Somebody entered the cave.

While I was talking to An Yesu, YunQingYue reminded me that someone had entered the cave.

This situation made me nervous because besides Lu Dakun and his men, there should be no one else who could follow me into this mountain cave.

Of course, I am not afraid of Lu Dakun and his people. I am just worried that once they come in and find An Yesu, both sides will definitely fight. At that time, it would be difficult for me to decide which side to help.

At this moment, thinking about these things in my heart, I first hid the chicken egg luminous stone in my arms and concealed its light. Then I squatted down behind a rock and released my energy to investigate towards the entrance of the cave.

However, when I saw what the person looked like clearly, I was a little stunned.

The person who came was not Lu Dakun and his men but two unexpected people - an old man around fifty years old and a young woman around twenty years old.

I didn't know the old man before; we had never met. But as for that woman, her appearance was clear in my memory - she was none other than Dr. Xiao Cai whom I had seen at the entrance of Lujia Gou Village's clinic before!

How did she get here? What is going on?

Right! They are biologists who came to Lujia Gou specifically to study An Yesu's body structure. Could it be possible that they have already located where An Yesu is hiding?

But something seems off about all this too... It's pitch black here; why aren't they using flashlights?

At this point, something clicked inside me as if by instinct so without hesitation or explanation from them yet ,I turned around immediately ran towards An Yesu instead .

"What are you doing?" An Yesu thought I wanted to attack him so he couldn't help but grit his teeth and growl.

"Shh..." I made a gesture to silence him, then quickly helped him up with one hand while holding the small female corpse in the other. Then, leading them both, we moved deeper into the cave.

"Is there any water or anything at the bottom of this cave? For safety's sake, you should hide first." I said to An Yesu as we walked.

"I won't hide! I'm not afraid of Lu Dakun. Let him come; I want to fight him to death!

What makes me collapse is that An Yesu suddenly became stubborn at this time. Not only did he break free from my hand, but he also spoke loudly. As a result, things went wrong when he spoke like this. "Who are you? Stop and don't move!" Two sharp beams of light shone from afar, and Dr. Xiao Cai and the old man opened their flashlights directly after hearing the sound. The flashlight instantly shone on us, and then the two rushed over quickly while shouting for us not to move. This situation made me anxious, urging An Yesu to run faster.

An Yesu was a bit confused too; he obviously didn't know who these two people were.

"Who are they? What's so scary about two ordinary people? And one of them is a woman! I scared them out of their wits! Why should I run?" An Yesu said disdainfully to me.

"Fool! They're police officers with guns! They're here to arrest you! Do you want to die?" I lowered my voice and shouted at him while gesturing for him to hurry up.

Seeing my actions, he hesitantly pulled the little girl's corpse towards a nearby pond.

As a result, just as he was still several meters away from the pond, Dr. Xiao Cai and the old man caught up with him.

"Don't move or we'll shoot!" After Dr. Xiao Cai came up, she ignored me directly and aimed her gun at An Yesu.

An Yesu obviously didn't take her seriously because he continued walking forward another step.


A loud noise rang out as a tongue of fire shot out; a bullet hit the stone in front of An Yesu instantly smashing it into pieces.

This situation shocked An Yesu; instinctively stopping his footsteps where he stood frozen in place by the shocking power of that bullet.

"Hey, police sister, I think you may have misunderstood. He's not a bad guy." At this time, seeing this situation, I quickly tried to divert Dr. Xiao Cai's attention and let An Yesu escape.

"You also can't move or speak!" The old policeman next to Dr. Xiao Cai pointed his gun at me and sternly shouted.

"Young man, how did you know that I'm a police officer? You've got good eyesight." Hearing my words, Dr. Xiao Cai took out handcuffs while laughing and asked me.

I thought you were taking me for a fool. You have night vision goggles, a handgun, handcuffs, and your well-built figure. If you're not a cop, what else could you be?

"Sister, your temperament is extraordinary. When I first saw you that day, I knew you were a police officer," I said with a smile.

"You are indeed very insightful. We also have to thank you. We've been staking out the Lu family's valley for more than half a year and haven't been able to find this guy's whereabouts until now. Thanks to you chasing him all the way here, we might not have caught him otherwise," Dr. Xiao Cai said.

"Have you been following Lu Dakun and his gang?" At this point, I realized something was wrong and couldn't help but speak up.

"You are indeed smart. It would be such a waste if you didn't become a police officer in the future after all." Dr. Xiao Cai spoke as he walked towards An Yesu.

"What are you going to do with him? He is pitiful; he killed someone because he had no other choice," I asked worriedly.

"Hmph! Kill someone because he had no other choice? What nonsense is that? Based on his crime alone, executing him ten times wouldn't be an issue at all! I can execute him right here without any problem!" Dr. Xiao Cai completely ignored my words.

At that moment, seeing this situation made me anxious; then weighing it in my mind ultimately decided to do something about it - I couldn't let them catch An Yesu.

"QingYue, he's your reincarnated brother; can't save his life or death depends on whether or not YunQingYue agrees."

I conveyed these words to YunQingYue immediately afterward.

Upon hearing my words,YunQingYue nodded and then flew towards Dr. Xiao Cai.

"What the hell?!" Dr. Xiao Cai was knocked off balance by YunQingYue's sudden attack, exclaiming in surprise before immediately aiming her gun at An Yesu, shouting loudly: "You dare to play tricks?! You're dead!"

"Run fast!" Seeing this situation, I couldn't help but shout at An Yesu.

"You little brat! You're in cahoots with that guy; you're also looking for death!" Upon hearing my words, the old police officer in front of me immediately shouted and pulled the trigger without hesitation. A bullet went straight towards my forehead.