Clown-like performance

We followed the old man out of the room, walking along a corridor next to the wall and finally being led into a dimly lit small room. In the center of the room was a table covered with golden cloth, with curtains hanging down that completely concealed the space under it. This made the table look more like a square box than a table.

There were incense burners and candles on top of the table, and red cloth surrounded all four walls of the room, creating an extremely eerie atmosphere.

An old woman with white hair, wrinkles all over her face, and thin body sat cross-legged on a cushion in front of the table wearing navy blue clothes. After leading us in, the old man left.

The old woman asked us to sit down on cushions in front of her. During this process, I took a closer look at her and found that she had sharp features with high cheekbones and looked cunning. She also seemed resentful towards men which made me feel suspicious.

Later when I tried to use my spiritual energy to probe her thoughts but found no response from her at all which only increased my suspicion that she had no cultivation or Taoism skills; she was just an ordinary person.

However since she could communicate with spirits then how did she do it?

In this situation I had an uneasy feeling that our trip might be futile not only wasting time and money but also causing misunderstandings later on.

While I was still anxious inside, The old woman asked Han Yi for Han Tianjiu's name , birth date as well as month day hour he passed away . Then The grandmother turned around , folded hands together slightly squinted eyes before shaking violently while biting teeth shouting: "Oh oh oh! How miserable my death is! It hurts so much! I died after being hit by car ah ah ah--"

"Ah! It really is Tianjiu!" We didn't tell her anything about him dying from a car accident. She must have summoned his spirit! Girl, do you have any questions? You can only ask three questions each so think carefully."

"I hear you, I hear you," Han Yi replied excitedly.

"Okay then be quiet and don't speak." The old woman spoke while flipping through the seals in her hand and chanting words. After a moment, she suddenly shook her body violently, pushed both hands to the ground on either side of her body with neck stretched out and eyes staring straight ahead before gritting teeth and shouting: "Ah ah ah! My death is so miserable! It hurts so much! I was hit by a car ah ah ah--"

"Oh my god it's really Tianjiu!" We didn't tell her anything about him dying from being hit by a car. She must have summoned his spirit!

"Auntie misses you very much Tianjiu. How are things going over there?" Han Yi asked while wiping away tears as she looked at the old woman.

"It's going well mom, don't worry about me but I'm short of money here though. New ghosts get bullied easily too. Remember to burn more paper money for me when you go back okay?" The old woman said in a rough voice.

"Mmhm Mom will definitely burn more for you.Tianjiu oh ,you must also work hard over there okay? Don't worry we're doing fine here your dad and I are healthy .It's just that your younger brother isn't doing well academically but Mom will burn more paper money for him later on.You take this money over there to help pave the way for him alright?"

"Don't worry mom,I'm already working on it.Your younger brother will definitely become an official with great wealth in future!"

"That's good.Do you have anything else that worries or concerns you? Tell Mom about them.Mom will help."

"Nope? Mom, you should step aside now. I'm grateful to the great fairy grandma for summoning me back but time is limited." The third question ended and the old woman used Han Tianjiu's words to inform Han Yi that it was over.

After Aunt Han stepped aside, it was Xie Yilin's turn. Xie Yilin nervously trembled and tears blurred her face. She finally crawled forward and tremblingly said, "Tian Jiu, yes, I'm sorry for arguing with you that day. Otherwise, you wouldn't have... Tian Jiu, I know I was wrong. I was wrong... Waaah..." Xie Yilin cried uncontrollably.

Seeing Xie Yilin's condition, the old lady's eyes visibly flickered before she shouted loudly: "Oh dear! You wicked woman! I hate you so much! If you want me to forgive you then burn 99 ghost papers for me and recite sutras for 100 days!"

"Tian Jiu, do you really forgive me? Don't worry about it; whatever task you give me will be done when I go back home to burn paper offerings and recite sutras." Xie Yilin looked at the old lady in surprise.

"Well... since your heart is sincere enough to ask forgiveness from me despite our past grievances being like smoke now that they've passed on into the afterlife realm where my career lies ahead of me," the old lady lowered her voice as she spoke. "Do you have any other business?"

"Nope," replied Xie Yilin while wiping away her tears. "I just wanted to ask if you still love me."

"I already told ya; what happened in the past is gone with the wind," said the old lady impatiently. "If there's nothing else then step aside because time is running out!"

After stepping back herself, it was my turn to ask questions.

At this point in time though having seen through their scheme earlier on beforehand myself already by now - thus causing a cold sneer escape from my lips - I approached Tian Jiu and asked him directly: "Big Brother Tian Jiu, do you know where Mo Du Mountain is?"

"Mo Du Mountain? What's that?" The old lady was taken aback and clearly didn't understand.

"Tian Jiu, how could you forget? Mo Du Mountain is right next to our school," Xie Yilin couldn't help but add.

"Oh... I remember now. Yin Yang separation has caused me to forget many things. Hehehe... Little brother, don't ask about trivial matters like this; hurry up and get to the important stuff." The old lady quickly found a way to explain her lapse in memory.

Seeing this situation unfold before my eyes, I inwardly laughed as I wasn't in any rush since there were still two more questions left for me to ask. After pondering for a moment, I looked at the old lady and asked: "Big Brother Tian Jiu, there's one more important thing - on the night before your death, didn't you have relations with my sister-in-law? She's already three months pregnant now. What name would you like us to give the child?"

"The child can be named Han Si Jin," replied the old lady without hesitation as she made up a nice-sounding name on the spot.

At this point in time upon hearing what had been said by Big Brother Tian Jiu himself regarding his past relationship with my sister-in-law which resulted in her pregnancy of three months' duration already by then - causing me unable resist laughing out loud while looking over towards Xie Yilin who was standing there dazed and confused not knowing how she should react or respond at all!