Dong Zhong Rou

The Buddha once said: "Men and women in this world who commit the following sins will be reborn as mountain spirits or water monsters:

1. They witness the suffering of sentient beings, have enough strength to help, but choose not to.

2. They receive kindness from others but intentionally forget it, instead holding grudges and wanting to harm those who helped them.

These two types of people accumulate merit during their lifetime by reciting sutras and mantras, giving alms to the poor, hoping to achieve immortality or enlightenment on the path of Buddhism. Therefore, after death they are spared from entering various hells and suffering there; however, they still suffer punishment for their sins as demons such as goblins, ogres, mountain sprites; tree gods; water monsters; zombies; wandering souls or possessing animal spirits like foxes bears or dragons. Some may last thousands of years while others only a few hundred.


"Wu Xiaofei! I curse your ancestors! You wait for me tomorrow when I sober up. If I don't make you kneel down and call me daddy then my name isn't Liu Yiheng!"

Wu Xiaofei left and I watched his back disappear with grinding teeth full of hatred.

The night was darkening with clouds gathering overhead obscuring what had been a clear moon just moments before indicating that rain was imminent.

I was so depressed at this point that tears were about ready to fall.

What kind of situation is this? Tied naked onto a tree with my penis stuffed into a hole in its trunk - if someone saw me like this how could I ever live it down?

Furthermore even if no one sees me here now what happens if some creature bites off my manhood causing it swell up like an eggplant? Going around town bowlegged would be humiliating enough for life!

So at this moment all I could do was desperately beg Yun Qingyue to quickly untie me.

"Hmph, who told you to drink so much? You can just stay there. I'm not helping you," Yun Qingyue coldly snorted and continued trimming her nails.

As a result of her delay, something big happened.

It was springtime with the old peach tree having just sprouted new leaves and buds all over its branches. So even though my body was itching like crazy from being pricked by thorns, due to the anesthesia of alcohol I didn't feel too much discomfort.

After relaxing for a while, I smelled the faint fragrance of peach blossoms which calmed my mind down completely.

The night breeze blew through causing the leaves on the tree to rustle gently making everything in this world seem fresh and peaceful.

I was drunk and tired so I hugged onto that trunk tightly closing my eyes as sleepiness crept up on me without realizing it...

"Boom! Boom!"

What surprised me was that just as I had closed my eyes ready for a nap, thunder rumbled overhead indicating an impending storm!

This situation made me anxious so I couldn't help but shout at Yun Qingyue: "Hurry up! Let go of me! It's going to rain!"

"What are you afraid of? It's not like it's raining knives!" Yun Qingyue pouted in response.

Feeling helpless now, all I could do was twist around trying desperately to break free from those ropes.

I was fine when I didn't move, but as soon as I moved, I suddenly felt something in the tree hole hit my private part. I was startled and dared not tell YunQingYue. Instinctively, I tried to move back, but unfortunately Wu Xiaofei had tied a rope around my butt without me realizing it. This made it impossible for me to retract my body.

Then even stranger things happened - the inside of the tree hole became warm and soft material surrounded my private part. This situation gave me goosebumps all over my body and I couldn't help screaming at YunQingYue to let go of me.

Seeing my condition, YunQingYue walked over with a curious frown and asked: "What's wrong? Were you really bitten by insects?"

"No, it's not's something scarier!" Although feeling scared and horrified inside, there was nothing that could resist what was happening to my body.

The warmth and slippery sensation from within the tree hole caused an indescribable pleasure which made me erect uncontrollably; so much so that it felt like it had grown into a size comparable to a small arm.

Unaware of what was happening due to her soul form being able see through trees trunks , she looked down towards where i stood . She immediately raised her eyebrows sharply upon seeing this reaction from me before shouting shrilly at me: "You pervert! You're still thinking about these kinds of things at this time?! It seems like you haven't learned your lesson yet! Stay here!"

"Hey hey hey! It's not what you think! There is something inside...a monster or something...please save me!" But YunQingYue did not listen because we were connected mentally; she must have also sensed how pleasurable it felt for me. She coldly snorted then went straight back into the Purple Mansion space.

Now I was really in trouble. Although my mind struggled, my body could not resist the pleasure that continued to grow stronger and stronger. The thing inside the tree hole wriggled back and forth, rubbing against my private part.

I couldn't hold on any longer; I felt like my whole body was going to explode. This might be the first time in my life that I would have to give up control of myself.

No! No!

I screamed in my heart but ultimately it was all futile. A hot stream rushed out from the base of spine, running through every meridian channel at an increasing speed which made me feel like being roasted alive as muscles tightened all over me.

Gooji gooji--"

The thing in the tree hole seemed to sense my state and moved faster and faster. I couldn't help but climb higher and higher, feeling like a volcano that could erupt at any moment.

"Boom boom--crackling--"

The sky thundered and lightning flashed, as if the whole world was being stirred up by me. The first spring rain of the year poured down with a crash.

Raindrops fell on me, cold at first but instantly turning into white hot steam due to my body heat.

"Ah - I can't take it anymore, help me!"

At this point, I shivered all over from the cold rain. Under tension, I was about to lose control.

"QingYue! YunQingYue!"

In desperation, I couldn't help but scream out in agony.

But unexpectedly, when I screamed out loud, a warm stream flowed out of the tree hole and instantly merged into my body. Stimulated by this warmth flow,I finally lost control completely and hugged tightly onto the big peach tree while biting hard before letting out a wild wolf-like howl:


Under screams of horror,I trembled all over until finally releasing all of my Yang Yuan for the first time into that tree hole.


I groaned softly as waves after waves were released from my body until everything was finally spent.I felt like walking back-and-forth between heaven and hell.