QingYue tasting of HuaDiao wine

I know best what's in that wine glass.

I didn't expect Chiqing Shuai to drink it.

I was really drunk and a little nervous. I didn't know if he would kill me with a knife if he found out the truth.

However, what surprised me was that after Chiqing Shuai drank that "wine", his expression was very calm.

He had good temperament. He frowned slightly at first, then looked at me, then looked at the restaurant owner and waiter standing not far away, and finally smiled towards the audience in the hall: "The woman is about 25 years old, has regular life habits, is usually busy, likes sweets but should not be too fat. Most importantly, she is currently two months pregnant."


Upon hearing Chiqing Shuai's words, everyone in the hall was suddenly confused and couldn't help but discuss it one after another.

They obviously didn't understand what Chiqing Shuai was saying.

"If you don't believe it, I can tell you who the father of the child is and do a paternity test to verify its accuracy!"

Chiqing Shuai looked at everyone and said with a smile.

"Hahaha - Master Chi is joking with us to lighten up the mood. Let's end this round like this for now without declaring a winner or loser. Next up will be the official competition!" Upon hearing Chiqing Shuai's words,

the restaurant owner couldn't sit still anymore; he quickly stepped forward to smooth things over by pulling him aside while asking awkwardly: "Is it really two months? Boy or girl?"

"Preliminary identification suggests it's a boy," replied Chiqing Shuai.

"I'll divorce tomorrow!" The restaurant owner clapped his hands together before turning around to grab Zhou Yun as they ran upstairs.

The atmosphere in the hall became lively again as people chatted excitedly. Chiqing Shuai glared at me, threw the wine glass into the trash can, asked for a glass of water from the waiter and rinsed his mouth vigorously before sitting back at the table and looking at me: "Good boy, you actually used a trick on me. It's my turn to ask questions now."

I was happy in my heart right now, so I smiled and said: "Master please ask your question."

"Wait for me, I'll go get some wine," Chiqing Shuai said as he got up and walked towards the wine cellar behind him.

Meanwhile, the host couldn't resist promoting again - what kind of wine will Master Chi choose? Stay tuned.

Shortly after, Chi Qingshuai came out and placed a cup of wine in front of me. I looked at the orange-yellow liquid, slightly murky, which made me frown as I thought he had given me a cup of urine. Fortunately, I smelled it and realized that it was indeed wine.

'Not bad,' Chi Qingshuai said with his legs crossed. 'You've done the two basic steps for tasting wine.'

I was confused and wondered what steps he meant.

'As everyone can see,' Chi Qingshuai continued, 'Liu Yiheng first observed the color of the wine and then smelled its aroma. The process of tasting is mature and restrained; you can tell he has experience in this area. It seems that our Liu Yiheng has some knowledge about tasting wine.'

Chi Qingshuai faced everyone like an emcee.

I was speechless; all I did was observe the wine carefully before drinking it to be cautious. He made it sound so magical! This must be a way to advertise or increase excitement for the show by any means necessary!

However, his words reminded me that there might be something hidden in this glass of wine - if only I could figure out what it is.

So without hesitation, I picked up my glass to take a sip when YunQingYue's voice interrupted me.

'Wait,' she said firmly. 'After observing and smelling the wine comes identifying its basic properties - follow my lead...'

'Hua Diao Wine also known as "Zhuang Yuan Hong" or "Daughter Red." Zhuang Yuan Hong is strong while Daughter Red is soft with long-lasting flavor.'

Before even taking a sip from my glass, I spoke confidently about its properties.

Upon hearing my words, Chi Qingshuai nodded approvingly at me: 'Well done! You have talent for tasting wines.'

'I see you went all-out just to test me,' I said with a smile. 'If I'm not mistaken, this is a small glass of Zhuang Yuan Hong that has been aged for at least fifteen years. It's worth hundreds of dollars on the market, but more importantly, you had to open an entire jar just to get this one glass. Once opened, it must be consumed immediately; otherwise, its flavor will change. That jar alone costs thousands of dollars! Aren't you worried about the restaurant owner coming after you?'

I chuckled as I asked him.

Hahaha, money is nothing. Come on, help me move that jar of 15-year-old top-grade red wine out. Today this jar of wine will be a gift for the guests. Pour it to every table and let everyone drink while listening to Liu YiHeng's wine tasting expertise. Isn't it a wonderful thing?"

Che Qingshuai immediately started the guest appreciation activity, which ignited everyone's emotions.

The 15-year-old top-grade red wine was rare in the world, so after hearing about it, everyone couldn't help but feel excited. Many people who were just standing around watching also quickly found tables, ordered food and sat down.

The waiter swiftly brought out a jar of wine and began serving the guests. Everyone's eyes lit up as they took a sip and tasted it.

"Good wine! It really is good!"

After tasting the wine, some older people couldn't help but shout loudly with excitement; however their comments on the taste could only go so far without being able to express more profound meanings.

"Young man, try tasting it yourself! We're all waiting for your expert opinion!" The crowd cheered.

Upon hearing this I smiled slightly and took a sip from my cup.

As soon as I tasted it, the liquor slid over my tongue before swaying back-and-forth along my taste buds twice before finally entering my throat.

The liquor had an exquisite flavor that filled my mouth with sweetness and fragrance while leaving behind an enduring aftertaste that warmed up my stomach; even making blood flow through me faster than usual!

"It truly is good liquor," I said looking at everyone around me: "I don't know if you've noticed yet or not? If I'm not mistaken then this particular brew uses newly harvested glutinous rice which makes its texture soft & delicate while giving off smoothness upon entry into one's mouth followed by lingering aroma - definitely among one of best wines!"

"Well said!" Those who had already tasted the wine couldn't help but give me a thumbs up.

"Hahaha, too bad! The mystery remains unsolved." However, what made me feel depressed was that upon hearing my words, Che Qingshuai sitting next to me shook his head and said I hadn't solved the mystery.