The first time on three ......P?

After a while, in our room, two beds merged into one and three people lay side by side.

"I'm so tired. I'll take a nap first. If anything happens later, you two stinky boys protect me well and don't let that rat spirit touch me."

Xie Yilin lay down with her clothes on and fell asleep soon after.

I had already put on my clothes and was lying down with a pillow in my arms. I was also very sleepy and wanted to sleep for a while.

"JIETOU, how do you feel?" I asked JIETOU yawningly.

"I'm fine. If you're tired, go ahead and sleep. I'll watch over you guys," JIETOU's calm voice came through.

"You're really amazing. You've been through so much without getting tired. Are you made of iron?" I laughed.

"The master taught you the technique too, didn't he? Haven't you practiced it?" JIETOU asked me.

"I have practiced it but I'm lazy as you know," I said sheepishly.

"When we were in the car earlier, I silently practiced the technique all along so that's why I'm not tired now. You can go ahead and sleep; don't worry about anything because I will protect both of you," JIETOU said to me reassuringly.

"Okay," I nodded and glanced at Xie Yilin who was sleeping soundly between us thinking that she might be caught off guard if someone tried to harm her at this time.

This woman is really bold; she can even sleep so sweetly between two young men like us! It makes me wonder how she has survived all these years.

Speaking of which, there doesn't seem to be anything special about her; why did that rat spirit target her specifically? Could it be that she is also some kind of virgin with three yin points?

As I thought about this, I fell asleep without realizing it.

After falling asleep, I had a very strange dream. It was the first time in a long while that I had dreamed so the memory of it was particularly clear to me.

In my dream, I felt myself floating up and being blown around by the wind. Later on, I didn't know where I landed but everything around me was hazy with white mist swirling all around. In my daze, I could vaguely see someone waving at me from afar.

I instinctively walked towards that person but then realized that there was a huge mountain standing behind him.

The mountain was pitch black with smooth and shiny walls; it didn't seem like an ordinary stone mountain which made me curious. Without thinking much about it, I looked up only to find my vision suddenly pulled away as if standing on top of clouds. Then when I looked forward again, the mountaintop in front of me turned into an enormous ancient sword.

The handle of the sword is simple and old-fashioned while its body glimmers with light.

A black figure stands quietly on top of the clouds; he suddenly reaches out his hand towards me and creates a gust of wind near my ear causing me to fly quickly towards him.

This situation makes me nervous because I don't know if this person wants to harm or help me.

Out of self-defense instincts, I shouted loudly and raised my palm; Luiqingjian spurted out fiercely emitting extremely hot Yang energy which transformed into rotating fiery blades under my command attacking that figure.

Awesome, even in reincarnation you have such great power. I knew waiting for you was worth it!" The figure dodged my attack and looked at me coldly, saying a bunch of inexplicable words. Then suddenly, he flashed and appeared in front of me, grabbing my neck with one claw.

"Reincarnated several times, never forgetful for thousands of years. The guiding force of the mind, Mo Ye Gan Jiang!" The figure stared at me with two crimson blood eyes as a series of words instantly imprinted into my mind. After that everything in the dream disappeared like smoke dissipating.

I woke up abruptly with a cry and realized that it was already bright outside and the sun had risen high. I glanced to the side and saw Xie Yilin holding her blanket while pouting her lips; she slept so much that her eyes were swollen. This woman is really amazing; I truly admire her.

I sat up and looked around but Jietou wasn't on the bed which made me curious if he hadn't slept all night? I yawned quietly before getting out of bed so as not to wake Xie Yilin.

After standing up, my gaze inadvertently swept over Xie Yilin's round buttocks which were raised high above the white sheet below them stained red.

This woman didn't take any protective measures when sleeping! Now what? It leaked out? If this gets out then it would be embarrassing!

Leaving Xie Yilin behind, I turned around to find Jietou only to discover that he wasn't in the room either. Opening the door to look outside revealed an empty hallway without anyone else present.

Just as I was wondering where Jietou went off too he appeared whistling at end of hallway carrying a bag full breakfast items.

"Hey! You haven't been sleeping all night?" I asked him as we met.

"I slept for a while but couldn't sleep anymore so I got up and walked around. It's already bright outside anyway," Jietou replied.

"Did the rat demon come back?" I asked him as I took out a meat bun from the bag and ate it.

"It did come back," Jietou said nonchalantly.

"It came back?!" I was surprised, "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Why should I wake you up? After two hits, it ran away." Jietou said.

"You idiot! Do you think that just chasing it away is enough?" My anger rose, "What if there's more to this than meets the eye?"

"What else could there be? Maybe that thing likes fresh things too." Jietou laughed.

Never mind, we don't have time to waste on this ghost thing. We'll deal with it when we come back. Let's go wake up the woman first and get ready to leave. If we delay any longer, by the time we reach Deqing, it will be dark again."

I returned to the room with breakfast and woke up Xie Yilin. After waking up, she stretched lazily and yawned while rubbing her face, saying that she didn't sleep well.

"You slept better than anyone else last night but still didn't sleep well?" I asked her.

"I'm not used to wearing clothes," she replied as she got out of bed while yawning.

Hearing this, I couldn't help but think of her habit of sleeping naked and chuckled inwardly.

"Oh dear!" While I was chuckling inside my head, Xie Yilin reached behind herself and turned around to look at the bed. Her face immediately turned red as she quickly pulled over the blanket to cover the sheets before turning back around and glaring at us: "Listen here! Don't touch this blanket! Do you hear me?"

"Uh... okay," Jietou and I both nodded repeatedly.

"I need to use the bathroom for a moment. You two wait outside!" Xie Yilin opened her suitcase and took out a plastic bag before rushing towards the toilet.

Half an hour later, after finishing breakfast and getting ready for check-out at reception desk, we were told by the lady there: "Please wait a moment while our cleaning staff checks your room. If everything is fine then your deposit will be refunded."

We stood there waiting until soon after when we heard shouting from upstairs: "The sheet in Room 302 has bloodstains on it so please pay an additional ten yuan for cleaning!"

"Oh my goodness! You guys..." The lady at reception looked shocked as she stared at the three of us. After a long while, she muttered to herself while issuing the receipt: "Young people these days are really something. They play so hard that they even leave bloodstains on their first time... tsk tsk...