Half a brain

"Shh, shh..." We tiptoed on the damp sand, making very low and slight noises. In the corner, a huge python with forked tongue and round yellow eyes stared at us in confusion. It seemed to see us but also seemed not to see us. Anyway, it didn't move for now, which made me relax a bit. I thought that it must have been affected by Chi Qing's "Heaven Covering Technique", so although it felt some movement in front of it, it didn't know what was going on and was puzzled at the moment.

Since the snake couldn't see us, we didn't need to be so nervous either. We could just walk past it boldly.

Thinking like this in my mind, I led Xie Yilin unconsciously walked up to the snake's face without realizing that we were only less than two meters away from the snake and about to enter into its hole below.

At this critical moment, Xie Yilin opened her eyes bravely and stole a glance at the snake. However, at this moment only did I notice that suddenly one of its lumps rose sharply white-headedly; then its big mouth opened wide as lightning struck towards Xie Yilin biting her fiercely.

At that time when I saw those sharp teeth like knives coming down towards Xie Yilin's head all of sudden , my heart tightened abruptly as I remembered something very serious.

I remember reading a book introducing animal knowledge before where there was something mentioned about these large snakes such as pythons: they do not rely solely on their vision when hunting prey; instead their vision is actually poor and cannot see much things around them clearly . Their means of chasing prey or observing environment mainly depend on two methods: one is sensing vibrations around them through which they can judge whether danger has come or not; another way is locking onto prey through cheek heat induction . There is a special organ between the nose and eyes of pythons called cheek pits, which can "see" nearby heat sources and lock onto the position of prey.

Therefore, it became clear that since waking up, the snake had actually found us already. It was just that at first it might have been really puzzled because it sensed vibrations and locked onto a heat source target but couldn't see our specific appearance.

This situation made it a bit fierce, but next, it would definitely soon figure out everything.

You should know that the head of this mountain python has turned completely white, indicating that it has lived for over a hundred years and possesses great power. It probably already has an inner core. Therefore, after being confused for a moment, it instinctively activated its inner core and opened its True Vision Eye to naturally break through Chi Qing's Heaven Covering Technique, allowing us three to be seen clearly. At this point, I have to criticize Chi Qing's technique as being very shallow; while it may deceive ordinary people, once encountering someone with experience or monsters like this one, it immediately becomes ineffective. And now we are facing exactly such a situation.

I imagine that when the mountain python saw us swaggering towards it like idiots at first glance, its heart must have been extremely frustrated. It was probably thinking: "Hey hey! Do you guys think I'm dead? How dare you walk up to me so confidently? Don't you know I'm starving?" So after experiencing some frustration for a while and seeing that we had entered into optimal attack range without realizing it, the python launched an ambush against us.

Coincidentally enough at this time Sheryl was closest to the snake; therefore when the snake attacked her directly she happened to be stealing glances at it and saw everything clearly.

It is imaginable how Sheryl felt as someone who was born with fear of cold-blooded animals when she saw the snake open its mouth wide and come biting towards her with dagger-like fangs growing larger in her line of sight before even biting down on her yet - what kind of horror did she feel inside?

So before the snake could bite down on her she subconsciously screamed out loud in terror:


With one scream Sheryl tensed up all over because she was too nervous; due to excessive forcefulness from tension alone almost pinching my flesh off.

However despite how nervous she was, it was all in vain. After all, the speed at which a python attacks is very fast; it's said that when an ordinary snake launches an attack, its speed is like that of a spring knife - so fast that even human eyes can't see it clearly. This mountain python has a huge body size which must affect its speed somewhat but this time when it attacked, it was still as powerful as thunder and lightning and too quick for ordinary people to dodge.

Because the incident happened too suddenly and the snake was too fast, both I and Chi Qingshuai were unable to react in time to save Xie Yilin. So it is very likely that Xie Yilin will be bitten off half of her body by the snake. However, what no one expected was that just when we were all anxious and at a loss, there was a flash of golden light, and Xie Yilin's Ganjiang sword suddenly attacked. It barely made it before the snake's big mouth closed, slashing through it with one strike. Then blood splattered everywhere as the huge body of the snake twisted violently on the ground like a water bucket being turned over while making loud noises.

"Quickly go inside!" While the snake struggled and writhed around, I quickly pushed Xie Yilin into the cave and then grabbed Ganjiang sword with my hand. When I looked back at the snake again, I realized that half of its head had been cut off already. At this moment, it was struggling painfully while shaking its bloody head.

Seeing this situation surprised me greatly; I didn't expect Ganjiang sword to be so sharp that one strike could kill such a large serpent.

"Hoo--" Just as I checked on how badly injured the serpent was, it seemed like its pain had subsided somewhat because it swung its thick tail towards us without warning.

"I'll send you to meet King Yan if you don't stop!" Seeing this situation unfold before me, I squeezed Ganjiang sword tightly in preparation for chopping up this beast.

"Stop!" Unexpectedly though before I could even draw my sword out completely yet Chi Qingshuai had already raised his own weapon to block mine.

"Boom--Crash--" With his intervention came an impact from which we were both sent flying backwards after being hit hard by its massive tail.

"What are you doing?" I fell to the ground and rolled around several times before getting up, then couldn't help but shout at Chi Qingshuai.

"Let's go. That's enough. We don't need to bother with it anymore!" Chi Qingshuai stood up and said seriously.