Just fuck

That Zhuan Zhu's ghost has indeed not lived in vain for more than two thousand years. He quickly exposed my lies and prepared to punish me and Jietou. However, by this time, I had basically extracted all the information I wanted from him, so he was of little use to me anymore. As a result, I didn't need to continue pretending anymore.

I stepped forward with my sword raised, ready to fight him with a fierce expression on my face. Seeing my move, Zhuan Zhu stared at me coldly and grinned.

"You two little bugs don't know your place," he said. "Do you think that as a three-star Yin king, I'm just for show? Let me tell you something: even though I'm just a soul clone now, I still have the power of at least a one-star Yin king. If you want to defeat me...heh heh...you're far from it! And besides, you two stinky boys are already so young but have such cultivation levels and work in catching ghosts - you are the natural enemies of our kings! If we don't kill you today, it will be trouble later!"

"You talk too much," I sneered back at him playfully. "Have being dead for over two thousand years made you go crazy? Now that suddenly given an opportunity to speak again?"

"Shut up and die!" Zhuan Zhu shouted angrily before attacking me with his Soul-Piercing Sword technique.

Seeing his move coming towards me, my eyes narrowed involuntarily as Linger Sword shot out fiercely blocking his attack while shouting at Jietou: "Jietou! Be sure to lock onto his shadow using your elemental energy! Also try not get too close; stand further away instead! Ranged attacks will do fine; leave the frontal assault against him up to me!"

"Don't worry about it!" Jietou responded immediately, understanding my intentions. He flipped backwards and, at the same time, furrowed his brows while manipulating his Buddhist Light Golden Wheel to attack Zhuan Zhu.

"Damn bugs! You're so annoying! Looks like I need to cut you down quickly!

Faced with my frontal attack and JIETOU's long-range strike, Zhuanzhu was a little flustered. He retreated while raising his left hand and shouted, "The Yin Qi fills the sky and earth, the ghost domain appears for ten thousand years. Come out, Ghost Domain Barrier!" As expected, Zhuanzhu found that he couldn't defeat us and in desperation prepared to summon the Ghost Domain Barrier.

Seeing this situation, I couldn't help but rush towards JIETOU while saying to him as I ran: "JIETOU, within the Ghost Domain Barrier all five senses are lost. It is pitch black inside and only the King of Yin is worshipped as a god. The situation is extremely dangerous. You must follow me later because I have a way to deal with this barrier!" At that moment when I spoke, I took out the Yin Soul Bell and was ready to use it along with Heaven Covering Bell to protect myself and JIETOU.

However, just as I did so, JIETOU suddenly pulled my arm and said: "How big can this Ghost Domain Barrier be?"

"I'm not sure about that," I replied to JIETOU. "Based on previous experience though, I estimate its size should be only several hundred square meters."

"In that case," said JIETOU confidently,"why are you afraid? Let's move back a bit instead of fighting here! Now he wants to deal with us; if we run away then he can only chase after us. Can he still summon the Ghost Domain Barrier while chasing us?"

"You're right," I agreed with him."You really know how to fight! Let's go then - let's run further away from here so that his barrier won't cover us. Let me tell you something - this barrier really annoys me because once trapped inside it becomes very troublesome!"

As I spoke, I and JIETOU ran towards a distant place. "You insects, don't even think about escaping!" Seeing our actions, Zhuanzhu became very angry. Helpless, he had to stop summoning the barrier halfway and then chased after us.

Seeing that he stopped summoning the barrier, I immediately rushed towards him while shouting loudly. A fierce burst of Yang energy shot out from my left hand as I swung my sword at him with mercy. The dazzling flames burned brightly as I attacked Zhuanzhu relentlessly in an instant which forced him to be busy defending himself without any chance for counterattack.

Three thousand worlds, one world with one golden wheel. The Tathagata's effortless Dharma universally saves the mortal realm. Go! Solar day golden wheel slash, universally save all beings!"

While I was confronting Zhuanzhu head-on, Jietou stood in the distance and recited a verse. Then he clasped his hands together and pointed at Zhuanzhu with both fingers. Suddenly, the golden wheel in mid-air grew dozens of times larger and shone brightly like the scorching sun. With a rapid spin, it turned into a stream of light and slashed towards Zhuanzhu.

Zhuanzhu wasn't foolish enough to underestimate the attack of the golden wheel; he could only hurriedly wield his sword to block it.

"Ding!" As iron clashed against gold, sparks flew everywhere while white smoke rose from Zhuanzhu's long sword due to this solar day strike as if it would disappear at any moment.

This situation made Zhuanzhu extremely angry; he roared furiously and raised his ghost claw on his left hand to grab me directly.

"Extreme cold ghost claw! Die!"

The ghost claw that looked like bamboo joints flashed like lightning as it rushed forward; during its process, it suddenly enlarged dozens of times into a purple glowing giant sharp claw that seemed to want to tear me apart with just one swipe.

"You have your ghost claws? I also have my blazing soul-catching hand! Take my palm too!"

Seeing that ghost claw coming towards me, my eyes twitched; instead of using mercy swordsmanship, I lifted up my left hand and met him head-on with a palm strike.

"Bare-handed exorcism! QingYue, watch out!"

At the same time as pushing forward with one palm strike alone, I shouted loudly for YunQingYue in my heart.

Hearing what I said,YunQingYue coldly snorted, and her scorching soul power instantly penetrated into my left hand through the spirit bud and spirit branch. Under her soul power's urging, the small white handprint on the back of my left hand suddenly enlarged and spread out, making my entire left hand turn snowy white. At the same time, a golden light shone forth from it; I had struck out a palm print as large as a winnowing basket seemingly out of nowhere.

The golden palm print met the purple ghost claw head-on. Under the clash of yin and yang, a loud "boom-crack" was heard as the two opposing energies suddenly vanished into thin air due to their mutual restraint. The explosion created dazzling light and shadows, along with a mushroom cloud of smoke.

Underneath the haze, neither I nor Zhuan Zhu could see each other's figures anymore. However, since I had been using my energy to lock onto his position all along, even though he tried to dodge backwards at this moment, I still flew straight up towards him and accurately found his location. Then I swung my sword in mid-air with precision and fierce Yang fire directly towards him.

"Die now, Zhuan Zhu Yinwang! You are just a lowly ghost soldier! This is forever human territory while your only destination is hell!"

With a loud shout, my Mercy Sword swelled up like an opening sky giant blade crushing down on Zhuan Zhu without mercy. Unless something unexpected happened he would surely be crushed beyond recognition!