Heart Loss Sword Puppet

So, that's about it for the Mo Du Mountain incident. Next, what we need to do is go up the mountain and kill the king. Of course, my main task is still to kill the Bloodsucking Soul Demon, rescue Xiao Hutu, and save the world. That's just a side job.

I believe that Chi Qingshuai is not simply going to kill the king just to save the world; he also has his own loves and hates.

"Okay, no need to say anything else. Our task now is to go and kill Wu King Helü," I said.

JIETOU finally understood and rubbed his head in agreement.

Chi Qingshuai and I both nodded but didn't speak.

"What are you two doing with your heads down? Isn't everything clear?" JIETOU asked us curiously.

Upon hearing JIETOU's words, I looked at Chi Qingshuai and said: "My story has already been told before. Now it should be Master Chi's turn."

"What else could he have?" JIETOU asked curiously as he looked at Chi Qingshuai.

Chi Qingshuai lifted his wine jug and took a big gulp before finally telling his story:

According to Chi Qingshuai fifteen years ago on his wedding day, his father brought him into a place called Cangjian Ge (Sword Hiding Pavilion), which was where we had just selected our weapons from earlier.

Although there were no signs or labels on this house today,in ancient times there was a plaque hanging outside of it along with a courtyard where people guarded year-round.

However,as time passed by,the number of people in Chi family dwindled over time so gradually this place became deserted.

Nevertheless,although Cangjian Ge lost its former glory,its function remained unchanged.

It was considered as sacred ground for all members of the Chi clan and a stage for promoting and inheriting their traditions.

Back then, Chi Qingshuai's father personally handed the Mo Ye Sword to him in this place.

At the same time, Chi Qingshuai also took on the ancient tradition and secret mission of maintaining the Chi clan that had been passed down for two thousand years.

"Since my ancestor Guang Lao Ren guarded Mo Du Mountain with Gan Jiang Mo Ye swords,it has been passed down through 236 generations over more than 2,500 years. During this period,my Chi family never violated our ancestors' will or left Mo Du Mountain. We are guardians of Mo Du Mountain as well as guardians of Gan Jiang Mo Ye swords.

The twin swords, one bright and one dark. The bright sword is the Mo Ye Sword wielded by the leader of the Chi clan, while the dark sword is hidden in the Sword Pavilion. During normal times, our clan's main task is to patrol and observe the mountains. If we encounter any abnormal monsters or demons, we can use the Mo Ye Sword to slay them. In times of crisis, we can rely on the combined power of both swords to overcome it..."

According to General Chi Qing's father, their clan has been able to stand for two thousand years at the foot of Mount Mo Du without being destroyed mainly because they are protected by these twin swords.

Imagine how many dynasties have changed over two thousand years, how many wars and disasters have occurred. But despite all this turmoil, the Chi clan has never perished because they hold these two divine swords.

When separated, these two swords do not appear particularly powerful but once combined into a legendary "Mo Gan Sword" that can cross between yin and yang realms its power becomes extremely astonishing; ordinary humans become as weak as hair before it.

Of course, combining these twin swords is not easy.

According to General Chi Qing's words: Although they are twin swords if you want to combine them you need to pay an extremely high price.

"To merge both blades requires a sacrifice?" I couldn't help asking when I heard this.

"Blood sacrifice," sighed General Chi Qing's father before drinking his wine in silence.

I reached out and patted JIETOU's arm, signaling him not to press on with questioning Chi Qingshuai. It was clear that he was currently immersed in sorrowful memories.

"If I'm not mistaken, the so-called blood sacrifice should be an emergency measure," I furrowed my brows and intermittently spoke of my speculations. "Since the male and female swords are named Gan Jiang Mo Ye, there must naturally exist some kind of special connection between them. This connection could possibly be a telepathic bond between their sword spirits or it could be the power of husband and wife being united as one. In any case, there is a mutual understanding between the two swords where they protect each other, and to activate this understanding requires a blood sacrifice - sacrificing blood to awaken the resonance between their sword spirits so that one person can control both swords or achieve the effect of merging them together. By doing so, you can harness the powerful force from combining both swords to overcome crises."

"You're right," Chi Qingshuai looked up at me with a bitter smile before saying: "When I took over Mo Ye Sword after succeeding as head of our family clan, my first task was communicating with its sword spirit. It was easy for me to succeed but perhaps too successful."

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

"Maybe because I have an innate affinity with both swords," Chi Qingshuai continued: "After communicating with the female sword's spirit back then, it triggered some response from the male sword's spirit too; thus causing both souls' singing voices to resonate strongly while emitting extremely violent killing intent." At this point in his story, Chi Qingshuai let out another bitter laugh before shaking his head helplessly while wiping away tears: "This aura spread within Mount Modu which led to disaster striking us down - my wife and children died during that calamity caused by me."

Chi Qingshuai's words reminded me of something, causing me to slam the table and urgently say: "I understand now. Your family clan held both swords to suppress the lingering spirits of Wu King Helu and others while they were constantly seeking opportunities to destroy you. Therefore, when they sensed that both swords resonated with each other back then, they thought your family was facing a natural disaster or some other crisis which required activating the power from merging both swords together; hence why they took advantage of this opportunity by launching a sneak attack against you.