I don't want to leave.

Lv Tao's experience confirms a saying: "A penny can stifle a hero." Yes, money isn't everything, but without it, one is powerless. I now understand why the blind man is so greedy for money; it's just a basic need for survival. However, on this freezing day, they managed to walk all the way from Shandong Province; that was quite an achievement. When I saw them, I didn't know how to react at first. "Little Master, there's no way we can repay your kindness and generosity. Thank you very much," Lv Tao said after introducing himself and bowing to me with clasped hands. I quickly helped him up and told him not to worry about it while looking over at Lv Longling beside him.

The little girl had delicate features with a typical melon-seed face despite her blue-purple frozen cheeks; her sparkling eyes and small lips still exuded liveliness.

Since rescuing her earlier until now when she looked at me shyly with lowered head as if feeling embarrassed by my gaze made me feel somewhat awkward.

"Uncle, walking back like this isn't going to work out for you guys. Have you thought of other ways to raise some money for travel expenses?" I asked Lv Tao.

"Heheh... Little Master, times are tough nowadays; who would help others without any reason? Besides my appearance scares people away," he replied wryly before continuing: "Moreover, people usually don't believe what I say; they think we're scammers."

"It doesn't matter if they don't believe you because I do," I smiled reassuringly at him before adding: "Let's go find something good to eat in town first since both of you look hungry then later on we'll figure out how to get enough money for your trip."

"Thank you so much Little Master! We've only met briefly yet your kindness towards us is too much," Lv Tao said gratefully, but his expression was somewhat wary as he scanned me suspiciously. He clearly had doubts about my intentions.

Helpless and bitter, I didn't say anything more and turned to walk towards the street instead.

Seeing this situation, Lv Tao hesitated for a moment before leading Lv Longling to follow me reluctantly.

"Hey hey! I'm telling you, don't worry about it. Little Master has a kind heart like Buddha; she would never harm anyone. You shouldn't hesitate anymore since she's willing to help you out," Zhou Qi said while walking beside Lv Tao after noticing his hesitation earlier.

Hearing Zhou Qi's words made Lv Tao grin: "Brother is right; I haven't even asked yet."

"Zhou Qi, that one is Zhang Huai while this one is Tian Hao. The three of us are brothers," Zhou Qi introduced himself before catching up with me and asking: "Little Master, how do you plan on raising money for their trip? It's quite far from here to Xiangxi Province; transportation costs alone will be expensive not including food expenses which could easily cost hundreds of yuan. Are you going to ask us three...?"

This bastard was also shrewd because he thought I wanted them to give money.

When I heard him speak like that, I coldly snorted without answering him intentionally just so that he'd feel uncomfortable for a bit longer.

Once we arrived at the restaurant in town where we ordered several dishes and began eating together at the table.

Lv Longling was really hungry as she reached over directly trying to grab a chicken leg when the food arrived.

No rules!" Lv Tao slapped the little girl's hand away and licked his lips, then looked at us with a smirk. "Thank you for your hospitality. I don't know what to say."

"No need to talk, just eat," I said without much ado and started eating.

I wasn't actually very hungry, but I did it to let Lv Tao and his daughter eat in peace.

Sure enough, when they saw me start eating, they quickly followed suit.

They hadn't had such a good meal in who knows how long, so all the dishes on the table were cleared out in no time.

At that moment, watching Lv Longling desperately stuffing himself with food made my heart ache.

Ah...I don't know what their situation is or why this father-daughter pair has fallen into such dire straits?

After finishing the meal, both father and daughter looked embarrassed and sat there somewhat awkwardly looking at me.

"Little master," seeing me staring blankly at Lv Longling, Zhou Qi nudged my arm.

"Hmm?" I snapped out of it and quickly smiled before taking out ten one hundred yuan bills from my pocket and handing them to Lv Tao. "Uncle, take this money as travel expenses."

One thousand yuan was definitely a huge sum of money back then.

Lv Tao never expected that I would give him so much money directly like this.

Not only him but even Zhou Qi's eyes began to shine upon seeing me pull out so much cash all at once.

"Little master, have you struck it rich again recently?" Zhou Qi asked flatteringly with a grin on his face.

"Just a small gesture," I smiled faintly while putting away the remaining money before standing up ready to leave.


However, what surprised me was that just as soon as I stood up suddenly there was a muffled sound; turning around only then did I realize that Lv Tao had actually knelt down on the ground.

"Uncle, what are you doing?!" I was shocked and quickly went to help him up.

Little master, you are truly a bodhisattva who has descended to earth. I don't know what to say," said Lü Tao as tears rolled down his eyes.

Lü Tao's actions made me feel a bit flustered and unsure of what to do. After some persuasion, I managed to help him up. He then hoarsely spoke to me, "Little master, truth be told, we have no relatives or jobs back in our hometown. We came out here looking for family and a place to stay. But even if we were to go back home, it wouldn't mean much."

"Old Lü, just tell us straight up - what do you want?" asked Zhou Qi.

"Little master, I know that you're an extraordinary person with great potential in the future. So if it's alright with you...I won't leave and will stay here with you," said Lü Tao while looking at me.

I was taken aback but then chuckled awkwardly and replied: "Uncle, your words are too heavy-handed; I'm still only in junior high school - just a kid."

"Is little master rejecting us father-daughter duo?" Lü Tao looked despondent.

"Erm..." I felt helpless about how best to handle this situation.

"I think this could work out," interjected Zhou Qi at the critical moment. "Don't worry; let him work with us first."

"Alright then; I'll leave this matter in your hands." Turning towards Zhou Qi again after giving them 1k yuan as investment capital into their partnership venture together he added: "Don't cheat him or else there will be consequences."

"How can that be? Little Master need not worry! We hope that we can earn big money by following you!" reassured Zhou Qi.

"You seem quite savvy; okay then - let's leave things like this for now." With that, I had to leave for class and instructed Zhou Qi to take care of Lü Tao and his daughter.