Absolute No Criminal Liability Period

The old man spoke to me with such seriousness for the first time. He said that everything he did was for my own good. I found it hard to believe, considering his love for money and how he never spent any on me or even gave me pocket money. Could it be that he was saving up to help me get married? The old man's thoughts were unpredictable, so I stopped questioning him and focused on worrying about Jietou instead.

As we walked along the main road, we tried to flag down a car but ended up encountering two police cars speeding towards us. They pulled over when they saw us, and Zhao Guohua stepped out of the car with Wu Zhenfeng and Wang Weinan.

"Hey there, Master," Zhao greeted the old man warmly as he shook his hand. "I've been looking all over for you guys."

"We were just about to look for you too," replied the old man before asking about Jietou's situation.

Zhao's expression darkened upon hearing this question. He turned around and instructed Wang Weinan to investigate at the scene while telling them to send the body to a funeral home before notifying the deceased's family members.

"The daughter of Yin Yunshan is currently serving as deputy director in our county women's federation," whispered Wu Zhenfeng worriedly as he approached them.

"I know," replied Zhao before sending Wu away. He then took out a cigarette box and offered one to the old man while lighting one himself. "This matter is quite serious now that someone has died, especially since Yin Yunshan's daughter holds an important position in our county government. It might not be easy for me to bail your disciple out directly.

Well, I know about this situation. Tell me your plan," the old man took a deep breath of smoke and asked.

"What plan can I have? The key now is to see the director's attitude," Zhao Guohua lowered his voice and said, "But it seems that the director's attitude is somewhat ambiguous. He doesn't seem to dare to directly cover up this matter."

"Of course, of course. Human life is at stake, so I understand his thoughts," the old man said.

"Well, we discussed this matter yesterday. So let's follow normal procedures for on-site investigation and evidence collection, body examination, witness testimony recording etc., all according to normal procedures. Oh right, Master Lao Shi (teacher), Xiao Wang told me that you and YiHeng little master were both at the scene then. In that case, would you both come back with me to the police station later to give statements?" Zhao Guohua asked.

"No problem. Keep talking about what the director means," Old Man wrinkled his brow slightly.

"The director wants us to try and classify this case as excessive defense; Lan Xiaodong hasn't reached legal criminal age yet so if classified as excessive defense he will be sent at most to a juvenile detention center or vocational school for a few years before being released again. Master Lao Shi (teacher), do you think it's appropriate if we handle it like this?" Zhao Guohua looked at Old Man and asked.

Upon hearing these words, Old Man smiled and said: "Old Zhao ah! Don't bully an illiterate blind person like me who doesn't read law books! Let me tell you something - while I may not understand other laws very well but when it comes to juvenile offenders' matters I am quite clear on them. As far as I know suspects under fourteen years of age are absolutely exempt from criminal responsibility period; legally speaking children in this age group who commit crimes generally do so because of their ignorance and inability to distinguish right from wrong, some even due to being willful and playful. Therefore, children in this stage who commit crimes usually don't go to juvenile detention centers but are handed over to their guardians for strict supervision and care. My disciple Jietou is only thirteen years old this year, yet you and the director plan on sending him to a juvenile detention center or vocational school? Isn't that a bit inappropriate?"

Old Man's words surprised me; I didn't expect him to have such impressive legal knowledge. I couldn't help but admire him wholeheartedly.

Zhao Guohua was also taken aback by what was said. He couldn't help but say with an ugly face, 'Master, what you said is not wrong, but who is Lan Xiaodong's guardian? It's Yin Yunshan's wife and daughter. Do you dare to entrust the child to them for care? I think it would be better to let him go to a juvenile detention center.'

'Nonsense! Who said that Yin Yunshan's wife and daughter are Jietou's guardians? Let me tell you, I am Jietou's only guardian. Just a few days ago, Yin Yunshan personally wrote a document transferring Jietou to me as his legal guardian. I have the document here. Don't believe me? Take a look,' the old man fumbled in his pocket and took out the document that Yin Yunshan had written on that day and handed it over to Zhao Guohua.

Zhao Guohua looked curious as he took the document and examined it carefully before furrowing his brows and pondering for a while before saying to the old man: 'Although this document has no legal effect, it is still significant evidence. Here's my suggestion: if you really want to save Lan Xiaodong, I can make an exception and help you get his household registration transferred under your name so that you can become his legal guardian legitimately. Then we can fight for him being placed under your strict supervision.'

'I already have Jietou's household registration certificate; do take a look at this,' The blind old man immediately pulled out Jietou's household registration booklet from his pocket.

Zhao Guohua was impressed by how resourceful the old man was; he gave him thumbs up then quickly called over a young police officer who took both documents back with him in order to transfer Jietou's household registration.

Afterwards Zhao Guohua looked at the old man with some concern and said, 'What we are most afraid of now is that the Qin family will not give up easily. Master, you may not know this yet, but Yin Yunshan's daughter, although young, is still a woman who has certain connections that can be used to her advantage. I heard she has good relations with a leader in the city government. If they hold onto this case and refuse to let go, it could be troublesome.'

'They can't do anything about it! According to the law Jietou doesn't have any criminal responsibility; what else can they do?' The old man sneered.

'Open attacks are easy to defend against but secret plots are hard to guard against. Master please be careful,' Zhao Guohua whispered.

'Don't worry; I've been wandering around for half my life and have never been afraid of anything. You go ahead boldly and if something happens I'll take care of it.' The blind old man suddenly became more imposing than ever before - it was the first time I had seen him so confident.

With this development, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as Jietou seemed like he might finally get saved.