Lost Heart Fantasy

A piercing scream came from the volcano, as if someone was enduring an endless hell. Seeing this situation, I instantly understood that I had entered the delusional realm set up by the Sword Spirit. Although Chí Qìngshuài had told me about the delusional realm, he didn't tell me how to get out of it. This made me feel a bit depressed because in such a place without any clues, where could I find a way out?

Could it be that the volcano is the exit? Is the screaming actually a warning for me? But climbing up there would mean certain death due to its scorching heat.

Everything in this illusion was too real and I couldn't tell if it was an illusory world or not. As a flesh-and-blood human being, I felt every inch of that oppressive heat wave and knew that if I really climbed up to the top of the volcano, my whole body would probably be roasted.

After struggling for half a day, I still didn't have enough courage to climb up and instead took several steps back. "Hey Sword Spirit," I shouted towards the volcano. "I know you can hear my voice. If you do hear me then show yourself so we can talk about things calmly. Don't worry; I don't have any malicious intentions."

There was no response; neither did Sword Spirit appear nor did screams continue.

What should we do now? Should we just stay here forever like this?

I became completely confused and helpless so all I could do was wander around behind the mountain hoping to find something special hidden there but after circling around for half-day with great effort, nothing unusual appeared on its backside.

So what should we do now?

Feeling completely lost and dejected, unable to bear it anymore,I found myself sitting cross-legged on a rock sinking into deep contemplation.

Firstly,I checked my current condition only to realize that I was just a pure flesh-and-blood human being without the mercy sword, yin-yang bell or purple mansion space. It seemed that I had never practiced before and was just an ordinary person.

Of course, saying that I am purely an ordinary person is not entirely accurate because when I tried to activate my Qi using the Ling Tai Secret Art, although there was no response within my body, I faintly sensed some fluctuations in the distant sky.

Discovering this situation, my heart couldn't help but move and instantly understood what to do next.

"Hehe, Gan Jiang Sword Spirit, you're in trouble, and your trouble is big. Do you think this small Lost Heart Illusion can trap me? Let me tell you, you're wrong. You're very wrong. To be honest with you, I am now a person with strong wisdom and extraordinary intelligence, so my comprehension is extremely terrifying. Just say now that I have already broken through the mystery of the illusion. Now I give you one last chance to surrender voluntarily; otherwise, I won't be polite anymore. I will completely destroy this place. Do you understand?"

I stood up and shouted loudly around trying to summon the sword spirit out.

Unfortunately, that guy didn't listen or respond to me at all.

This made me angry; without hesitation, I raised my hand and summoned a bright white energy blade from the sky under my teeth-clenched shout which directly hit the volcano.


With an ear-piercing sound coming from under the impact of energy blades on it's surface causing rocks to bounce off while dust flew everywhere creating a large two-meter-deep hole.

After finishing attacking with energy blades again but still not getting any response from him made me even angrier than before as I couldn't help but shout loudly: "Since that's how it is then don't blame me for being impolite! Let me show what true godhood looks like!"

I said these words coldly while making seals with both hands summoning a group of bright white Qi from behind in mid-air surrounding myself forming an aura shield around my body lifting myself off the ground allowing myself to fly into the air.

"You should be hiding inside the volcano right? Then let me see what kind of person are you." With a sneer on my face controlling Qi flying higher and higher until finally hovering over above looking down into its crater below.

Unfortunately due to thick smoke rising out of it, I couldn't see anything inside.

Seeing this situation, I couldn't help but get closer and even wanted to go inside the volcano to check it out. However, at that moment, an idea suddenly came into my mind. Then I stopped floating in mid-air and shouted loudly while pushing both palms forward from behind the dark space summoning a mighty huge energy blade directly towards the crater.


As soon as the energy blade hit the mountain, there was a deafening sound of destruction followed by fierce flames bursting out of it's surface causing large amounts of magma to spew out from within its depths making half of the sky turn red.

"Hehehe, keep going! This is just beginning! It's just a volcano? Let me flatten it for you and see what else you can do!"

Seeing this situation made me excitedly shout with both arms waving continuously calling more energy blades from mid-air one after another relentlessly attacking the volcano.


Under my endless attacks, although the volcano was huge, it finally became scarred all over with cracks covering its surface while magma began flowing everywhere inside.

"One sword to destroy the world, I'll give you something even more powerful!"

Seeing this situation, I shouted loudly and clenched my fists, continuously summoning qi from the sky and condensing it together. The more I gathered, the larger it became until a white glowing essence of qi with a diameter close to one meter condensed in front of me.

The qi sphere hissed as it rotated, dazzlingly bright. With just a wave of my hand, I could completely destroy this world.

"Aren't you coming out yet?" After gathering the qi sphere, I scanned below while searching through the black smoke to see if that sword spirit was here or not.

"Three...two...one! Here I come!" I yelled out loud and prepared to annihilate everything.

However, at that moment, a voice finally came from inside the volcano.

"Stop!" Along with a shout, magma surged out of the volcano like a fountain and climbed upwards until it reached my level.