Die twice on her

Wan'e Yin is the leader, with a knife hanging over her head for her lustful ways. These words are not wrong at all. Guo Youcai is a good example of this. He lived his life to the fullest and died without regretting it. He only felt that he hadn't had enough fun.

In fact, it's not surprising that he had such thoughts. After all, when he was with Wang Xiren, he was already an old man while she was in her prime. So no matter how you calculate it, he still made out well even if it cost him his life.

As they say, dying under a rose bush is also romantic even as a ghost.

However, I'm not interested in Guo Youcai and Wang Xiren's affairs right now. I just want to know how Guo Youcai possessed the body of a dog demon and why he did so.

According to Guo Youcai's account, two "da xian er" (immortals) forced him into the body of the dog demon. This corroborates what Long Er Huo said and confirms one thing: these ghosts who possess bodies are indeed being manipulated by someone behind the scenes; most likely from Mo Du Mountain.

They must be planning something but what exactly?

According to them, they're only helping these people come back to life and then there will be no further involvement from them except for their demand that these ghosts obey their commands when needed or face severe punishment. But what do they want these ghosts to do?

Do they plan on controlling the entire human world? Does King Wu Helu have no intention of ascending to heaven anymore?

Things are becoming more confusing than ever before."

"Cough cough...I have a question," after pondering for half awhile,I couldn't help but ask Guo Youcai: "Before you came along,I've encountered some ghosts possessing human bodies,but why did you possess a dog's body?

Upon hearing my words, Guo Youcai coughed awkwardly and then reluctantly said: 'Those two immortals accused me of embezzlement, bribery, having an affair with my secretary, and doing many bad things. They claimed that I was morally corrupt and therefore not qualified to be resurrected as a human being. Instead, I should be sent to the animal realm. Originally they wanted to put me on a big toad's body but after pleading with them in every way possible, they allowed me to be reborn as a dog.'

'Okay,' I said. 'It seems those two bastards still have some sense of justice. Now let me ask you another question - how did you find Wang Xiren? And why did you...um...climb her?'

'Yes,' Guo Youcai nodded at me and replied: 'As you know, the main reason why I lingered in the mortal world is because I couldn't let go of Xiren. So after being reincarnated into this dog demon's body, I've been silently following her every move. To tell you the truth when I found out she had slept with Yang Chunwen again it really broke my heart. Hey! Initially I thought she would grieve for some time over my death but who would have thought that while my corpse was still cold she hooked up with the new director instead? It just goes to show that actors are ungrateful creatures without any loyalty or conscience!'

'Don't you think what you're saying is ironic?'I asked him directly.'Don't pretend like you don't know why that woman was with you in the first place.If it wasn't for your position as director,you,a dried-up old man about to die,wouldn't have attracted her attention.What does she want from following someone like yourself?Isn't it all for personal gain?If it's all for personal gain,then there's no such thing as love.What right does she have to mourn for you?If anything,she should be happy that you died earlier.'I exposed Guo Youcai's pretentiousness.

After hearing my words, Guo Youcai's eyes visibly flickered. He remained silent for a while before finally sighing helplessly: 'You're right. There was never any real emotion between us and everything she did was normal. So I didn't blame her too much for it. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been able to survive until now because at the time I already had some cultivation skills and could easily kill her.'

Finally, you did something right. So tell me, what happened that day in the wilderness?" I asked.

Bringing up that day's events, Guo Youcai couldn't help but sigh deeply again and said: "The saying 'a knife on the head of lust' is truly accurate. Both times I almost died because of Wang Xiren. Ahh, this woman is really my nemesis. That day in the wilderness, I was just following her from afar to watch her when she unexpectedly had sex with Yang Chunwen. After they finished, she fell asleep without putting on any clothes while lying on her side. Seeing her smooth and white body made me envious and unable to resist myself so I climbed onto her. What I didn't expect was that I actually went inside and got stuck there! Once locked inside, my excitement never stopped which prevented me from using my powers; as a result those two dogs teamed up to kill me."

"I really died unjustly! You know that as a dog demon with cultivation skills under normal circumstances even if twenty people came at once they wouldn't be able to beat me! But it was all because of my momentary pleasure-seeking behavior that led to losing my life again... At the time when I used all my strength to condense some demonic power and bit Yang Chunwen causing him harm he then went ahead and invited many evil spirits into his temple making it impossible for me to take revenge immediately so all I could do was attach myself onto his inner core instead... However, not too worried since he has been unable to remove the poison from his leg which has already begun rotting away; therefore unless something unexpected happens he will definitely die a miserable death - which suits me just fine." Guo Youcai spoke resentfully with malice in his heart.

Upon hearing this, I couldn't help but let out a sigh. I felt that men and women in this world were truly too ignorant. I really don't understand why they are so obsessed with that little thing between them. Is it really that enjoyable?

I can't comprehend them. Speaking of my first time, it was much more thrilling than theirs, but now I'm still normal, right? And I don't think about doing it with a woman every day.

"Okay, so this matter is clear to me now. But then another problem arises: what's going on with Wang Xiren? How did she suddenly become your puppet surrounded by black aura? From her previous words, she seems to have known your identity already; what's going on?" I looked at Guo Youcai and continued to ask: "Also, why did you suddenly launch an attack on Yang Chunwen today? Why did Wang Xiren come out to protect you again? Can you give me a reasonable explanation for these things?