Ancient Temple in the Deserted Mountains

Drive down the road and I'll tell you which way to turn when you meet the fork in the road." I said to WangWeiNan.

  WangWeiNan nodded, drove forward a distance, and soon drove to a four-way intersection.

  When I got here, I let go of my hand from LiaoXiGe's head, and when LiaoXiGe got free, he immediately lunged sideways toward my side of the car door.

  "Turn right," I said while pressing LiaoXiGe's head again to keep her under control.

  "That's a good law," WangWeiNan saw and laughed, then turned right onto a small winding and twisting mountain road.

  As we did, we turned through several more intersections, and finally had no idea where we were located. At this point, we looked around again and realized that this was a barren mountain, full of ghostly trees and some dark layers of shrubs.

  Our car was driving on a rugged trail. The trail climbed all the way up, and finally it was impossible to drive, so we all got out of the car and started walking on foot.

  I let LiaoXiGe go and let her lead the way. In a short time, we arrived at the top of the mountain and realized that there was a very dilapidated ancient temple on top of the mountain.

  When we arrived here, LiaoXiGe raised her foot to rush inside the broken temple.

  Seeing this situation, I was worried that she made a commotion, so I hurriedly put her under control, and then I put out the flashlight, so WangWeiNan also put out the flashlight.

  WangWeiNan did as he was told, and then we took LiaoXiGe and retreated to the side of a small bush to hide.

  The moon was slanting, the mountain breeze was gusting, the trees were in shadow, and although there were no lights on, we could still see things.

  In the night, the ancient temple silent, a few collapsed walls, as well as the courtyard of the old acacia tree, all declare that this place has been in disrepair for a long time, has been uninhabited.

  Drooping wooden doors, in the wind issued a burst of "creaking" sound, listening to the wailing of a dying man.

  If nothing else, JIETOU should be hiding here.

  What is this guy doing here?

  Could it be to hide from our search? Then he's too good at finding places, right?

  "It should be here." While controlling LiaoXiGe, I lowered my voice and said to WangWeiNan, "How about this, you take care of XiGeer first, I'll go in and take a look."

  "How can that work? What if there is any danger? It's better for me to accompany you." WangWeiNan said.

  "You go with me, what about her?" I asked WangWeiNan, pointing to LiaoXiGe.

  WangWeiNan was a bit torn and said to me, "Then why don't you stay and watch her, I'll go in and take a look. Anyway, even if I stay, I can't control her."

  "Give me your hand," I said, pulling WangWeiNan's hand, biting the tip of my finger and drawing a soul fixing charm on him first, then pressing his hand to LiaoXiGe's forehead. In this way, WangWeiNan took my place and kept LiaoXiGe under control.

  "Okay, take her to the car first, I'll be right there, don't worry about it, I'll be fine." I finished my sentence, leaving them behind, got up and ran catty-corner to hide under the courtyard wall of the broken temple.

  Seeing my actions, WangWeiNan had no choice but to pick up LiaoXiGe and quietly go down the hill.

  Seeing them gone, I then touched into the small courtyard of the broken temple.

  The courtyard is overgrown with weeds, vines, side compartments collapsed a large part, plus when the heart of the old acacia tree open claws a cover, making the atmosphere in the small courtyard is extremely eerie, so people inexplicably feel afraid, always feel that the grass will suddenly burrow something out.

  I hid in a corner of the grass, and then I cold eyes scanning the entire courtyard, while secretly open the doors of heaven, to explore the courtyard.

  The three main houses of the temple have not collapsed, and the doors and windows are still intact, so if JIETOU is really hiding here, the most likely place to hide, should be the three houses.

  At that moment, I subconsciously moved towards the three main houses, to explore the situation inside.

  As a result, what I did not expect was that at this time, the wind suddenly rose behind me, and then my mouth was violently covered.

  "Well--" I subconsciously wanted to struggle, but at this time, there was a familiar voice in my ear: "Don't be afraid, it's me."

  "JIETOU?" I turned to look over and found that it was really JIETOU, this kid did not know where to change clothes, is wearing a tight black clothes, hands also carry a shiny thick-backed machete.


  JIETOU shushed me, signaling me not to make a sound, then he reached his head towards the three main houses looked, then dragged me a drag, pulling me together to run to the collapsed compartment inside the hidden down.

  "JIETOU, what are you doing here?" After hiding, I couldn't help but ask him in a lowered voice.

  "YinYunShan is inside," JIETOU said to me as he pulled out a rag from his pocket and wiped the blade.

  "What, YinYunShan is here? How is that possible? What is he doing here? And how did you find him?" Hearing JIETOU's words, I couldn't help but ask with astonishment.

  JIETOU did not answer my words, instead, he said to me, "My father was framed by YinYunShan, I want to take revenge for them!"

  "JIETOU, don't be so impulsive, haven't you already watched the video, haven't you checked the evidence? How come you are still so dead-hearted? You killed him, you also have to lose your life, you are still so young, for him an old thing to send life, then it is not worth, you know?" I said with anxiety, grabbing JIETOU's arm.

  JIETOU stopped moving his hands, looked up at me and asked, "Is the video proof that my father is guilty? Don't you see? At that time my father only pushed him, did not move the knife against him, the knife is absolutely problematic. This is a trap laid by YinYunShan."

  "JIETOU, you are too whimsical, right? If it wasn't your father who stabbed him, could it be that he stabbed himself? I'm not sure how you can explain this knife. JIETOU, listen to me, you really can't do this, YinYunShan has done a lot of evil, heaven forbid, he will be punished, but not this way to punish him, do you understand? JIETOU I beg you, I've always treated you as a brother, I don't want to see you go to your death." I said clutching JIETOU's arm.

  "Hey," heard my words, JIETOU but inexplicably laughed a little said: "late."

  "Late, what do you mean?" I asked puzzled.

  "Now he is the one who wants to get me killed, and I have to resist." JIETOU said.

  "What do you mean? How is he going to get you killed? He's hiding in a place like this to avoid you, which means he's afraid of you, now if you come with me, absolutely nothing will happen," I said to JIETOU.

  "Remember my lost soul?" Hearing my words, JIETOU suddenly looked up at me and asked.

  "Of course I remember, what's wrong?" I asked, puzzled.

  "My soul is in his hand, he is now performing the soul hooking technique, I was lured here by him, he wants to take all my soul away." JIETOU looked at me and said.