I have put up with you for a long time


With a muffled sound, I fell heavily to the ground. I could almost hear the sound of my bones breaking. My whole body felt like it had completely fallen apart, and blood accumulated in my chest for a long time without being able to spit it out. In the end, I could only struggle in that suffocating state until I passed out completely.

I don't know how long it was before I woke up from my daze feeling all over sore and painful as if thousands of poisonous insects were biting me at once, causing unbearable pain.

I struggled and convulsed with every bone in my body seemingly broken until finally after enduring prolonged agony everything became calm again.

Afterwards, exhausted beyond measure, I fell into a deep sleep like death itself.

I don't know how long this lasted either but suddenly felt an icy coldness all over me which made me shiver uncontrollably and wake up instantly.

Looking around bleary-eyed, I saw that it was already late at night with the eastern sky showing signs of dawn approaching. The fine rain continued to fall softly on everything soaking me through entirely while mountain winds blew making everything feel freezing cold.

Covered in mud from head to toe and staggering unsteadily as I got up from the ground where I had been lying down earlier still feeling sore all over; instinctively activating Ling Tai's secret technique hoping to recover some strength while also dispelling any remaining chilliness within myself when suddenly a voice sounded beside me startling me greatly!

Turning around quickly only then did Yun Qing Yue come into view who said: "This tree has been split in half! The trunk is burnt charcoal black now so there's no way it can survive."

She frowned looking towards the old peach tree on top of the hill which had indeed cracked open revealing its insides having been burned black by fire rendering it dead beyond recovery.

Clearly she must have left my Purple Mansion space long ago and had already taken in her surroundings. Her reminder made me recall everything that had happened earlier which then flashed through my mind.

So, with nothing on but mud and water all over me, I climbed up the hill quickly to see for myself what she was talking about. Soon enough I arrived at the foot of the old peach tree whereupon looking closely saw that it had indeed split into two halves with its trunk burnt black as Yun Qing Yue said.

Seeing this, I instinctively looked up towards the sky above the branches wondering if that woman I saw before was real or just a figment of my imagination?

I couldn't tell anymore whether it was an illusion or a dream vision? All I knew for sure was that my virginity was gone; having defiled this peach tree which led to being struck by lightning almost losing my life!

Half of this responsibility lay solely on me since who told me to drink so much alcohol? But another half belonged to Yun Qing Yue too! If only she hadn't been so indifferent watching from afar while laughing at my misfortune none of these things would have happened!

At the moment, I turned around coldly and stared at YunQingYue.

"What does that expression mean?" YunQingYue couldn't help but sneer when she saw my expression.

I didn't speak, silently walked to the ground next to me and found my clothes.

After finding my clothes, I hugged them and walked down the mountain. There is a small pond below the mountain, and I want to wash in it first.

While walking down the mountain, I felt that something was wrong with my body. My steps were a bit unreal. Every time I took a step, I felt that the time and distance of landing were different from what I expected. This feeling was strange and gave me an inexplicable sense of stepping on air or having an early solid feeling.

I didn't know what was going on. It may be because of last night's events that caused some residual effects on my nerves.

I tried to adapt to my pace and soon got used to it gradually.

Soon, I came to the foot of the mountain, found that pond, jumped in for a clean-up before putting on wet clothes again. After checking myself briefly without any major abnormalities discovered , only then did i relax , lifted up one foot towards home .

Throughout this process, I maintained a calm attitude while YunQingYue quietly followed beside me watching me all along .

After watching for a long time , she finally became bored so she went back into her Purple Mansion space by herself .

Seeing this situation , i scanned around quickly and soon found a haystack . So i headed over there immediately .

The haystack was made up of corn stalks bundled together . As long as you lift open one or two bundles casually , you can easily build yourself a small shelter inside .

After walking over there , i found somewhere suitable inside where i could sit cross-legged comfortably after which i immediately held my breath concentrating deeply , my mind and spirit became one as i entered into the Purple Mansion space .

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh -"

The wind whistled in my ears , I flew down to the ground and scanned around . Soon after , I spotted YunQingYue's figure.

After seeing her, I didn't say a word but quickly walked towards her.

YunQingYue realized that something was wrong with my expression and turned to run away.

But how could she outrun me? This is my Purple Mansion space, it is my world, and I am the master here!

With a thought in mind , a roaring surge of elemental energy rushed towards YunQingYue. Soon after it wrapped tightly around her body pulling her towards me .

"You bastard Liu YiHeng! What do you want to do? Let go of me!

YunQingYue struggled subconsciously, and the scorching sun energy on her body hissed outwards, trying to break through my vitality. However, those scorching sun energies were quickly integrated into my own vitality, causing her to sink into a quagmire instantly. Even if she had great power, there was no space for her to use it.

"What do you want me to do?" I walked up and lifted her delicate chin with a cold gaze. "You made me lose my virginity. Do you think that's the end of it?"

"You bastard! That's your own problem! Don't blame me! If you hadn't gotten drunk like a dead dog, how could you have been tied up by some ruffian?!" YunQingYue shouted.

"That's partly your responsibility too. You always mock and ridicule me every day without considering the bigger picture or timing. I've tolerated you for so long before because I cared about you and liked you; I indulged in your behavior. But I never expected that you would become more reckless over time until now when this happened." I glared at her as I spoke.

After hearing what I said, YunQingYue became somewhat nervous and instinctively lowered her voice: "Um... don't misunderstand me; at first, all I wanted was to teach you a lesson but later on things got out of hand. When that happened, an invisible force sealed off your Purple Palace Space which prevented me from leaving even though I tried saving you."

"Listen carefully," she continued speaking softly while looking downcasted: "I may be harsh sometimes but have ever backed away when danger came knocking? You say that care about me and indulge in my behavior - well then why can't it be vice versa? Except for not wanting to indulge in everything thing else we are equal.