Double swords return to the pool

Mercy Sword is my secret move. I don't want others to know that I have this ultimate skill, but now I have to use it to defeat Drunken Master.

Drunkard Chi Qingshuai is a handsome man, and I don't know why he became like this. From my understanding of him since we met, he should be a person with endless sadness in his heart.

If I'm not mistaken, he didn't learn Taoism or indulge in alcohol when he was young. He should have been just an ordinary person who got married and had children, preparing to live a simple life.

He is about fifty years old now. Fifteen years ago, his wife should have been pregnant with their child.

Before the child was born, he brewed some good flower wine and buried it underground. It seems that his plan was to use these wines on occasions such as the birth of the child, full moon celebration, hundredth day celebration and first birthday party.

Unfortunately, these wines were never used later on. They were buried for fifteen years until they were recently dug up and moved into Xin Ye Restaurant's cellar.

These are all top-quality wines that cannot be easily found elsewhere after fifteen years of aging; therefore only this batch of wine would be enough for Chi Qingshuai to invest in Xin Ye Restaurant alone.

However there are some questions arising from this situation:

Firstly: How did Chi Qingshuai's wife die? Did she die from illness or other accidents which led them both dead? Finally causing Chi Qingshuai's personality change into an alcoholic who can only rely on alcohol anesthesia himself?

Secondly: When did Chi Qingshuai start learning Taoism? Why did he want to learn Taoism? According to reasonings after his wife passed away ,he should have been depressed and sad all along .Under such circumstances how could one still find time & energy to learn Taoism? Could it be that he had some adventures during this period?

Thirdly: The batch of wine was buried underground and no one cared about it. Chi Qingshuai should not have wanted to bother with these wines anymore, but why did he recently dig them up and move them into Xin Ye Restaurant for investment? It seems like a sign of rejuvenation, starting a new life. What happened to Chi Qingshuai recently?

Finally, what's the story behind the white-eyebrowed spirit monkey raised by Chi Qingshuai? Why does he go to Mo Du Mountain every day to set up a fortune-telling stall?

Overall, I feel that this person is almost entirely shrouded in mystery from head to toe. He is too mysterious for me to understand.

Since I started my career as a swordsman, there are only two people who are completely shrouded in mystery and impossible for me to figure out - one is Chen Qi Yuan and the other is Chi Qing Shuai.

Based on my experience, people who are full of mysteries like him must have gone through great hardships and sorrows. I really don't know what kind of legendary story Chi Qing Shuai will bring us.

However, now all these things are secondary issues. The key problem I am facing now is how to defeat or at least make him recognize my strength so that he can help me deal with Bloodsucking Soul Devourer.

Holding my sword tightly with an unconquered sword soul won't work because obviously Chi Qing Shuai has already tamed his female sword and communicated with her mind.

Therefore, in order to smoothly pass through this challenge ,I am ready to use a secret trick.

I want to use the unexpected mercy sword, defeat my opponent with one strike and end this competition directly. From the beginning until now, JIETOU and I have spent too much time and energy trying to win the help of General Chi Qing. I don't want to waste any more effort like this, otherwise I will not be able to resist killing someone. I am anxious to save Little Hufu, every moment counts.

"No matter if it's a female or male sword, a good sword is one that can kill!" With these words, I coldly looked at General Chi Qing and charged towards him with my sword.

General Chi Qing stood in the rain facing away from Mo Gan Lake's vast waters like an immortal figure. He did not move when he saw me attacking him; instead he lifted his long sword ready to block my attack.

Seeing his movement, I sneered inwardly as I deliberately let him catch my blade with his female sword before suddenly letting go of my male sword.

"Hmm?" Seeing what happened next, General Chi Qing was surprised as he instinctively tried catching hold of the male sword but then suddenly flames burst out from my Mercy Sword which stabbed straight towards his wrist.

"Wow!" General Chi Qing exclaimed as he had no time to withdraw his own weapon so he simply let go of it and jumped backwards.

"Hahaha! Master Chi has lost! "I couldn't help but laugh triumphantly at seeing this situation," Now give me those paired swords!"

However just then something strange happened: The two swords began shaking violently while hovering in mid-air emitting a piercing dragon roar sound accompanied by sparks flying everywhere. The two swords seemed like two dragons fighting each other on their own accord!

This sight shocked me greatly making me unsure what was happening next so naturally didn't dare reach out for them fearing danger might ensue.

"Oh no! When twin swords clash they complement each other according to Yin and Yang principles. These swords must be returned to the pool! Quickly grab them!" General Chi Qing shouted from a distance.

Hearing this, I quickly flew forward trying to catch hold of the sword handle but just then thunder suddenly sounded in the sky followed by a dazzling lightning bolt which struck down directly onto the twin swords causing an electric field that instantly sent me flying out.

"Ding ding ding - swoosh swoosh swoosh-" After falling several meters away, I looked back only to see that amidst the thunderstorm and lightning, the two swords had turned into dragons and disappeared into thin air!

"What's going on? YiHeng are you okay?" JIETOU ran over to help me up while asking anxiously.

"I don't know," I frowned.

Liu Yiheng, you stinky kid, it's all your fault. Do you know how valuable this pair of male and female swords Gan Jiang Mo Ye are? Now that the two swords have been returned to their owner, what am I supposed to do? You have to compensate me!"

While Jietou and I were talking, Chiqing Shuai suddenly rushed over like a madman and grabbed my collar while shouting at me.

"What? Those two swords were actually Gan Jiang Mo Ye? How is that possible?"

Upon hearing Chiqing Shuai's words, both Jietou and I were stunned. The legendary ancient divine weapon Gan Jiang Mo Ye had actually appeared - how could this be possible? And how did these two divine swords end up in Chiqing Shuai's hands? What was going on here?