That woman likes you.

"Hula -"

With a light sound, the wind blew and YunQingYue pulled off Xie Yilin's quilt.


As soon as the quilt was lifted, a scream came out. I screamed because I saw something I shouldn't have seen.

Xie Yilin wasn't wearing anything on her body.

What is going on? Why isn't this woman wearing clothes to sleep? At least wear some close-fitting clothes. What does it mean to be naked like this?

Of course, these are all secondary now. The key now is that my eyes can't move away.

YunQingYue was right. This guy is very white and big, really white, making my eyes a little blurry when looking at him. Oh yeah, there are also two snow-white smooth slender **** with a hint of green grass at the intersection.

I'm going crazy. My eyes scan up and down while drooling and flames start to rise from my body unconsciously.

After watching for a long time and almost touching her hands-on, I found a very strange situation: how come she has been lying here without any movement after being uncovered for so long?

Then I looked at her face again and found that she had actually closed her eyes and fell asleep!

Damn it! What's going on?

I subconsciously looked towards YunQingYue only to find that she was standing there with crossed arms and an expression of disdain on her face.

"Did you knock her out?" I asked in astonishment.

"I didn't knock her out. Are you waiting for yourself to do it?" When YunQingYue spoke, she emphasized the word "knock".

"What are you talking about? Am I that kind of person?" I quickly covered Xie Yilin's quilt back over her body.

"You're not that kind of person? Your eyeballs almost popped out. Do you think I didn't see it?" YunQingYue snorted and walked away while glaring at me, "A cheap person is always pretending to be sentimental, talking about tucking in the quilt and the crescent moon? Just put her to sleep like this, isn't that solving the problem? Don't you have this ability? I think you're a shameless pervert!"

I was so embarrassed that my forehead started sweating. I quickly escaped from Xie Yilin's dormitory and stood in the campus, looking at the deep night sky with a depressed heart.

"Aren't you going back to sleep yet? Are you still not giving up and planning on crawling into her bed? She's completely naked now, which makes it convenient for you." YunQingYue's cold voice sounded.

"QingYue, I want to talk to you," I went to sit by the pond on a rock and called her out.

"What do we need to talk about?" YunQingYue pouted in front of me with an expression of disdain on her face.

I don't think this is a good situation. We are now spiritually fused and understand each other's thoughts. You know my every move and even what I'm thinking in my heart," I frowned and continued, "But this makes things complicated. As you know, I am a normal person who will eventually get married, have children, and start a family. I also have feelings and emotions. If I really meet a girl that I like in the future, I won't let her go. When we fall in love with each other, there will inevitably be some intimate actions between us. But then you'll always be stuck between us which isn't ideal."

"I don't mind at all; don't worry about it. If you truly like someone else someday, I won't interfere," YunQingYue said.

"That's not okay either; it feels uncomfortable for me personally as if someone is spying on me all the time." Looking at her, I asked: "Can we find a way to solve this problem?"

"How?" YunQingYue looked at me curiously.

I thought for a moment before saying: "What if we do this? In the future when I'm with another girl, you can take the initiative to stay away from us since our minds are connected anyway so distance wouldn't matter much."

"This is indeed an issue that needs solving but unfortunately right now you're not capable of doing that yet," YunQingYue smirked after hearing my suggestion.

"Are there any solutions?" Curious about what she had in mind.

"Of course," she nodded confidently.

"Tell me quickly! What should we do?" Excitedly asking her.

"The first thing is to improve your cultivation level until you can control your own thoughts freely without transmitting them through Lingya anymore so that way even though our minds are still connected but they would no longer affect mine."

"And secondly, you still need to improve your cultivation level until you can completely refine and transform the chaotic energy in the Purple Mansion Space. Then, you'll be able to control the entire space and seal it off so that I won't be able to sense your thoughts or anything outside of it." YunQingYue added with a self-deprecating tone: "Why am I telling you all this? Am I not digging my own grave?"

"Don't worry; for now, this is just a hole that I cannot jump into yet because my cultivation level is far from reaching that stage," I sighed helplessly as I stood up and stretched lazily. "It seems like for several years, I won't be able to freely interact with girls."

"Are you being too harsh on yourself? Have I ever interfered when you were interacting normally with other girls?" YunQingYue frowned at me before continuing: "Just take Xu Qin as an example; have I ever said anything about her even though she's always hanging around with us? Or what about when you're together with Lu Longling? Did I cause any trouble then? It's just that sometimes, seeing how indiscriminate and lecherous you are towards anyone regardless of age makes me feel uncomfortable which is why sometimes, out of concern for your well-being, I remind you. As for Xie Yilin who's older than you by several years since she's your teacher what do want from her?

What's the big deal? My sister-in-law is ten years older than me, and you never objected," I muttered. "I've always been well-behaved, haven't I? I didn't ask her to do anything with me."

"You fool, don't you see it yet?" YunQingYue looked at me and asked.

"See what?" I asked curiously.

"That woman likes you," YunQingYue said.

I was stunned for a moment before laughing out loud. "Are you kidding me? How could she like me?"

"If you don't believe it, forget it. As a woman, I naturally understand women's thoughts. She has been looking at you in an unusual way. If you keep entangling with her like this, there will be big trouble." YunQingYue sneered.

"Aren't you a man?" I looked at YunQingYue and said.

"I can't be bothered with that anymore. Reminder done. Whether or not you listen is up to you. I'm going back to sleep now." After finishing speaking, YunQingYue went straight back to the Purple Mansion Space.

Now, I was somewhat confused standing there for half a day without being able to digest everything that had just happened.

Xie Yilin likes me? That's ridiculous! Not only is she still immersed in grief over her ex-boyfriend's death but also considering my age, appearance and status - what makes her likeable?

However,YunQingyue's words reminded me of something important so couldn't help but shout out: "Qingyue,Qingyue come out quickly,I have something important to ask."

"What are calling my name for? Are we making noise here or what? Speak if there's anything important!" Yunqing Yue walked out full of displeasure

"Hehe,I want your opinion on something. Based on your observation, which girls currently like me? Does Long Ling like me? What about Xu Qin? And that Wang Qinyuan from before. Oh yeah, and my sister-in-law. Which one of them likes me the most?