xi Dove flashed her big eyes at me and asked.

  Hearing this, I said to her, "If I'm not wrong, the old man should have counted that we would come to him, so he left this hint for us. His meaning is simple: if we want to find JIETOU now, we must first find JIETOU's mother."

  "His mother? Hasn't his mother been long-" Hearing my words, Liao Xi Dove looked at me somewhat out of breath.

  "This is too complicated to explain to you, not to say more, let's go, hurry up and get in the car, directly to the western suburbs of the county hill," I said, subconsciously a grab Liao Xi Dove's hand, turn around and go towards the police car side.

  For my move, Liao Xige at first some squirm, but soon also relaxed, instead of fast steps over me, pulling me forward.

  I feel easy to get along with such a cheerful and generous girl, not so mother-in-law things, so that people are very comfortable from the inside out.

  Soon, the car started, we turned the direction and rushed to the western suburbs of the county.

  On the way, I asked Liao Xige what the hill on the western outskirts of the county was, and she said it was a barren mountain, on which were some old graves, and in recent years the cemetery was built there, so the place was very gloomy.

  "That's right, if I'm right, JIETOU's mother's remnant spirit should still be roaming on that mountain, we have to try to find her to do so. She and JIETOU mother and son are connected, and the most important thing is that they are even connected in soul now, so if we find her, we will definitely be able to determine JIETOU's location." I said to Liao Xi Dove.

  Hearing my words, Liao Xi Dove frowned slightly, looked at me and asked, "Is there really a ghost in this world? Is there really a soul?"

  Seeing her ask this, I could not help but be moved in my heart, then I turned my head to look out of the car window and found that we were passing through a small village, the road is full of homes on both sides, many of them have cattle and donkeys and other livestock chained to the door.

  Seeing this situation, I let the small police officer driving stop the car, then I looked in the car, and soon found an empty mineral water bottle on the front seat, so I took the bottle and got out of the car.

  "Little master, what are you doing to go?" Liao Xi Dove followed me out of the car with some curiosity.

  "I fetch something, later you will know the role." While I was talking, I came to the door of a house, found an old yellow cow, and then looked at the old cow's eyes.

  Not coincidentally, the weather is dry and cold, the old cow's eyes are very dry, without any tear marks, which can make me a little difficult, and then I looked for several homes, found that no cow is crying, heart can not help but a burst of helplessness.

  "I'll try," I was at a loss, YunQingYue's voice sounded, and then I saw her release the cow ghost, and then the cow ghost slammed into an old cow, and then the old cow shivered, and then instantly "popped " came out tears.

  "Good, good, almost enough, enough," seeing this situation, I hurriedly used the bottle to catch the old cow's tears while just transmitting the voice to YunQingYue.

  "Don't worry, I won't harm it, just make it sad a little," YunQingYue smiled and put the cow ghost back, the old yellow cow also then returned to normal.

  "Well," I took the bottle back to cover, shaking the cow tears inside, said to Liao Xi Dove: "turn back you take this with you, really want to see some strange things when you dip a little inside the cow tears on the eyes."

  "Bull's eye tears? Does this work? I've heard of it before, when I was in high school, and even played with it, but at the time I don't seem to see any ghosts ah." Liao Xi Dove took the bottle, not believing my words.

  "When you were playing with this, was it day or night?" I asked her as I walked toward the car.

  "During the day," she said.

  "That's the end of it? Where's the ghost in broad daylight?" I laughed and got into the car.

  Liao Xige tilted her head and thought for a moment before nodding and then getting into the car with me.