Absolutely ruthless character

YinYunShan's reaction made me a little surprised, this old dog should not be very afraid of me? Now how come he is not only not afraid, but also seems to want to fight with me to the death?

  Those Buddhist magic weapons in his hands, are they really that powerful?

  "Hey, doggy day, you do not need to be curious, I know that you have not fully recovered your power now, that wild boy has been with you, what you do can not escape my eyes, hey, so this time, it is not your turn to be arrogant!"

  YinYunShan spoke, picked up the table of the treasure umbrella to open up, sneering at me: "You do not have a golden light? Come on, try again, I want to see whether your golden light is powerful, or my treasure umbrella is stronger!"

  "These are all Buddhist magic tools, and now they are actually stolen and used by evil people like you, how ironic!" I said with a tight frown.

  "Hahahaha, everything has a cause and effect, brat you still don't be unconvinced, do you know where all these magic weapons come from? Tell you what, that is my virtue and good deeds to get. Ten years ago, there is an old monk in this broken temple, lonely, are about to starve to death, I saved him, I gave him three years as a lay disciple, for his old age, so I have got these magic tools, not only that, he also taught me a lot of demon subjugation spells. By the way, the purple blood chalcedony is also he passed on to me, that baby is stolen by you a puppy day, right? Tsk, tsk, I really did not see, you puppy said the eyes are quite poisonous."

  YinYunShan looked at me and said smugly.

  "That old monk passed these things to you, it is also considered a sin, where he knows that you are a wolf and ambitious evil spirit, you should have been in hell long ago." I said indignantly.

  "Is that so? Why don't I think so?" YinYunShan grinned.

  "You think you're smart, you think you did things seamlessly back then, but unfortunately, people are doing it, heaven is watching, things will always come to light, and the sins you committed will definitely get the punishment you deserve!" I spoke while subconsciously moving over to JIETOU.

  The main reason is that my power has not yet been fully restored and my golden light has been used up, so the first thing I thought of at this time was not to kill YinYunShan, but to try to take JIETOU out of here.

  "Hmph, brat, mouth is very hard, so you see through my plan back then, so tell me, how exactly did I do at that time? Hey, don't blame me for not giving you a chance, I'm telling you, if you're right, today I might really be merciful and let you two little bastards off!" YinYunShan looked at me and asked with a shady face.

  YinYunShan's reaction was not strange; in fact, it should be a psychology shared by many highly intelligent criminals.

  He said that many high-IQ criminals, after planning some extremely clever crime cases, they are complacent in their hearts, but also hope that someone can see through them, can appreciate their intelligence, otherwise, they will therefore feel very lost and lonely.

  YinYunShan is not considered a highly intelligent person, but what he did back then was definitely very subtle, it was something that only an absolute ruthless character could do, he was able to do this, first of all, it shows his perseverance and ferocity, so, for so many years, he must have been expecting someone to see through that bureau back then, to be able to break him down. This way, he has the capital to show off, because his deeds are unprecedented.

  I looked like I was going to be the one to break him down.

  At that moment, while I side-stepped and grabbed JIETOU's hand, pulled him up from the ground and channeled some Yuan Qi to him to make his situation better, I looked at YinYunShan coldly and said, "When I was examining those exhibits back then, I accidentally found a very insignificant little thing."

  "Oh, what did you find? Tell me," YinYunShan asked, looking at me with interest.

  "A yellowed and curled piece of medical plaster with blood," I said, looking at YinYunShan.

  Hearing my words, YinYunShan did not feel a sinking face, some nervous look at me said: "You can not really guess?"

  "What do you think?" I sneered, looked at him and said, "About that piece of paste piece, I asked Liao Qunqi those people, they all said that it was collected from the scene, is not something critical, they think that it is someone inadvertently thrown in the elevator. But I don't see it that way."

  "What do you think?" YinYunShan heard here, already nervous arms are a little trembling, he gripped the handle of the treasure umbrella dead, two eyes wide open, staring at me in a daze, that look is full of contradictions, he must not want to be torn apart by me, but also hope that I can tell the truth.

  At this time, JIETOU was also a little nervous and looked towards me.

  "YiHeng, what exactly did you find out? What the hell did this old dog get up to back then?" JIETOU asked, clutching my arm.

  "Take it easy," I patted JIETOU's hand and soothed him, then raised my eyes to look at YinYunShan and said, "But I have to admire you."

  "Admire me for what?" YinYunShan asked, pretending to be calm.

  "Admire your fierceness, I think there should be few people in this world who can do what you did." I looked at YinYunShan and said.

  "Brat, don't pretend to be vicious, how the hell am I, say it if you have the ability!" YinYunShan looked at me with an impatient face and said.

  I am not in a hurry, because my main purpose at this time is to stall for time, I need time to recover my vitality, WangWeiNan also need time to find here.

  "Back then, JIETOU's father should have had evidence of your crime, you were desperate, you came up with such a method, you have long stepped on the time point, know JIETOU's father will come to work at that time, if I am not wrong, you should be located on the first floor to the second floor of the stairs, you are watching JIETOU's father got into the elevator before you went upstairs. This speculation, and the content of the video is to confirm each other, because that video head, JIETOU's father is the first into the elevator, and you are the latter into."

  "You did something before entering the elevator, you stabbed the blade into your chest, and then sealed the wound with a patch to keep the blood from flowing out, then you gritted your teeth and endured the pain, pretending to be okay to enter the elevator, then deliberately looking for trouble and JIETOU's father clashed, pushing each other, and then, when JIETOU's father fought back, you just You suddenly ripped open the plaster sheet and held your breath to squeeze the blade out of your chest, so that you would naturally bleed a lot and naturally create the illusion of being stabbed by JIETOU's father, and in fact, this is all a bitter plan directed by you alone, right? Your purpose was to frame JIETOU's father, am I wrong?"