It was still clicked.


With a crisp sound, the red-haired man was startled by Jietou's cold shout and dropped his Guan Gong sword. He couldn't help but raise his hands and crouch on the ground with a frightened face, crying as he looked at Jietou, "M-Master, please spare me. I won't dare to do it again."

"What won't you dare to do again?" Jietou sneered and asked the man.

"I-I don't know," the red-haired man replied timidly.

"Since you don't know, let me tell you," Jietou walked up and grabbed the man's hair, pulling his face up and staring at him. "Li Jianyang is your boss, right?"

"Yes," nodded the red-haired man.

"He has been disabled now? You all followed him before and came here for revenge on him now, right?" Jietou asked.

"'s not it. We didn't come here for revenge originally," said the nervous red-haired man looking at Jietou with fear in his heart.

"Then why are you here?" asked Jietou.

"That's because our big brother is currently undergoing surgery in hospital. We came along to accompany him. It just so happened that someone recognized you when you came out of there which led to this fight. It was just a coincidence." The red-haired man grinned nervously.

"Is Li Jianyang also in hospital?" Hearing this news made Jietou's eyes light up as he glanced over at me.

"Let's go; dealing with these small fries won't be useful anyway. Let's strike first against their leader," I said

"Let's go." After throwing away the red-haired guy,Jie Tou turned around and headed towards the hospital

"What is he doing?" Seeing what Jiétóu did next,Xie Yilin couldn't help but ask in confusion.

"I think he might really be going to kill someone this time. Let's go and follow him." I pulled Xie Yilin's hand as we walked towards the hospital. I felt particularly happy, it had been a long time since I was so happy.

Hot-bloodedness is the true nature of youth, and that's not wrong at all!

Chirp chirp chirp -"

However, unfortunately, what a young man with hot blood needs is capital and an all-powerful father. Otherwise, he will inevitably pay a painful price. For example, right now, more than ten police cars are screaming as they rush in from the street corner. This situation indicates that JIETOU and I will face great trouble.

But to be honest, these police officers' reactions were a bit slow. After all, JIETOU and I had already knocked down all two hundred people before they arrived late. Wasn't their response speed too low?

However, when I raised my wrist to check my watch and found that it hadn't been half an hour since we left the hospital gate until now, I understood these police officers somewhat.

The incident at the hospital entrance was a big case for them. The fighting parties not only had many people but also many of them were armed with weapons. Therefore, after receiving the alarm call, they needed to gather police forces and make careful arrangements before taking action. From this perspective alone, their reaction speed was not slow.

The police came but JIETOU and I had already entered the hospital courtyard.

Those policemen didn't know what was going on here so according to their habitual thinking pattern; they thought those hooligans were causing trouble here so they first controlled those hooligans who came up.

Speaking of which JIETOU and I might be the calmest "criminals" ever in history because after beating people up we never planned on running away nor did we even prepare for it; instead we even planned to continue "committing crimes."

After a while when those outside policemen were arresting those hooligans; JIETOU along with Xie Yilin went into Li Jianyang's ward together.

As **** boss Li Jianyang's ward naturally had some guards inside and outside.

However, these people were no obstacle to JIETOU and me at all so we finally entered the ward smoothly.

"Who are you? What do you want?!" Seeing that JIETOU and I knocked out several people who accompanied Li Jianyang without saying a word, the doctor and nurse who were treating Li Jianyang's wounds couldn't help but stare at us angrily and ask.

"I'll count to three. You guys get out immediately or face consequences!" JIETOU stepped forward and began counting with three fingers raised.

Upon seeing this situation, the doctors and nurses immediately dropped their tools and fled outside together.

"It's you guys--"

At this moment, a weak and hoarse voice came from the bed.

Hearing that voice, I took a step forward to look at Li Jianyang. I wanted to see what kind of person this **** boss was like.

To be honest, after really seeing the face of that bastard, I felt very unhappy in my heart.

The dog looked pretty good with his long face slightly white and distinct facial features. There was stubble around his lips giving him a strong masculine vibe.

Simply judging by his appearance alone, he didn't seem to have the "hidden dragon in the grass" look; on the contrary, he had some signs of wealth which made me feel strange as if his actions did not match his appearance.

When I saw all these things at that time, I almost wanted to go up and ask him if he had read too many books. As they say: knowledge changes fate; perhaps I was influenced by Che Qingshuai's old drunkard who always thought about some inappropriate things when reading people's faces.

"Hmph! Li Jianyang, you're not mistaken - it is us again! How about it? Are you afraid?" Xie Yilin stepped forward with cold eyes looking at Li Jianyang asking.

Li Jianyang was almost completely naked at this point with bloodstains on his lower body. The doctors obviously hadn't had time to fully treat his wounds before they left; they only managed to cover him with a white cloth when they left.

Li Jianyang gritted his teeth while glaring fiercely at Xie Yilin saying: "Xie Yilin! Didn't expect you would be so ruthless! If only I knew earlier then back then...I shouldn't have saved your life!"

"Bullshit! You call that saving me?! Those people who wanted to rape me back then were clearly arranged by you! Do you think I don't know your tricks? You just wanted to pretend to be a hero and win my heart. This trick has been used many times on my other sisters too. Hmph, since you brought it up, let me make it more memorable for you!"

As Xie Yilin spoke, she grabbed a surgical knife and slapped Li Jianyang's lower body with it.


Strangely enough, even though Li Jianyang was struggling nervously when he saw this situation, he didn't move at all after being hit by the surgical knife. He didn't even scream in pain.

"You're quite tough!" Xie Yilin looked at Li Jianyang with an unhappy expression on her face. She raised her hand and turned the knife around as if she was going to stab him again.

This time Li Jianyang became anxious and couldn't help but shout: "No! Don't do that! I've taken anesthesia so I can't move or feel any pain; it's not because I'm tough--"

"Hahaha! So that's how it is," hearing this, Xie Yilin smiled triumphantly before darkening her eyes again and stabbing down with the knife.