Oversized bag

Things have come to this point, and it's almost over. But we haven't been idle during the time that followed. We anticipated encountering many unexpected situations when entering the mountains, so we had to prepare sufficient equipment just in case.

The veterans brought by Captain Chi Qing included several reconnaissance soldiers, also known as special forces who were extremely skilled at wilderness survival. When they heard about our needs, they immediately volunteered to help us prepare everything.

Upon hearing this, Captain Chi Qing didn't hesitate and wrote a check for them to purchase what was needed. Seeing how generous he was with writing the check made me curious and I couldn't help but ask: "Master Chi, I didn't realize you were so wealthy."

He chuckled bitterly and replied: "I sold my shares in the restaurant and pawned off my ancestral home. How could I not be broke?" Although his tone carried some complaints, it also showed his determination to go all out.

I understood him well but felt helpless at the same time; all I could do was give him a thumbs up.

Soon evening arrived and we rushed together to meet Zhang Xin and his team at their designated location. After exchanging greetings upon meeting each other, we began discussing specific action plans.

As three of us couldn't contribute much on these matters, we only introduced ourselves briefly before burying our heads into eating after finishing our meal.

After finalizing most of the plan details over dinner everyone went back home separately while we planned on returning to our hotel room for rest until Captain Chi Qing stopped us midway saying that those special forces who purchased equipment had already returned; he received a signal from his monkey informing him about it hence asked us if would like join him back at hotel first for checking out & testing of equipment which naturally agreed.

Those soldiers are really well-equipped, with plenty of food and supplies. Each person has a set of sturdy canvas camouflage clothes and combat boots, a 20-kilogram backpack, and a set of self-defense weapons.

"This is a military knife that we specially got from an old comrade-in-arms. We usually tie it to the side of our boots. In case of emergency, we can take it out by bending over," explained one special forces soldier to us. "These are engineer shovels. If we encounter obstacles in the mountains, we can dig through them directly. In emergencies, they can also be used as weapons and are no worse than axes. Over there is an electric baton, each person has one too. Additionally, there's a waterproof flashlight for each person; I've prepared two replacements batteries for everyone in their backpacks."

"What's inside the backpack?" JIETOU grabbed one and asked curiously while flipping through its contents.

"It's all food: compressed biscuits, jerky, and water - enough rations for one soldier to fight alone for a month," replied the soldier.

"I don't think we need so much since besides these things; we still have other items to carry," said JIETOU pointing at his own basket on his back.

This stumped those soldiers who had no choice but to reduce half of what was in JIETOU's backpack before packing his Buddhist Eight Treasures into it instead.

"That works." JIETOU put on his backpack proudly.

"Uh... I also have extra stuff to carry but my bag doesn't need reducing weight; you could just take half from Teacher Xie's bag for me then I'll help her carry some things." I told those soldiers.

Upon hearing this request from me though Xie Yilin blinked her eyes at me before stepping forward saying: "My bag doesn't need reducing weight."

"Wow, Teacher Xie is really a heroine," those soldiers couldn't help but give her a thumbs up.

"Bullshit! What kind of heroine? I just don't want to carry my own bag. Let Liu Yiheng carry it for me; I only need some basic equipment." Hearing the soldier's words, Xie Yilin rolled her eyes and said.

"Eh..." The image of a heroic woman collapsed instantly as everyone in the room was speechless.

"Cough cough... right, let me carry her backpack then," I quickly intervened.

"But Little Master, if you do that way, you'll have to carry three bags. How will you manage?" Some curious soldiers asked while looking at the Yin Soul Bell on my back.

"Just get me an extra-large backpack," I looked around and found several large sacks nearby. So I took two of them and put them together before asking them to stuff both backpacks inside. After everything was packed in there including the Yin Soul Bell which was tied with cow tendons and secured with two buckles across my waist - when I put it on my back, it fit perfectly.

Not bad, I'll take this one," I said as I picked up the large hemp bag and strolled around contentedly.

Seeing my action, the soldiers all gave me a thumbs up: "The little master is indeed amazing. Carrying such a heavy thing so easily, impressive!"

"Hehe, it's nothing," I proudly laughed and put down the bag. Then JIETOU and I checked and tested our equipment together until we were familiar with everything. Only then did we leave the restaurant at ease.

"We're going up the mountain tomorrow," General Chi Qingshuai told us before leaving. "Your hotel is right at the foot of the mountain. I'll come find you early in the morning. If it's convenient for you guys, have breakfast earlier so that we can set off earlier."

I nodded my head while walking back to our hotel room, looking up at the distant peaks with admiration in my heart.

"Little fool, don't worry. Brother will come save you soon."


Back at our hotel room after washing up and preparing for rest, I remembered that Xie Yilin was injured and her body was weak; if she followed us up to climb mountains tomorrow it would be very difficult for her.

Finally, after some thought on both sides of my mind, I knocked on her door anyway.

She opened it to see me standing there; her expression clearly showed excitement as she quickly let me into her room before nervously asking me: "What... what do you want?"

"I'm just worried about you," I looked at her and said calmly.

"What do you mean?" She asked puzzledly.

"Your injury makes me a bit concerned." As I spoke slowly unwrapping the gauze from around my wrist to show her where my wound had already healed: "I have a quick healing method; sit down first and let me help heal your wounds."

Upon hearing this, Xie Yilin nodded and walked over to sit on the bed.

I walked over, took a deep breath, took off my shoes, jumped onto the bed and sat behind her with both palms on her back.

"Using the circulation of qi to heal requires forcibly opening up the Du Meridian. This process may be painful. I hope you can endure it," I said to her.

"Opening up the Du Meridian? Does that mean I'll become a martial arts master?" Xie Yilin turned her head to look at me in surprise and asked.

"Where is this martial arts world? Have you read too many Jin Yong novels? Those so-called martial arts masters are all fictional. To tell you the truth, after opening up the Du Meridian, a person's breathing will indeed become smoother and their strength and speed will improve somewhat, but it's not as exaggerated as in novels. If you really want to become an outstanding master yourself, the best way is to cultivate step by step. There are no shortcuts." While rolling my eyes, I corrected Xie Yilin's misconception.

"Is there really no shortcut? You're so young and powerful. Isn't it because you took shortcuts?" Xie Yilin looked at me with curiosity in her eyes.