Rather be a flying sand than a dusty one.

These chapters are the key to explaining the worldview of this book. Many plot points later on will be based on this, so I hope everyone can patiently read and understand it without finding it annoying.

"Quantum science?"

My words instantly left both Chi Qingshuai and Jietou in a state of confusion. Seeing their reaction, I couldn't help but smile bitterly and quickly understood why. Clearly, while Chi Qingshuai may have achieved great success in Daoist cultivation, he was not as knowledgeable as the old man and could not understand what "two sciences" meant at all.

Jietou was the same; she hadn't even finished middle school yet, let alone understanding my words.

In fact, I stumbled upon "quantum science" unintentionally since I haven't even finished first grade yet and haven't reached that level of depth in my studies. However, despite it not being covered in textbooks at that time, with my strong intelligence and exceptional talent for learning things quickly, I easily understood quantum science when I got hold of a book about it.

The difficulty now is how to explain its intricacies to these two "illiterates." After thinking for a long time, I came up with a relatively vivid explanation.

"I'll put it like this: take the Moganshan Lake in front of us as an example. The water in this lake ripples all year round but no matter how much they ripple or move around within the lake itself - they still remain inside the lake right?"

Both nodded their heads but Jietou furrowed her brows before saying: "That's not entirely true though because some water evaporates from lakes which means that those waters aren't always staying inside them otherwise there would be too much water than what can fit inside them! Also...the waters from lakes connect with other rivers which eventually lead into oceans."

"Well said,"I gave Jietou a thumbs up. "Since you put it that way, let me ask you this: how much water do you think evaporates from Moganshan Lake in one day and how much flows out of the waterway? Which is more - the amount of water that evaporates or the amount that flows away?"

"That's obvious," Jietou rolled her eyes. "Of course, more water flows away than evaporates! How much can even evaporate anyway? Plus, if it rains and there's no sunlight then nothing will evaporate."

"You're right," I nodded my head. "The ratio between evaporation and flowing waters isn't proportional at all. Moreover, for lake waters to be able to evaporate they need special circumstances like sunshine. So now let me give you an analogy: Let's say we compare Moganshan Lake to the human world while its molecules represent life in our world. Obviously, the channels leading out of lakes are equivalent to reincarnation pathways which are normal channels but once lake waters enter these normal channels they enter into reincarnation where their fate is only one - entering into oceans (which represents ghost realms). This is a normal cycle law but aside from this kind of cycle law there's also a small part of water molecules that have been vaporized into air...how would we explain those?"

I looked at Jietou as I asked her this question.

JIETOU frowned and thought for a moment before saying, 'Are they like enlightened beings who have become immortals?'

'Yes, that's the idea,' I snapped my fingers and said. 'What I mean is clear. In the three realms, most lives follow predetermined rules of reincarnation, but there must be some existence that breaks these laws of reincarnation. Quantum science talks about this kind of uncertainty which even ancient gods cannot control or avoid. The instinct of life is to constantly explore and pursue higher levels. Therefore, although we are all just a drop in the ocean or a grain of sand in the vast desert, as long as we have opportunities and winds blowing by us, some grains may fly into the sky and eventually leave the desert to change their fate against heaven's will. And those grains that change their fate against heaven's will can be found in human saints and animal spirits who have succeeded in cultivation and ascended to immortality.'

'Wonderful! You explained it so well,' Che Qingshuai put down his wine jug and applauded me with his thumbs up. 'You've already understood it.'

'Yes indeed, I accidentally gained enlightenment,' I couldn't help but sigh while speaking. 'Unfortunately though even if one gains enlightenment they're still just a grain of sand after all; we cannot escape our destiny ultimately stepping back into reincarnation forgetting our past lives with an uncertain future...'

Hearing what I said made Che Qingshuai laugh slightly before he spoke again: "It's normal for you to think this way...since ancient times countless people wanted to break free from being trapped like dust particles wanting instead to become flying sands changing their fates against heaven's will...but unfortunately few could succeed because it was too difficult - not something anyone could achieve simply by wanting it badly enough...in other words more often than not what is needed isn't manpower but opportunity itself… Qin Shi Huang was amazing wasn't he? He wanted to live forever but in the end, his body rotted away into stinky flesh.'

'Yes, it's hard to become flying sand instead of dust,' I shook my head and sighed.

'What are you sighing about? Do you really want to become an immortal and live forever?' JIETOU frowned at me and said.

JIETOU's words brought me back from my state of pity for humanity. Then I couldn't help but smile awkwardly and say to Che Qingshuai: 'I accidentally went off-topic. Let's not talk about this anymore; let's get back on track and talk about what is going on with Mount Modu.'

Hearing what I said, Che Qingshuai nodded his head and said: 'Actually since you have already understood the principles of the three realms and six paths, this little matter of Mount Modu should not be difficult for you. We've been talking about the relationship between heaven realm and human realm before...now if we replace heaven realm with human realm, replace human realm with ghost realm then basically we can understand what is happening with Mount Modu.'

I still don't quite understand what you mean," I looked at Chi Qingshuai and said, "Nuwa repaired the sky and cut off the passage between heaven and earth. Is Mount Motu also blocking the passage between humans and ghosts?"

"Yes, Mount Motu was originally an entrance connecting the ghost world to the human world, called Jiuyin Huangquan. But later it was blocked by an ancient god using Wujin Mountain," Chi Qingshuai looked at me with a smile, picked up his wine jug and said to me and Jietou: "There is a very vivid legend about this matter."

"What legend?" Jietou and I asked curiously.

"Nuwa repaired the sky, Fuxi repaired the earth. The repair of the sky cut off the passage between heaven and earth while repairing of earth separated humans from ghosts. However, at that time, there were different situations for communication between humans/ghosts compared to that of heaven/humans. Heaven/human worlds were connected through one large channel while human/ghost worlds were connected through many small channels. Mount Motu was just one of those small channels. When Fuxi arrived here he found this small channel but couldn't find anything suitable to block it with so he drank from his cup then used it as a plug on top of that channel which turned into Mount Motu thus blocking it."

Chi Qingshuai continued speaking until he unconsciously slammed his wine jug onto table saying: "So you see, although Mount Motu has high gold content on its surface layer but in reality inside is hollowed out where yin-yang are still connected.