Brothers of one heart

After so long entangled time, my strategy finally succeeded, I used the sound of striking the west, finally snatched that soul beckoning lamp.

  That soul beckoning lamp is obviously specially made by YinYunShan, its function is two, one is to detain JIETOU's ghostly essence soul, the other function is to use the principle of life soul connection to achieve control over JIETOU.

  However, now, YinYunShan's evil intentions are declared to be in vain, because YunQingYue has already helped me to snatch the soul light, and next, as long as we release JIETOU's spirit, the soul will automatically attach itself to JIETOU's body, then YinYunShan will no longer be able to control JIETOU. Then, YinYunShan will not be able to control JIETOU.

  Of course, JIETOU's soul is already intact at this time, that is, after he gets the soul of the spirit, he will have an extra soul than normal people, I do not know what consequences this will bring, but I think it should not have much effect, so I am not very worried about JIETOU at this time.

  "Brat, actually play tricks with me, catch me flying dragon in the sky!"

  Seeing that I snatched away the Soul Invoking Lamp, YinYunShan was immediately furious, then yelled, hands rubbed, then manipulated the magic treasure gold fish impact towards me.


  The magic treasure gold fish in the process of impact, the body instantly grew larger and longer, in a trance, seems to become a golden dragon.

  The golden dragon roared and roared, and flew to come, the momentum is compelling, not normal people can easily stop, this situation makes me a burst of tension, then gritted my teeth and stomped my foot, flying to the side to lunge over, dodge the golden dragon impact at the same time, reach out a tug JIETOU said: "Go, first return to the soul, and then to clean up this old dog!"

  At this time JIETOU's body seems to have not been completely free, so his actions are a bit mechanical, his expression is also a bit wooden, but, when he heard my words, but still the first time to follow me to escape together towards the exit.

  "Want to run? It's not that easy!"

  Seeing our move, YinYunShan let out a cold cry, hands fiercely pushed, the treasure vase and treasure umbrella immediately flew towards the exit.

  "The treasure vase is like a mountain, the treasure umbrella covers the sky, I will make you have no way to go up to heaven and no way to enter the earth!"

  The treasure vase and the treasure umbrella, under the impetus of YinYunShan, instantly rose up and opened up, blocking the exit, and our path was instantly blocked.

  At that moment, seeing this situation, my heart sank, subconsciously dragged JIETOU back, while copied the soul-attracting lamp into my hand.

  "JIETOU, prepare to receive the soul, from this moment on, you will be completely free, and then we will go together to finish this evil old dog!"

  As I spoke, I ripped off the lampshade of the soul-recruiting lamp and poured out Yuan Qi, instantly wrapping up JIETOU's ghostly soul, then I held my breath and pushed the Yuan Qi, and soon sent the ghostly soul to JIETOU.

  JIETOU got the spirit of the ghost, immediately the whole body a shiver, subconsciously twitched a few times, said: "so cold, what is it?"

  "How? How do you feel? You now have one more soul than others, that soul of the ghost essence is a mixture of Yin energy, I do not know what kind of condition you will have after this extra soul, do you feel all right now?"

  JIETOU's reaction made me a moment of nervousness, subconsciously a grabbed his arm.

  "I'm fine, you let me take a moment, the new soul into the body, need to calm down," JIETOU patted my hand, look quite normal, which made me put down my heart.

  Since JIETOU is fine, the next step is to clean up YinYunShan the old dog.

  After the previous tangle, I already know a little bit about YinYunShan's routine.

  The first is that he needs to rely on the power of the Buddha statue, so his position must be very careful, can not just move, the second, YinYunShan's magic weapon although there are eight, but he can only activate two magic weapons at a time to attack, which makes his formation power plummeted, not as terrible as imagined, the third, his treasure handle The array attack range is limited, other than that, let's say this basement, although only a few dozen square feet, but when we retreat to the corner, YinYunShan but there is nothing to do with us, his magic weapon and can not attack us here.

  The only thing that depressed us now was that the exit of the basement was located right within the range of his big formation, so he could easily seal the exit and stop us.

  However, this couldn't affect us much anymore because we didn't want to escape at all now.

  "Give me the knife."

  A moment later, after JIETOU had calmed down, he glared coldly at YinYunShan while saying to me.

  "Good," I handed over the wood knife, holding the electric baton myself, also raised his eyes to YinYunShan, at the same time asked JIETOU: "your left, my right, together, he can only activate two magic treasures at a time, we one against one, a drum rush up, fuck him! "

  "Well," JIETOU point answered.

  "Go on!" I called out, wielding the electric baton and ready to charge forward.

  "YiHeng!" As a result, I was just about to rush up when JIETOU called me back.

  "JIETOU, what's wrong?" I turned back to look at him and asked with some curiosity.

  "Thank you," JIETOU looked at me deeply, then stopped talking and took the lead in wielding the woodchipper towards YinYunShan.

  "Good, two puppy day, are growing in spirit, come on, let you see my greatness!" Seeing our move, YinYunShan gritted his teeth and shouted, his palms flipped and manipulated the Vajra Knot and Golden Wheel to shoot towards us.

  "YinYunShan, your time to die has come!"

  JIETOU and I, one on each side, one blocking the Vajra Knot and the other blocking the Golden Wheel, then we gritted our teeth and shouted, and charged forward with all our might.

  "Ah ah ah ah ah - impossible, I absolutely can not lose to you two puppy day, master has a hundred years of cultivation, the invincible golden body, it is impossible to lose to you, you all go to hell!" See the vajra knot and the golden wheel can not stop us, YinYunShan can not help is anxious eyes canthus, subconsciously screamed, then he fiercely back another step, the whole body is attached to the Buddha statue, then he gritted his teeth a roar, double palm again, but control the third magic treasure shot towards us.

  "Victory Block Heavenly Rotation, Buddha's light is universal, suffer death!"

  Under the impetus of YinYunShan, ShengZhan treasure golden light, when the air rotates, light and shadow shine, that vajra knot and golden wheel of force and speed increased steeply, a time is pressed me and JIETOU are half an inch forward.

  "ChingYue, get ready!"

  At that moment, seeing this situation, the corner of my eyes a cold, do not feel a cold snort, then a lift of the arm, has YunQingYue again summoned.

  "Bring the cow ghosts and snake gods, hit me to death, I want to let this old thing know know the power!" I resisted the flying golden wheel while shouting to YunQingYue.

  Hearing my words, YunQingYue frowned slightly, then turned around abruptly, alone, and rushed toward YinYunShan, she did not bring the Bull Ghost and Snake God.