
I cannot have any secrets or hidden things in my heart. Once there is something, or if I am hiding a secret, I will feel uncomfortable all over my body. Therefore, when I subdued the Ganjiang Sword Spirit, I first stated the purpose of subduing it.

I said that the reason why I went through so much trouble to subdue you is not to treat you as a personal divine weapon. What do I want to do? I want to take you and seal off the Nine Yin Yellow Springs. I hope you can understand me and forgive me for using and being unfeeling towards you.

Originally, I thought that after hearing what I said, that sword spirit would be very sad. Who knew that after listening to it, he just nodded and said: "Master rest assured, since Ganjiang has already surrendered, everything is up to Master's command. Whatever Master wants me to do, then that's what i'll do; Ganjiang has no objections."

Seeing this situation made me curious unconsciously and instinctively asked him: "That... don't tell me you really don't have any feelings? That thing... let me tell you this; i'm an open-minded person. If there are any grievances on your part then go ahead boldly say them out loud without worry because even if they're spoken out loud they won't be useful anyway."

After saying this sentence like this way ,the sword spirit couldn't help but laugh a little bit . This guy still had some sense of humor left in him . He looked at me , sighed deeply before saying : "All living beings have emotions ; although Ganjiang may be a sword spirit , he also has emotions . It's just under master's orders which cannot be violated ; therefore Ganjiang doesn't want to say too much."

"Okay then ,it doesn't matter if you don't speak." After nodding my head, I looked at him and felt a little guilty in my heart, so I said to him: "How about this, tell me your wishes and I will try to fulfill them. Consider it as compensation for your spiritual damage, okay?"

Hearing these words, the Ganjiang Sword Spirit's eyes lit up unconsciously. He was stunned for a moment before hesitantly looking at me and saying: "It has been more than two thousand years since I have not been able to reunite with my wife Mo Ye. So I hope that Master can help."

"This matter is very simple because when we go to seal off the Nine Yin Yellow Springs this time, you and your wife are both part of the Four Symbols Formation. As a result, after successfully sealing it off, you will be together forever. Therefore, even if i don't help you with this favor ,you can still achieve it."I looked at Ganjiang Sword Spirit and said.

After hearing what I said,the Ganjiang Sword Spirit looked embarrassedly at me . After stammering for half a day he finally told me : "That...that reunion that subordinate mentioned isn't referring to that kind of reunion . This type of reunion is actually no different from not reuniting because although we are not far apart ,we still cannot get close."

So what do you mean?" I was a little confused.

"My meaning is that we can merge together," Gan Jiang Sword Spirit poked his finger and said shyly.

"Merge?!" I widened my eyes in surprise and asked curiously, "What kind of merging? Oh, are you talking about the thing between you and your wife?"

"Well, not exactly. Anyway, it's a way for us swords to get intimate with each other. It's different from how humans do it. You guys have that thing while we merge into one." Gan Jiang Sword Spirit explained to me.

"So after you merge, do you feel as good as we do?" I asked gossipingly.

"Well...probably. It's hard to describe the feeling but we all long for it." Gan Jiang Sword Spirit replied awkwardly.

"That sounds easy then! Didn't you just spend time with Mo Ye Jian the other day? You two could have merged as much as you wanted," I suggested curiously.

"Um...Master, things aren't as simple as you think. We can't just merge whenever we want because our merging process is complicated and difficult. We need external help to make it happen. In the past they used blood sacrifices to make us merge but that was only temporary so even if we succeeded in merging, we would soon separate again. You don't know how painful it is when that happens so I hope Master can help me out and let us be together forever." Gan Jiang Sword Spirit looked at me hopefully.

"If blood sacrifice merging is only temporary then what else can I do? There's no way for me to keep you two together forever," I frowned.

"No, there is something else you can do because if you also subdue Mo Ye Jian then both swords will be connected mentally through your strong power which means anytime anywhere we could merge together easily! Don't underestimate our merging, it will also benefit you once we succeed." To convince me, Gan Jiang Sword Spirit even started to act cute.

"What's in it for me?" I asked while picking at the goosebumps on my arm.

"Well, as you know, my wife and I are currently only ghost soldiers. Although we are powerful, there is still a gap compared to real divine weapons. Once we successfully merge, our level can be raised to that of a divine weapon. Ghost soldiers have souls, but divine weapons have spirits. The sword spirit of Mo Gan Sword is very powerful and not inferior to any divine weapon," said Gan Jiang Jian Hun looking at me.

This reminded me that I was also tempted, but in the end I could only sigh helplessly and say to him: "Unfortunately, I cannot help you fulfill this wish because I need you both to seal off Jiuyin Huangquan. Sorry about that."

Upon hearing my words, Gan Jiang Jian Hun couldn't help feeling disappointed and said with dim eyes: "Okay then, I understand. Don't worry master; Gan Jiang won't blame you for this."

Now I was somewhat helpless seeing a nine-foot-tall man with an expression of grievance and disappointment on his face deep inside me felt quite overwhelmed so finally all i could do was make a deal with him saying: "Let's make an agreement then. Right now there isn't any better way than taking you guys to seal off Jiuyin Huangquan forcibly which is why i am doing it unwillingly . To be honest ,I don't want to lose either of you but unfortunately i don't have another option right now . So let's make an agreement - You first help me out by temporarily sealing off Jiuyin Huangquan giving me some time ,and during this period,I will look for other ways to seal it permanently.Once i find one,i will come back for you guys.How does that sound?"

"Good! Thank you master! Rest assured that your command is our duty.Ganjiang is willing to seal off Jiuyin Huangquan for you and wait for your return!" Gan Jiang Jian Hun said excitedly, kneeling down.

I smiled slightly, nodded, and then said to him: "Okay then. That's settled. I'm going out now. Next we need to go deep into the Mo Du Mountain to find Wu Honghu's Jigou hook. Maybe we'll have to fight against King Wu Helu's Yin soul at that time so I hope you can help me more."

"Don't worry master! Ganjiang Xiongyang is my will; born only to destroy yin souls.I will definitely not disappoint your expectations when it comes to fighting those Yin souls," replied Gan Jiang Jian Hun with a firm expression on his face.