
At night, it was deep and lonely. The dim streetlights shone on the desolate surroundings as a gentle breeze blew by. I sat slumped on the ground, gasping for air while looking up at the sky-covering bell in front of me. I truly felt that the scene just now was extremely dangerous. When I went to do it earlier, I didn't feel anything special, but now thinking back, I couldn't help feeling scared. If the sky-covering bell had been activated one second later, perhaps my soul would have already scattered and turned into a corpse.

I've once again walked through death's door; life is full of ups and downs which can be truly thrilling.

"Damn! Liu YiHeng, you're amazing!" Jietou ran over to me and patted my shoulder with admiration.

"It's just luck," I smiled bitterly while lifting my arm to check my wrist where blood was still flowing from an injury caused by a knife wound inflicted during our escape earlier. In haste at that time, I cut too deeply and seemed to have severed an artery.

"What happened? How did you get hurt?" Jietou grabbed my wrist quickly before tearing off a strip of cloth from his clothes to wrap around it while saying: "It seems like arterial bleeding which is difficult to stop without going to the hospital. How are you feeling? Let's go together; I'll support you."

"I'm fine; I can still manage," taking a deep breath then gritting my teeth as we stood up together first collecting the sun-blocking bell before attempting also collect that sky-covering bell only for us both realizing after folding in half its size remained unchanged due being filled with yin essence preventing further reduction.

It appeared that this yin essence prevented it from shrinking any further - what should we do?

Helpless about this situation, all we could do was take off our jackets then wrap the sky-covering bell in it before carrying it on our backs.

Hehe, this is good. With these big things on our backs, we look just like the wandering monks of ancient times," JIETOU laughed as he looked at me.

"Wandering monks? That's you. I'm a Taoist!" I rolled my eyes and looked at the bandage on my wrist, realizing that blood was seeping out. The situation was serious, so I said to JIETOU: "Let's go to the hospital first and check on Xie Yilin."

"Okay," JIETOU stepped forward to help me walk but I pushed him away. "Don't be dramatic. I'm not that weak."

"F*ck, do you think I enjoy it?" JIETOU sneered and whistled while walking ahead by himself.

"I mean," after a moment, JIETOU said to me: "We gained quite a bit from this mission even though you were injured badly. At least we figured out the conspiracy of those Mo Du Yin Hun ghosts, don't you think?"

"Actually even if we didn't figure it out, it wouldn't affect our plan much because their conspiracy is only for preparing for Wu Wang's exit from Guan Pass which doesn't conflict with our plan since we're going into the mountains to block Jiuyin Huangquan." I told JIETOU.

"Don't you find it strange? If Wu Wang wants to leave then he should just leave without all these extra steps right? He let these Yin Hun ghosts come out through dragging corpse soul prints to protect him and clear up any troublemakers but what effect could they have? You know when he leaves Guan Pass he'll already be like a god-like existence where ordinary people can hardly touch him let alone harm him with thunderbolts falling everywhere around them so what is he worried about exactly? Is there something in this world besides us that makes him even more wary? What kind of thing could that be?" JIETOU asked me.

JIETOU's words piqued my interest. He was right, Wu Wang's arrangement for the ghosts seemed reasonable on the surface but upon closer inspection, it felt like a redundant move. He didn't need to do this at all but he did it anyway. Why?

Is it possible that there are people in this world who pose a greater threat to us than the one we're after? But who is that person?

If that person is really so powerful, can our ghost possessions really deal with him?

The fog is thick and things have become a bit confusing. It's hard to figure out what's going on.

"Never mind, let's not think too much about it for now. Anyway, let's stick to our plan. The end result will be the same," I said to JIETOU.

"That's right," JIETOU nodded and went into the hospital first.

"Not bad, it's quite quiet here. Looks like everything has calmed down during the day. Hmm... I just don't know if there will be another outbreak in a year," JIETOU looked at the tranquil hospital and couldn't help but laugh.

"What do you mean?" I asked him as I looked at him.

"All those women were attacked by that thing during the day, so many of them must have gotten pregnant inside," JIETOU said.

"You're thinking too much," I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Don't worry, none of them will accidentally get pregnant."

"Why are you so sure?" JIETOU asked curiously.

"Because I had the doctor give them all pills," I boasted proudly.

"Is it called Yuting or something?" JIETOU asked curiously again.

I nodded my head and walked into the lobby of the hospital, ready to find a doctor to help me treat my wounds.

"By the way Liu YiHeng, why do you know so much about these crooked ways? That Yuting thingy - before this incident happened - never heard of it before! How did you learn about this stuff?"Jietou followed me beside me asking incessantly

"This is an IQ problem; don't you know that I have a photographic memory? These are all things I read in books," I said proudly.

"Damn, I didn't study much. Don't lie to me," JIETOU rolled his eyes.

I smiled and didn't say anything. I stopped a young nurse and asked her to help me treat my wound. When the nurse saw that I was bleeding from an artery, she quickly arranged for me to be taken to the emergency room and called a doctor to properly bandage my wound.

After treating my wound, JIETOU and I couldn't resist walking towards the duty room, hoping that those nurses could help us find out about Xie Yilin's whereabouts. As it turned out, before we even had a chance to ask, we saw Xie Yilin coming out of the elevator alone.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here? Is everything resolved? What about that ghost dog?" Xie Yilin saw us and curiously asked. Then she noticed the gauze wrapped around my wrist and frowned slightly as she walked up to me and lifted my wrist with concern. "How did you get hurt again? What happened?"

"It's nothing much, just got into a fight but luckily everything is resolved now so you don't have to worry," I smiled faintly as I pulled back my arm. Then I looked at her and asked: "Did you get checked? How were your results? And what about Wang Xiren?"

Upon hearing this question, Xie Yilin's eyes darkened involuntarily while her expression became awkward. After hesitating for quite some time, she finally stammered: "Yes...you were right...I am still...still..."

"That's good then," I breathed a sigh of relief before quickly changing the subject: "What about Wang Xiren?"

"She is hospitalized now because doctors said she is physically weak and needs rest or else it will not be good for her baby." Xie Yilin replied as she looked at me.

"What does that mean? Does she really want to give birth?" Upon hearing this news, I couldn't help but look at Xie Yilin in surprise and ask.