Precious items concealed

What is 'ghost possession'? Can you explain it more clearly?" JIETOU couldn't help but feel anxious, and Xie Yilin was also curious. She obviously didn't understand our conversation.

Seeing this situation, I couldn't help but sigh and had to educate them on ghost knowledge again.

"After our previous conversation, I believe you should all know that there are many advanced Yin creatures inside Mount Modu, but they cannot come out because they are in the process of crossing the tribulation. Once they come out, they will inevitably be struck by heavenly thunder. Sending small souls and ghosts out has little effect, so they came up with a way to secretly enter Chen Cang."

"I'm talking about 'Tong You' and 'Ji Ling'. Tong You is a formation that requires simultaneous implementation in two places. This way, the goal of transmitting souls over long distances can be achieved. Of course, only a part of the soul is transmitted through this method instead of the entire soul. Therefore, those Yin spirits sent through this method will not be struck by heavenly thunder since it only strikes their original body."

"Mount Modu's Yin creatures probably send some small souls or ghosts to set up Tong You formations in certain locations first before sending their own soul clones over using these formations for mischief-making purposes."

"Of course, although these soul clones have great power when compared to ordinary beings; at dawn or when facing truly powerful opponents; they may still struggle somewhat against them. So then came another method: ghost possession."

"They attach their soul clones onto powerful monsters like Jing Guai (a type of monster) which allows them to control these monsters for causing chaos as Jing Guai aren't afraid of sunlight and possess strange powers making them ideal hosts for possessing spirits."

Stopping here momentarily I turned around looking at Jietou and Xie Yilin saying: "You should understand now after this explanation, right? This is also why the Chi family has been patrolling and killing monsters on Mount Modu. Because the farther away a Tong You formation is from them, the less effective it becomes. Those Yin creatures are naturally happy to control Mount Modu's monsters nearby as this allows them to maximize their own power. The Chi family patrols and kills these monsters in order to prevent those Yin creatures from transmitting souls or possessing spirits nearby."

"Understood, now that you've explained everything clearly, what do we do next?" JIETOU asked me.

Ah--" Xie Yilin yawned timely, then looked at us and said, "I think the most important thing now is to rest. I haven't slept all night and I'm almost dead tired."

Her words reminded me that I was also a little tired and exhausted, but it was not appropriate to say it out loud. So I turned around and looked at Chi Qingshuai.

Chi Qingshuai held a wine pot in his hand with a wilted expression. After a long time, he turned around and looked at us saying, "This matter cannot be done in a short while. If you are tired, go back first and have a good rest. Today I will go to Hangzhou once. You can wait for me patiently until I come back. We will start officially after my return."

Hearing this, I nodded and said to him: "In that case, we'll go back to rest first. Master Chi can directly find us at the hotel when you come back since you should know where we live."

"I know," Chi Qingshuai nodded.

Seeing this situation, I waved goodbye to Xie Yilin and Jietou preparing to return together with them.

However, just as we had walked only few steps away from there,Xie Yilin suddenly stopped again with her eyebrows furrowed saying: "You guys have finished talking about your matters but mine hasn't been mentioned yet. Wait for me please; there's something that I want to ask Master Chi about."

After speaking these words she walked towards Chi Qingshuai asking him: "Master Chi do you remember my boyfriend Han Tianjiu?"

"I remember him; he was quite an impressive young man," replied Chi Qingshuai smilingly.

"Yes...he died in car accident later on which incidentally has already been told by me earlier too.Do you still remember?" Xie Yilin asked.

"I remember," Chi Qingshuai nodded.

"Now there's a situation and I would like to ask for your guidance, Master," said Xie Yilin. She then waved at me to come over and continued: "Master, some time ago Liu Yiheng helped my boyfriend summon his soul but found out that his soul was being controlled by someone else. It seems that he has also turned into...turned into something that eats--"

"Eats Yangkui," I added: "After Han Tianjiu died, his Yin spirit did not return to the underworld but was captured by someone. It is still unclear who did it. This matter needs further investigation."

"No need to investigate," Chi Qingshuai looked at us and said: "If nothing unexpected happens, he should have been controlled by those Mo Du Yin creatures."

"How could this be?" I asked in confusion: "Could it be..."

"You guessed right; near Mo Du Mountain within a radius of one hundred miles, the reincarnation channel has been cut off. That Mo Du Mountain is the underworld here where all souls of immortals and mortals who die are directly caught by the minions of Mo Du Yin creatures instead of falling into the reincarnation channel." explained Chi Qingshuai.

Upon hearing this, my heart sank and I instinctively looked at Chi Qingshuai. "If that's the case, then it explains why King Wu of Wu was able to quickly improve his cultivation. However, controlling souls and absorbing yang energy, even sucking blood to nourish corpses will inevitably harm the surrounding living beings. But how come I haven't heard of any strange occurrences near Mount Modu?"

"Do you think I'm just here for fun?" Chi Qingshuai glanced at me and said: "In order for them to cause trouble when they want to come out, they must first set up a communication formation. And setting up a communication formation will inevitably cause changes in yin and yang energies. How could I not notice such obvious changes? Once I discover their conspiracy, I will definitely go dismantle that communication formation so their plan fails."

"In other words, the situation inside Mount Modu is unimaginable," I frowned as I looked at Chi Qingshuai.

"If it's unimaginable then it's unimaginable. Regardless of what lies ahead, we can only move forward now," Chi Qingshuai smiled after looking at me: "The only thing that worries me is whether you guys will back down during battle because if things go wrong with this matter someone may have to pay with their life."

"Don't worry about us backing down; if we were afraid of death we wouldn't be here,"I smiled before taking Shi Yilin's hand and turning around to walk away.

"Liu YiHeng."

I had barely taken a few steps when Chi Qingshuai called out my name again.

"Is there something else?"I turned around and asked him.

Seeing my reaction, he lifted his wine jug and took a big gulp before saying: "I know you carry precious weapons on your person so if this mission is going to succeed everything depends on you. I don't know if we will ultimately succeed, but regardless, I want to thank you now."

Hearing Chi Qingshuai's words, my heart skipped a beat. I knew he was referring to my sword of mercy.

I didn't expect him to be so observant; with just one swing of my sword he could see through me. This made me somewhat wary and I couldn't help but say: "Master is the same way too right? Precious weapons are hidden away and we're all just looking out for each other.