One corpse, two lives, a vengeful spirit's drink

The wine is finished, and so are the spirits. The people in the hall were discussing it with chaos all around. They had originally been delighted by the wine in front of them, but now many were feeling uneasy just looking at it.

That was the Wine of Resentment!

"Master Chi, how do you think I did? Did I pass this level?"

After speaking, I couldn't help turning my head to look at General Chi Qing proudly.

But when I looked over, I was a little shocked.

General Chi Qing clenched his fists and sat motionless there. His face twitched slightly and his beard trembled. Tears welled up in his eyes.

His reaction made me feel uneasy and reminded me of something bad.

Could it be that he brewed this pot of flower wine himself? If so, wouldn't the two dead bodies belong to his wife and child?

It had been fifteen years since then. This wine had already aged for fifteen years. What happened fifteen years ago? Why did his wife and child die? What exactly happened?

"Follow me!"

After a long time controlling himself, General Chi Qing finally lifted up the jug and took a big gulp before turning around to walk outside of the restaurant.

Seeing this situation, JIETOU and I quickly followed him out into heavy rain.

"What's wrong with him?" JIETOU noticed General Chi Qing's abnormality and asked me softly.

"He brewed that wine himself," I told JIETOU

"I see," JIETOU nodded then frowned: "So he keeps drinking because he wants to numb himself from pain?"

"Unfortunately, pain isn't easy to forget," I sighed shaking my head: "Let's follow him; maybe he has something important to tell us."

"Mm-hmm." JIETOU nodded again without saying anything else.

A moment later inside an empty house near the lake, General Chi Qing, soaked through with water, stood silently in the center of the room.

On the wall behind the house, there were all kinds of swords hanging, some without scabbards, which filled the room with a chilling atmosphere. 'Pick any one you like. If you can beat me, I'll go up to the mountain with you,' said Chi Qingshuai. 'What weapon do you use?' Jietou asked as he stepped forward. 'I use this,' Chi Qingshuai replied and walked to a corner where he opened a dark box and took out an ancient bronze sword covered in green rust - the same sword he used for his fortune-telling tricks before. It was not an ordinary sword; it was a trap that he set for us. 'That's not fair,' I frowned. 'Your sword is extraordinary; no ordinary sword can beat you.' 'All the swords in my house are extraordinary; I want to test your eyesight by letting you choose freely,' said Chi Qingshuai as he left after giving us fifteen minutes to pick our weapons.

Seeing this situation, Jietou and I looked at each other with serious expressions on our faces.

'How do we choose?' Jietou frowned. "Besides, I'm not good at using swords."

"What does it matter if you're good or bad? Only Chinese people know about swordsmanship; foreigners don't care about it - they just stab people with their swords," I said.

"Then help me choose one that's sharp enough," Jietou said.

Hearing this request, I nodded and went over to the wall to carefully examine each of those bloody knives while touching them one by one.

"How is it? Have you picked one?" Jietou asked curiously.

"Not yet," I replied. "Although these knives have been stained with blood and carry murderous intent, they are not divine weapons like what Chi Qingshuai has in his hand - using these knives, you won't be able to defeat him."

"What should we do then?" Jietou frowned and picked up a dark long knife, swinging it around. "I think this one is good enough; it's heavy and can definitely chop people."

"Weapons are soulless; they're no different from salted fish. If you go out with that knife, I'm afraid you won't even be able to hit his shadow - he'll easily trick you with his 'Heaven-Covering Spell,'" I said.

Hearing my words, Jietou couldn't help but say to me: "Then I don't need a sword or a knife. I'll just use my Eight Treasures against him. But unfortunately, they're all left in the hotel.

It's okay, let's think carefully. I don't think things are that simple. There must be a magical weapon hidden in this room. He is testing us to see if we can find it," I said as I released my energy and searched every corner of the room while calling YunQingYue to help me search.

However, after searching for a long time, I found nothing. There was no magical weapon here at all.

What should we do?

I pondered over it.

Should I just pick up any sword and use my own Liumang Sword to deal with the old man?

As these thoughts crossed my mind, I shook my head because I didn't want to reveal my trump card too early. It was not something that could be easily exposed.

However, although the Liumang Sword couldn't be used directly, I roughly knew that this battle would probably fall on me again since JIETOU was definitely not a match for the old man.

"Okay JIETOU, let me handle this round again. I have an idea of how to deal with him," I said to JIETOU.

"Sure," JIETOU nodded and asked: "How are you going to deal with him?"

"I haven't figured it out yet but at least his Sky Covering Art won't fool me so even if I use an ordinary sword, maybe we can fight him." As soon as those words left my mouth, I took down a long sword from the wall and walked out.

JIETOU followed me out shoulder-to-shoulder which made us squeeze through the door frame causing my shoulder hit against it unexpectedly like being electrocuted making me excitedly shout before chopping down on the door frame with the long sword in hand without thinking twice about what happened earlier revealing a shiny greenish-blue long sword hidden inside!


The sound of the long sword being revealed was accompanied by a dragon's roar and a burst of spiritual energy.

"What a great sword!"

Seeing this situation, JIETOU couldn't help but be excited. He reached out to grab the sword but it suddenly flashed and flew out from the door frame, turning into a stream of light and disappearing into the sky.