I can only take responsibility.

Facing Xie Yilin's questioning, what else could I do?

Even if I were shameless, I couldn't just ignore everything and leave it be.

So all I could do was awkwardly smile and say, "Um, don't worry. I'll take responsibility for all of this. I'll find a way to compensate you for your losses. If you can't hit me, then at least hit me until my face turns blue and purple. That way you can vent your anger, right?"

"Hmph! Who said anything about hitting you? My whole body hurts when I move; I don't have the strength to hit anyone," Xie Yilin replied as she looked at me.

"If you really want to take responsibility," she continued after a pause, "then take care of me properly and help me recover from my injuries. If your attitude is good enough, maybe I'll consider forgiving you."

"That's a given. Your injuries are my fault so taking care of them is only natural," I quickly agreed when seeing her softened attitude.

"So how are you going to take care of me? My whole body is sore and my back won't straighten up but the wounds need medicine too. What are you going to do?" Xie Yilin blinked as she asked me.

"Uh...you're not asking me to apply the medicine on your wounds yourself...are you?"I asked nervously with sweaty palms.

"Don't want to?" She frowned at me.

"I'm willing! It's just that...I'm afraid that it will be embarrassing for both of us..."I stammered out in nervousness.

"There's no avoiding embarrassment now; we can't let an illness go untreated." As she spoke these words,Xie Yilin handed over the ointment: "The doctor instructed that this ointment should be applied every morning before getting up on any bruises and wounds. It can reduce inflammation, sterilize the wound, speed up healing, and prevent tetanus. It's very important that you apply it carefully and evenly; don't try to fool me."

"Uh...okay." I had no choice but to take the ointment from her hand and sit on the edge of the bed: "So where should I start?"

"Let's start with my back. There are a lot of bruises there too. Yesterday I couldn't reach them so they haven't been treated yet," Xie Yilin said as she turned over onto her stomach on the bed: "You lift up my blanket yourself; just lift it up to my waist though. Don't even think about taking advantage of me again.

I am speechless. I mean, I'm putting medicine on you like this and it's not even taking advantage of you?

I didn't say much, nervously lifted her blanket and uncovered her entire back up to the waist, revealing many bruises on her back that were probably caused by me pressing down on her yesterday. Due to the large area of compression, those bruises looked quite shocking. Honestly, after seeing them myself, I couldn't help but gasp in surprise. I never thought she was injured so badly. It seems that women are really fragile.

Although there were large areas of bruising on her back, her skin was already delicate and thin. Especially with that narrow waistline and the hidden curves under the blanket made my imagination run wild.

I poured some ointment into my palm and gently spread it over her back.

Xie Yilin seemed to enjoy it very much as she unconsciously moaned softly while propping herself up with both hands under her face in a more comfortable position.

As soon as she moved like this, when both arms were raised up, the thing on top of chest naturally squeezed out which made me breathe heavily through my nose without realizing it.

"No way Liu YiHeng! You have to stay calm! Don't let your mind wander! Beautiful women are just skeletons covered in makeup; don't think too much about it - just treat them like corpses!"

I kept reminding myself in my head while suppressing my impulses. Finally finished applying medicine onto Xie Yilin's back then couldn't resist asking: "Where else should I apply?"

"My whole body is sore and lazy to move around so why don't you help me apply some medicine on front?" Xie Yilin said as she prepared to turn over but suddenly remembered something then told me: "Close your eyes."

So I had no choice but closed my eyes then somewhat annoyed asked: "If I can't see, how am I supposed to apply the medicine?"

"Don't you have some kind of special eyes? Use that to see then." Xie Yilin said a bit foolishly.

Now I really wanted to laugh. Does this woman not know that what I see with my heavenly eyes is the same as what I see with my naked eye?

However, since she insisted, I had no choice but to comply. I pretended to suddenly realize and said to her, 'That's a good idea. Alright then, turn over and close your eyes while I apply the medicine.' As I spoke, I closed my eyes and Shaylin turned over onto her back with relief.

As soon as she turned over, everything in front of me became bright white. When I opened my eyes again, the first thing that caught my attention were the two large buns on her chest adorned with cherry-red cherries. To be honest, those buns were really eye-catching and tempting. What was even more fatal was that there were two clear bruises imprinted on them which made them full of strange allure - wild yet enchanting!

I swallowed hard twice before calming down enough to start applying the medicine for her injuries gently. Shaylin lay there comfortably with closed eyes and soft snoring sounds while enjoying it all; however, it was quite painful for me.

After applying ointment on her chest area softly by rubbing it slowly onto those soft mounds which felt slippery smooth like elastic balls making one want to explode from within; all this time trying not to look at anything else except focusing on reciting Buddhist scriptures in order to calm myself down.

'You forgot about my arms,' Shaylin reminded me playfully after finishing up with her chest area while pouting cutely.

I gritted my teeth and continued working hard by helping apply ointment onto both of her arms too.

'Alright now we come to the most important part,' Shaylin said as she pulled up the blanket covering herself revealing two long snow-white legs underneath where only knees and ankles had some bruises which relieved me somewhat knowing they weren't too serious injuries requiring further treatment.

Just when I thought everything was done already though...she exclaimed sweetly: 'Wait! The next part is actually the most important one.'

She then reached out and grabbed my hand, saying: 'You're not allowed to look. First apply the ointment onto your own hands, then reach in and apply it there.'

Hearing her words, I looked at the blanket covering her private area and immediately understood where that most important part was.

To be honest, I couldn't take it anymore. So I put down the medicine bottle and said to her: 'Sister, this is too much! I'm a normal person; if you do this kind of thing with me here like this something bad might happen.'

'Hmph! You little brat! Just now you promised to take good care of me and be responsible for everything. The injuries on that part were caused by you anyway; all I asked was for you to help apply some medicine. What's wrong with your attitude?' Shaylin raised an eyebrow while glaring at me.

Boss, what's going on with you? I'm worried, aren't you? Can anyone just touch that place casually? I'm doing this for your own good. Anyway, I've already helped you apply medicine to other places. It's just this small area left. You can do it yourself, okay? Please spare me. I'm really afraid that I won't be able to control myself," I said in a panic.

Seeing my expression, Xie Yilin couldn't help but smile smugly and then grabbed my hand saying: "It doesn't matter if you can't control yourself because let me tell you something - all of me is wounded so even if you lose control there's nothing much we can do about it. But if you're obedient enough, sister here has other ways to help solve your problem."

Okay, now I completely understand Xie Yilin's intentions; she seems like she wants to rely on me.

I am too conflicted; what should I do?

I must find a reasonable excuse to escape.

"Shameless!" Just as Xie Yilin and I were getting close YunQingYue's cold voice interrupted us and she appeared before us staring at Xie Yilin coldly while saying: "I have been watching for a while now and couldn't bear it anymore. This woman seems interested in you and is trying to seduce you into having physical relations with her! Liu YiHeng listen carefully - there are millions of women in the world who would be willing to be with someone like you but not her! Do not forget that! If anything happens between the two of you then immediately explode your Purple Palace!"

"What the hell are talking about?" Seeing YunQingYue so agitated made me feel awkward so looking at her face full of black lines asked: "Why do hate her so much?"

"For no reason, I just look down on her. She has no sense of propriety. Do you know what kind of woman is the most despised? It's a woman who actively pursues men! No matter how beautiful she is, I don't care! It's embarrassing and disgusting to see a woman lose her dignity like that!" YunQingYue said angrily.

Now I'm really impressed; her theory is too strange and I can't agree with it.

What's wrong with women pursuing men? Isn't it normal? Why does it have to be shameful? This is ridiculous!

"What are you staring at?" Because we were communicating telepathically, I was temporarily stunned so Xie Yilin sat up holding the blanket close to herself and leaned towards me asking: "Are you really unwilling to help me apply medicine in that area?

That, um... Teacher Xie, I don't think it's appropriate right now," I hesitated.

"Well let me ask you a question. Do you think there will be a more suitable time in the future? Do you think there could be something between us?" Xie Yilin said this with a shy expression on her face and her voice suddenly lowered. She hung her head for a while before finally saying in a soft voice, "After spending time together like this, I really do like you. Even though we have an age difference, I want to give it a try. Would you be willing?"

"I...I..." To be honest, seeing Xie Yilin's charming and alluring appearance at that moment made me want to tell her that I was willing. But before the words could leave my mouth, YunQingYue gave me an angry look.

"I'm sorry Teacher Xie but I'm not ready yet. You'll always be my teacher in my heart. Sorry about that but I need to go now. Please get ready to leave soon and meet me outside later. What you just said earlier - pretend like I didn't hear it and what happened between us - pretend like it never happened either."

After finishing speaking, without looking back at Xie Yilin or waiting for any response from her side of things,I turned around and left directly out of the room.