Oni Inu Swallows the Moon

The night was deep, and the lights were just coming on. Due to proper measures taken, things in the hospital did not spread out nor cause any panic. The elegant city restored its previous prosperity and bustle.

We walked on the street with empty stomachs, feeling dizzy from hunger.

Yang Chunwen leaned on his crutches. Although he had difficulty moving, his speed was not slow. He led us into a luxurious hotel with ease and ordered a quiet and pleasant private room.

After entering the room and sitting around a large round table, although there were four people present, it still seemed spacious.

At that time, I couldn't help but feel some emotion when looking at this large private room because compared to such high-end environment, I seemed to prefer the warmth and comfort of small shops along the street.

Soon after, the waiter began serving dishes. Without hesitation we three started eating without any regard for our image.

Yang Chunwen's appetite didn't seem too good as he only ate a little bit of food before sitting there smoking while watching us eat.

"Not bad," I said while gnawing on a piece of steak bone. "The food in this big hotel is indeed better than that of roadside stalls at least in terms of presentation."

"Unfortunately," Xie Yilin sneered sarcastically. "Not everyone can afford such high-end delicacies; they are being wasted by some worthless people."

Yang Chunwen was very cunning so he just smiled awkwardly pretending not to have heard her words.

Everyone has a destiny, it's predetermined by heaven," JIETOU sighed helplessly while eating prawns and looking at Xie Yilin. "This is just how things are, whether you accept it or not."

"What destiny? I don't believe in that nonsense," Xie Yilin scoffed and tore open a crab. As she sucked the juice out of it, she asked me, "If we're talking about destiny, then what kind of destiny does Liu YiHeng have?"

That question stumped JIETOU who could only awkwardly laugh and say, "His...his fate is determined by heaven."

"Bullshit!" Xie Yilin glared at JIETOU before turning her gun towards Yang Chunwen. "Then may I ask what outstanding contributions this gentleman has made to society? Why can he live such a luxurious life while others suffer? This society is unfair!"

"Well...actually I've tried my best..." Yang Chunwen laughed awkwardly.

"Shh." Just as they were speaking, I suddenly gestured for them to be quiet. Then with furrowed brows and silently spreading my energy around us, I probed into the private room nearby where I discovered a dark aura swirling around like a dog-shaped shadow.

"It's here," I told JIETOU and the others.

"It's here? Where?" Yang Chunwen stood up nervously upon hearing me speak.

JIETOU looked around confusedly before asking me skeptically: "How did you know it was coming? I didn't sense anything."

Upon hearing his words, I couldn't help but glance over at YunQingYue standing next to me with some prideful laughter before standing up myself and saying: "Let's not expose ourselves yet. Let's finish our meal normally then leave. First though let's lead it away somewhere secluded.

Okay," they all nodded when they heard me say that. Then we continued to chat and laugh while eating. After finishing our meal, we paid the bill and left the private room together.

Outside, I carefully looked around and found that the ghost dog was hiding in the shadows, staring at Yang Chunwen with its blood-red eyes filled with coldness and hatred.

I asked everyone to remain calm as we safely left the hotel. We then walked towards a nearby park. Once inside, JIETOU, Xie Yilin, and I hid ourselves while letting Yang Chunwen walk ahead alone using his crutches.

Yang Chunwen was very nervous as he walked forward while constantly looking back behind him with a fearful expression on his face.

The ghost dog followed Yang Chunwen closely until it suddenly pounced on him with a low growl once it saw that he was alone. This situation made me very nervous because I had previously discussed the ghost dog's behavior with Yang Chunwen who said that although it had been following him for some time now, it never actually attacked him before. So why did it attack him this time?

Without thinking too much about it, I quickly rushed over just before the ghost dog could reach Yang Chunwen and used my Qi blade to strike at it which sent it flying away instantly.

"Roar!" The ghost dog let out a cry after landing on its feet before turning around to run far away.


Upon seeing this situation, I shouted loudly. JIETOU wielded his treasure umbrella and golden wheel, leaping out from the layers of trees on the side. He threw the golden wheel, which had already turned into a golden light and flew towards the ghost dog.

The golden wheel carried the power of Buddha's light and heat. The ghost dog dared not confront it head-on and could only dodge backwards. At this moment, I followed up with a binding soul talisman in my hand directly pressing onto its head.

My goal at this time was to control the ghost dog and see what it was all about.

Originally, I thought that this ghost dog did not have much strength and I could easily control it with a binding soul talisman. However, unexpectedly when my paper charm fell towards the ghost dog, in its desperation it suddenly opened its mouth wide. Immediately after that, I saw a blood-red light flash out; then I felt a huge force hit me as if being struck by lightning causing me to fly out directly hitting a large tree.

"YiHeng how are you?" Seeing my situation Xie Yilin who had been hiding in secret rushed over to support me.

"Don't worry about me! This damn dog actually tried to resist; simply outrageous!" As I got up from the ground cursing under my breath while looking at the ghost dog feeling somewhat surprised.


At this moment, I saw the ghost dog raise its head and squat on the ground, with a big open mouth. Above its head was a fist-sized blood-red light ball floating. The light ball flickered and rotated, just by looking at it you could tell that it was not an ordinary object.

"Swallowing Moon Technique?" Watching the movements of the ghost dog, I couldn't help but frown and immediately warned JIETOU in the distance: "JIETOU, be careful. This ghost dog's skills are profound. Be careful not to get hurt!"

"Don't worry, this dog can't do anything to me!" As a result, as soon as I spoke up, I aroused JIETOU's anger. He couldn't help but wave his umbrella and golden wheel towards the ghost dog.

"Swoosh" With a soft sound, JIETOU's golden wheel flew out again and shot towards the ghost dog in an arc.

However, in the next moment, only to see that the ghost dog suddenly turned its head and quickly hit JIETOU with its light ball on top of its head. The power of that light ball was huge; it not only blocked off the golden wheel but also heavily hit JIETOU's umbrella in his hand.

JIETOU shouted loudly before he could react to what had happened; his whole body flew backwards like a falling leaf.