Red tendons outside the skin

I didn't expect that the goal of King Wu of Wu, Helu, was so ambitious. He not only wants eternal life but also wants to ascend to the heavenly realm and become a true god.

This is somewhat beyond my expectations. Originally, I thought he would at most use some means to avoid the cycle of reincarnation and preserve his life. I never expected him to have aspirations of becoming a god. It's truly astonishing.

But how did Chi Qingshuai know that King Wu of Wu wanted to ascend and become a god? What gives him the right to make such conclusions?

Thinking about this, I couldn't help but look at Chi Qingshuai and say: "Master Chi, aren't you exaggerating a bit? I don't think King Wu of Wu is that powerful."

"Why do you think that?" Chi Qingshuai asked me curiously.

"Firstly, although King Wu of Wu has avoided the cycle of reincarnation and occupies Nine Yin Yellow Springs as his dwelling place, he is still just a wisp of soul. Even if he cultivates diligently and becomes an Underworld king or deity or immortal, he will ultimately be nothing more than a soul without fleshly body. In this situation, even if his power is extremely strong, it's impossible for him to truly ascend into heaven because his attributes are limited by being yin in nature; just one ray of sunlight can restrain him. So how could he possibly ascend?" I said while looking at Chi Qingshuai.

Upon hearing my words, Chi Qingshuai smiled slightly and said: "Who says King Wu Helu is just a Yin spirit?"

"What do you mean? If he isn't a Yin spirit then what else could he be?" I asked with confusion.

"If he were only a Yin spirit then why would he go through all the trouble digging through Mount Modu's mountain range in order to build his tomb?" Chi Qingshuai looked at me and continued: "The reason he built his tomb was not just to store his soul, but also to protect his body. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

His words instantly reminded me of something, and I couldn't help but frown and ponder for a moment before asking: "Are you saying that King Wu is not only a Yin spirit but also a zombie?"

"Correct. That's the idea. That's why I said he wants to preserve his fleshly body from decay so that he can ascend and become divine," Chi Qingshuai said while looking at me.

Upon hearing this, Jietou scratched his head in confusion and asked, "I'm a bit confused now. If the King of Wu has both soul and body, then isn't he just like a living person? Why is he still staying in the Nine Yin Yellow Springs? Can't he just come back to life?"

Jietou's reaction was not surprising since he had only been following the old man for a short time and didn't fully understand everything.

Seeing Jietou's question, General Chi Qing looked at me and said, "Why don't you answer him?"

I nodded and looked at Jietou. "Jietou, a corpse is a corpse and a physical body is a physical body. These two concepts are completely different. Of course, in our usual understanding, corpses do not have souls. Once they have souls though, they are no longer considered corpses but rather living beings. However, this concept only applies to ordinary corpses; it may not be suitable for special ones such as zombies."

"What do you mean? Are zombies supposed to have souls? What's the difference between them and living people?" Jietou asked with confusion.

"Ordinary zombies do not have souls," I explained to Jietou. "But higher-level zombies might."

"If zombies have souls then can they still be called 'zombies'?" Jietou furrowed his brows.

"Yes," I replied. "At that level they cannot be called 'zombies' anymore but rather 'undead.'"

"Undead?" Jietou scratched his head again. "What kind of existence is that? Are they dead or alive?"

"I'm not quite sure about that myself," I admitted humbly while looking at him."My master hasn't explained it specifically to me yet either way what I know is that there are many types of high-level zombies besides undead such as boneless ones , drought demons , flying zombies and so on. These zombies have souls, so their actions are no longer mechanical or rigid; they also act based on emotions and intelligence. In other words, they belong to a special form of life."

"Well said!" Upon hearing my explanation, General Chi Qing couldn't help but give me a thumbs up while looking at me with admiration. "I didn't expect you to be so insightful. Most people cannot understand the existence of zombies, but you were able to explain it in one sentence. You're right; zombies are indeed a special form of life just like how there are impurities in water molecules found in lakes. Zombies can be seen as a unique form of life that is different from normal living beings. With this conclusion, we can continue our discussion."

"Master overpraises me," I humbly replied before turning back to him and asking: "So what exactly is the situation with King Wu?"

"Do you see the thunderstorm on top of the mountain?" Upon hearing my question again, General Chi Qing pointed once more towards the lightning storm.

"I saw it earlier," Jietou muttered.

"I only gave you an overview earlier; now I'll explain specifically how this Thunder Pool Electric Array works." Smiling slightly while drinking his wine, General Chi Qing looked at us both and continued speaking: "Let me first explain about zombie cultivation legends - after three years since death if corpses haven't rotted away yet then under sunlight and moonlight exposure skin will shrink into bones leaving red tendons outside which becomes blood stiffening corpse . After 500 years white hair grows out followed by another 500 years where white hair turns black then another five hundred years later it turns red before finally becoming golden hair after another five hundred years pass by...after cultivating for another thousand years, wings will grow and it is called the Golden Hair Jiao.

The Hound is the top state of zombies, ranking among the top ten ancient demons. It can fly in the sky and escape underground, kill dragons in the sea, and even ordinary immortals are no match for it. It is a fierce and difficult existence. Fortunately, there has only been one Hound in history, which was later tamed by Guanyin Bodhisattva and became her mount. If I'm not mistaken, Wu King Helu's ultimate goal should be to transform into a Hound," said Chi Qingshuai with a smile. "Of course, this is just his expected goal. To achieve it requires not only a long time but also various opportunities from multiple sources. Not to mention that the thunder pool electric array on this mountain peak may be an adverse existence he cannot confront."

"So why does this thunder pool electric array exist?" Chi Qingshuai sneered and continued: "This has to do with zombie tribulation cultivation and the power of heavenly circulation force. Do you know that zombies have to endure more thunder tribulations during their cultivation process than normal creatures? And these thunder tribulations last longer too! Generally speaking, every time a zombie changes its state or advances one level up requires them to undergo another round of thunder tribulation.

You can calculate how many times they need to go through it from being blood corpses at first until becoming Golden-haired Hounds - six rounds of lightning calamities! Each round lasts 300 years if calculated based on fifty-year intervals per round; furthermore, as heaven's cycle continues endlessly if they fail during any attempt at crossing their tribulation successfully hitting their target object (i.e., themselves), then they will repeat again continuously seeking out targets until successful hits occur.

In other words, lightning calamity is an unavoidable heavenly disaster that nobody can escape from! Because of this reason alone did Thunder Pool Electric Array appear on Mount Modu. Wu King Helu's thunder tribulation has been ongoing and never stopped. Do you know why?