What is the depth of love?

It was snowing heavily, with trees full of white flowers and the ground covered in snow. The campus was dimly lit, with only the porch lights shining dimly. Ms. Xiao Xie wore a down jacket on top, blue jeans below, and a red scarf around her neck as she built a snowman in the snow.

She talked to herself as if someone were accompanying her. Seeing her condition at that time, I couldn't help but wonder if her boyfriend's soul had been following her all along? If that were really the case, it wouldn't be good for me; I needed to do something about it.

At that moment, I thought of these things and quickly put on my clothes before going outside with an umbrella since it was still snowing. I walked over to Ms. Xiao Xie and looked through Heaven's Gate to see if her boyfriend's soul was really by her side or not. After looking for a while, however, I found no trace of his spirit; this meant that Ms. Xiao Xie's behavior was purely due to mental problems and psychological barriers because she clearly could not accept the fact that her boyfriend had died.

This surprised me because I couldn't imagine how deep their love must have been for Ms.Xiao Xie to fall into such madness-like state.

Does love really run so deep? It is difficult for me to understand perhaps because I have never experienced it myself.

Since there were no ghosts present nearby,I did not approach or talk to Ms.Xiao Xie.I held up my umbrella quietly watching as she slowly built up the snowman bit by bit.

"TianJiu,do you like it? Come on let's write some words on top," said Xiaoxielaoshi talking aloud while picking up a stick from the ground writing several words onto its back.

I took few steps closer and saw what she wrote: "Han Tianjiu forever loves Xie Yilin."

"Tianjiu, you can't go back on your word. You said you would love me forever." After writing the words, Ms.Xiao Xie danced around the snowman while humming a tune.

"A very infatuated woman," YunQingYue appeared quietly and sighed softly as she watched Ms.Xiao Xie's figure.

"I always feel like there is something going on here," I frowned.

"What else could it be?" YunQingYue sneered: "You just don't believe in people's love, do you?

Do you think her craziness is true love? Why bother to dwell on it when she's already dead? In this world, sometimes we need to be more open-minded. The world is so big, people die every day and are born every moment. This is the cycle of life. If everyone were like her, wouldn't chaos ensue?" I said to YunQingYue.

"Then go talk to her and try to persuade her. Don't you like older women? Maybe if you talk to her nicely, she'll come around and even fall for you," YunQingYue sneered.

"I will try to persuade her," I ignored YunQingYue's sarcasm and walked up to Xiao Xie Teacher. "Teacher Xie, your dancing was great."

"Huh?" Upon hearing my words, Xie Yilin stopped and turned around curiously pointing at me saying: "Aren't you the one from earlier today?"

"Yes, Liu YiHeng," I nodded.

"Oh yeah! Liu YiHeng! What are you doing out so late at night?" Xie Yilin's face instantly turned cold.

"Didn't you also stay up all night?" I smiled at her.

"I'm a teacher; can I do what students do? Go back and sleep now! Don't disturb me; I have important things to do!" Xie Yilin spoke harshly.

"Important things? Are you going on a date with your boyfriend?" I sneered.

"I'll count three times; get out of here right away before I see you again!" Xie Yilin flipped over immediately.

I frowned as I looked closely at her feeling that something was strange about the situation.


After stepping back from Xiao Xie Teacher, she immediately began to sing and dance around the snowman, looking like a madwoman.

I shook my head helplessly as I watched her. Suddenly, there was a gust of wind in the courtyard blowing through the treetops with a whistling sound. When I turned back to look, I saw that there was a faint layer of misty snow swirling around Xiao Xie Teacher.

The snow mist whirlwind blew fiercely while at the same time, from somewhere in the wilderness came faint cries and wails of ghosts. After a moment, when I opened Tianmen again and looked around, several lonely souls were floating towards Xiao Xie Teacher's direction.

"Oh no!"

Seeing this situation made me feel uneasy; instinctively running towards Xiao Xie Teacher.

I didn't expect it to be a soul-calling formation. Where did she learn these things from?"

As I was running, YunQingYue's puzzled voice echoed in my mind.

"I don't know where she learned it from, but I know she's not crazy. Her mind is fine, and she may have been deceived." I quickly finished talking with YunQingYue and stepped outside the snowstorm vortex. Then, with a cold shout and a hand seal, a thick aura rushed out of my left hand and instantly dispersed the snow mist while also disrupting the energy field of the soul-calling formation, causing it to lose its effectiveness immediately.


The soul-calling formation stopped operating, and those lonely ghosts lost their targets and cried out in pain before scattering away on their own.

"Liu YiHeng, what are you doing?!"

Having disrupted her formation, Xiao Xie teacher was full of anger as she glared at me angrily.

"Teacher Xie, who told you about this method of calling souls?" I stared coldly at Xiao Xie teacher as I asked her.

Upon hearing my words, Xiao Xie Lin clearly hesitated for a moment before taking a step back somewhat nervously while stuttering: "Wh-what kind of soul-calling array? What nonsense are you talking about?"

"You're not crazy or mentally ill; your mind is clear. Your madness is just an act. The snowman you built earlier was actually a puppet made for calling souls. You were singing around it while dancing to summon spirits using incantations that call forth souls along with dance steps that lure them in! What exactly do you want to do? This unique effect of your soul-calling array isn't aimed at any particular spirit but can summon any passing ghost instead! Who are you? What were you trying to do just now?!"

I frowned tightly and asked her in a low voice.

"You, don't talk nonsense. I didn't do anything. You're not an honest student; you're too annoying. I don't like you! Get out of here!"

Unable to answer my questions, Xiao Xie teacher began to throw a tantrum.

"It's no use throwing a tantrum. Let me tell you the truth: I'm a ghost hunter, and I've been keeping an eye on you. You'd better not commit any crimes; otherwise, even if you are a woman, I won't be polite with you." Ignoring her tantrum, I continued to warn her sternly.

"Help! Help--"

However, just as I was speaking these words, Xiao Xie suddenly screamed and rushed towards me.