Mystery of the Thunder Pond Electric Array

Upon hearing my words, Chi Qingshuai subconsciously looked at me and then nodded, saying: "You're right. I didn't expect your reasoning ability to be so strong. It seems that you are a well-rounded young man in terms of morality, intelligence and physical fitness."

"Thank you for the compliment. However, I haven't received the highest honor yet because I have no intention of entering politics," I replied with a smile.

Chi Qingshuai nodded and continued: "As you said earlier, after my ancestor Guang Lao successfully assassinated King Wu, he did not commit suicide but instead used the power of his dual swords to fight his way out of Wu's capital city alone."

"What happened next?" I asked curiously.

"Afterwards, he lived on as an anonymous person carrying his dual swords with him and passed down the Chi family line," Chi Qingshuai paused here before lifting up his wine jug to take a sip while squinting at me. He then continued: "After Mo Gan died along with King Wu, Wu's men went to Mount Modu to capture Mo Xie who had survived. Despite arguing logically against their cruel actions towards Gan Jiang and Mo Ye who were killed by them earlier on; they still intended to kill Mo Xie."

"Hold on," upon hearing this part of the story; I interrupted Chi Qingshuai's words by waving my hand before asking him: "According to legend back then when officials from Wu went after Mo Xie; they failed due two black pythons suddenly emerging from Sword Pool each holding one sword which killed all those soldiers trying to catch her. Those two pythons were actually transformed from Gan Jiang and Mo Ye's dual swords respectively which means that after King Wu and Mo Gan died; their dual swords automatically flew back into Sword Pool transforming into divine snakes protecting Mo Xie allowing her survival. If this legend is true, then it conflicts with the historical facts you mentioned. How do you explain that?"

"You already have an answer in your mind and guessed the truth of what happened, haven't you?" Chi Qingshuai sneered at me while looking at me.

I shrugged my shoulders helplessly before replying: "Guang Lao had carried his dual swords for many years and communicated with their sword spirits through his heart which allowed him to enter a realm beyond ordinary people by using the sword as a way to cultivate himself physically and spiritually. The dual swords did not fly back into Sword Pool but instead transformed into giant pythons appearing there because Guang Lao was manipulating them from behind the scenes. Am I right?"

"Correct," Chi Qingshuai nodded before shaking his head regretfully saying: "Unfortunately, Guang Lao didn't realize that he caused Mo Xie's death due to his actions."

"Mo Xie later died after throwing herself into Sword Pool probably out of despair wanting her soul to be one with her sword without realizing that there were no swords in Sword Pool causing her unnecessary death." Upon finishing my words; I couldn't help but sigh.

"That's exactly what happened," Chi Qingshuai nodded again before continuing: "My ancestor Guang Lao felt extremely guilty about this incident so he changed his name to Mr. Chi Lai and lived in seclusion under Mount Modu planning on paying respects to Gan Jiang and Mo Ye during each seasonal change. However, after settling down here; he discovered a shocking secret hidden within Mount Modu which led him to marry and have children passing down our family line while commanding future generations of our family members carrying both dual swords guarding under Mount Modu.

What secret? What earth-shattering secret is hidden on Mount Modu?" Upon hearing the words of General Chi Qing, I couldn't help but ask curiously.

General Chi Qing looked at me and didn't directly reveal the secret. Instead, he asked me, "Let's put the secret aside for now. Tell me what you know about Mount Modu. Also, it's time for you to tell me your purpose for coming here. What do you want to do on Mount Modu? How can I help you?"

Upon hearing this, I had to set aside my curiosity and briefly explained my understanding of Mount Modu so far.

To be honest, my knowledge of Mount Modu has been limited to some legends until now. Therefore, when I expressed my views on Mount Modu, General Chi Qing quickly showed a disdainful expression.

"If Mount Modu really is just a huge lightning rod as that old professor said then things would be much simpler. Unfortunately, mortals only see trees and not forests; they focus too much on surface-level issues and believe in so-called scientific principles," said General Chi Qing.

His reaction made me feel embarrassed so I changed the subject and told him why I came to Mount Modu.

I briefly recounted the story of Red Hat wearing man and Blood Soul Demon as well as how Little Confused was trapped at the crossroads of Huangquan Road by ghosts and gods before saying: "So my goal in coming to Mt.Modi is simple - kill Blood Soul Demon in order to save Little Confused from its clutches. The demon is extremely ferocious with an evil nature; it may have even become an underworld king by now! If we were ever face-to-face with each other there's no guarantee that I could win against it! Furthermore,Mt.Modi covers a vast area,and right now,I don't even know where Blood Soul Demon might be hiding.You are familiar with Mt.Modi and have been guarding it for years,so I believe you should know where Blood Soul Demon is. I hope you can help me find that demon."

"Your idea is not bad," General Chi Qing nodded his head in agreement but then said: "Unfortunately, I don't know where the demon is either. Or rather, its status on Mount Modu may be too low to even be within my grasp."

General Chi Qing's words shocked both me and JIETOU; we didn't quite understand what he meant by that.

What does it mean? Could there be any more powerful evil spirits than the Soul Devourer on Mount Modu? How is that possible? I have observed the weather on Mount Modu many times before, and it seems that there is no heavy yin energy. Is it possible that there are hidden secrets on this mountain?" I asked in confusion.

"Do you know why I am telling you all these things in this pavilion?" Cheng Qingshuai looked at me and asked.

I was taken aback and couldn't help but frown, "Isn't it because of your wife? This pavilion reminds you of your memories."

As I said this, I suddenly remembered something and couldn't help but ask, "By the way, how did your wife die? What happened back then?"

"We'll talk about those things later. Look back at the mountain first," Cheng Qingshuai interrupted me and pointed to the top of Mount Modu in the distance.

At this time, lightning still flashed above the mountaintop, creating an extremely magnificent and unique scene rarely seen by humans.

"Do you know what's going on with that thunder pool electric array?" Cheng Qingshuai smiled while drinking wine. He said: "It's not just because Mount Modu has a high gold content which acts as a natural lightning rod. To tell you the truth, that thunder pool electric array is actually key to suppressing and sealing off the entire ghost domain of Mount Modu.