Furious enough to spit blood

You, you guys, actually know all of this?" Faced with my interruption, King Yin Zhu couldn't help but show a shocked expression. He waved his ghost claws to counter our attack while subconsciously looking around.

Seeing his expression, I couldn't help but sneer and said to him: "Do you want to escape? Let me tell you that you have no chance. You want to send our information back to Mount Modu? Hahaha, I advise you not to dream. Your clone has only one end today - ashes and smoke with nothing left behind. Don't even think about doing anything harmful to us!"

"Who are you? How do you know everything?" Upon hearing my words, King Yin Zhu's face changed drastically.

Seeing his reaction, I couldn't help but smile proudly because before this moment I wasn't entirely sure about it. But now that he had spoken like this, I was completely certain.

As expected, whether it was the Soul Clone sent out by the Ghostly Formation or the Corpse Dragging Soul Seal teleportation technique they used for their soul clones were not immediately connected with their main body. If these soul clones wanted to transmit information back then there was only one way - for them return back into their main body.

This meant that the Corpse Dragging Soul Seal had an obvious flaw; once it extracted a soul's power over there would be no going back unless those soul clones themselves traversed through a long journey and flew back into their main bodies.

And now what King Yin Zhu's Soul Clone faced was exactly such an awkward situation.

At this point, he already knew that he was no match for us. He had prepared to die long ago, but before his death, he definitely wanted to do one thing - to pass on what he saw and heard here or at least let the dead ghosts of King Wu know about our existence and that we were their potential threat. They must be eliminated in a timely manner.

Unfortunately, I am too smart and have already figured out his plan. JIETOU, keep an eye on him. Whether you kill him or not doesn't matter; the most important thing is not to let his soul fly back to Mount Modu. The information here cannot be transmitted back; otherwise they will summon a large number of ghost spirits to deal with us together.

Although these soul clones are not our match one-on-one, if there are too many of them, it may become unpredictable."

At present, while pressing Yinwang Zhuanzhu closely, I reminded JIETOU: "Don't worry about it. I have been locking onto his figure with my vitality from beginning till end. I can see everything clearly and if he wants to run away it won't be so easy for him! When we brothers fight against ghosts when did we ever fail?"

JIETOU smiled proudly as she controlled the Yaoke Jinlun (a weapon) towards Yinwang Zhuanzhu: "It's okay now! My attack method is just too unmanly; otherwise I would rush up and beat this guy up myself! Only real men like me are suitable for head-on confrontation while you should hide behind!"

Note: This text seems like an excerpt from a novel or story without context provided.

Don't worry, you have plenty of opportunities to confront them head-on. You don't need to rush!" I spoke with JIETOU while coldly watching the shadowy figure of Yinwang Zhuanzhu who was flanked by his supporters. "Zhuanzhu, if I'm not mistaken, you should be close to your end now. Hehe, your soul's power as a clone is impressive but unfortunately our brothers' power surpasses yours. To tell you the truth, three months ago your strength could easily knock us down but unfortunately for you our growth rate is beyond your imagination so it's best for you to die peacefully now. Even though you are a soul clone, dying will still be extremely painful and agonizing as your body convulses and chills before slowly dissipating into thin air. So let me ask you this: do you want to die quickly? If so then I am happy to help but only if there is something in exchange."

"Hiss...roar...you despicable brat! You all dare insult me like this?! I am one of Wu Wang's five guardians and once assassinated Wu Wang Liao single-handedly which helped my lord ascend the throne! Even if I were to self-destruct my own soul right now, I would never surrender!"

Hearing my words made Yinwang Zhuanzhu grit his teeth and scream out loud.

Upon hearing him speak like that, I couldn't help but sneer at him before saying: "Oh dear Lord Zhuanzhu! How tall and mighty thou art! How admirable indeed! So it turns out that thou art the legendary hero huh? Tsk tsk tsk...how impressive indeed except for one thing..."

At this point in time my tone changed abruptly as I continued speaking rapidly: "Unfortunately for thee thy ignorance knows no bounds since during thy lifetime thou wert nothing more than a reckless warrior who was used and manipulated by Wu Zixu and Gongzi Guang. Didst thou think that thou wert great? Let me tell thee this: Thou art nothing but a joke! Not only are you laughable, but also pitiful. Do you know why? It's because the king whom you assassinated, Wu Wang Liao, was a wise ruler while King Helü was just a treacherous man. Your selfish actions for fame and fortune have harmed all of the people in Wu country. Do you understand now? You are guilty beyond redemption! You were never one of the four righteous assassins; instead, you were just an insignificant and despicable person who harmed the interests of your own people!"


Yinwang Zhuanzhu spat out black blood as my words caused his face to turn purple with rage before he fell into an uncontrollable fury.

"Oh my, what a clever and eloquent boy. My glorious and great achievements have been ruined by you, making them worthless. This really makes me angry to death!" Zhuan Zhu pounded his chest and stomped his feet in uncontrollable anger, looking like he wanted to eat me alive.

However, this is exactly the effect I want. I want to provoke him because people lose their rationality when they are angry and often let their guard down, especially in terms of speech. Before this, I had already extracted all the information I wanted from him. Now before killing him, I want him to reveal more information himself. The only way to do that is to provoke him.

Sure enough, under his rage, Zhuan Zhu lost some of his sanity as he gritted his teeth and stared at me fiercely before suddenly bursting into laughter.

"Hahaha--" Zhuan Zhu laughed loudly but then looked coldly at me and JIETOU saying: "You bugs forced me into this situation. Originally I didn't want to harm so many innocent lives but since you are so rude now it's not my fault anymore! Watch carefully because what comes next will be the most glorious moment for every king of hell - Inferno Soul Explosion! I'll send you all straight to hell where you'll die!"