Four Symbols Divine Sword

After twenty minutes, I climbed to the top of Wangling again and hid quietly behind a huge block of ice. The appearance of that person resolved our predicament but also made me more certain about my previous speculation. However, it also made me more worried because his presence brought variables to the situation. We cannot underestimate the power of someone at the pseudo-god level. If he were to take action, it is uncertain who would come out on top in the end; he might just be trying to profit from us.

"We don't call ourselves pseudo-gods; that's too derogatory. We refer to ourselves as Jie Xian (Disaster Immortals). My Daoist name is Fengyun Sanren (Wind and Clouds Scatterer), and I am in charge of this mission."

When I left, that person told me this and introduced himself.

Jie Xian does sound better than Pseudo-God, but it doesn't change its essence. I can't completely trust him because of this; therefore, when necessary, I won't rule out taking action against him.

The swords for mercy killing, Heaven-covering Bell, Sun-blocking Ding - all artifacts are ready for use now. YunQingYue has already stood by my side with preparations for support.

Everything is prepared except for an east wind!

Time passes second by second until finally General Chi Qing leads the "Four Symbols Formation" into motion! At this point in time, my nerves are stretched taut due to excessive tension since my watch was left below so I do not know what time it is exactly - patience becomes torture.

Finally after several minutes pass by suddenly there's a tremor beneath my feet followed by four strong beams shooting up from under Wangling illuminating everything around us announcing that Four Symbols Formation has been activated!

What will happen? What will be the final result? At this moment due to excessive nervousness, my entire body is tense.

"Boom - Roar!"

Just as I am nervous, a deafening roar echoes through the air. Following the sound, I see a green dragon coiling upwards in the beam of light to my east.

"Woo-woo - Ao!"

After the appearance of Qinglong (Azure Dragon), a huge turtle rises from within another beam of light on the opposite side. A python coils around its back; this should be Xuanwu (Black Tortoise) according to legend.

After Xuanwu appears, Zhuque (Vermilion Bird) and Baihu (White Tiger) follow suit.

All four mythical beasts have appeared indicating that Four Symbols Formation has been successfully activated. Next up should be when the formation takes effect; I wonder what kind of effect it will produce?


Another angry roar sounds out as Qinglong transforms into a green ball hovering at Wangling's peak.

After the formation of the green sphere, the white, black and red spheres immediately gathered around it. Then, the four light spheres rapidly revolved in mid-air, constantly condensing and merging until they finally transformed into a dazzling golden sphere that floated in mid-air like a sun, spinning rapidly.

"Yin Yang Wan He!"

As soon as the golden sphere appeared, a roar could be heard from far below. The frozen throne slowly moved aside to reveal a dark hole underneath it.


As soon as the hole appeared, Yin Qi surged out of it and condensed onto the golden sphere.

"Hiss... Boom boom boom..."

The light sphere spun rapidly while Yin Qi continuously spewed out of the hole. Even all of pure Yin ice on top of Wang Ling was absorbed by it and condensed into its core.

Suddenly gaining such an enormous amount of Yin energy caused its radiance to dim slightly while its rotation slowed down. At this moment, at its center was an ancient long sword swaying gently with engravings depicting Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird , White Tiger and Black Tortoise clearly visible on its blade.

"Hiss... Hiss..."

The golden light was extremely hot and kept absorbing Yin Qi without stopping; seemingly never going to stop. After fusing with both Yin-Yang energies completely again,all were then converged onto sword's body which made that glow stronger gradually until eventually emitting colorful lights.

I don't know how much time had passed until all of Wang Ling's covering icy layer had been absorbed by sword's body completely even including weakened yin qi from inside that hole . Finally,the glowing ball faded away completely leaving behind only Four Symbols Divine Sword floating above black hole like a bird about to fall into it any second now .

"Creak creak creak..."

The throne moved once again closing up that black hole beneath itself .

At this point seeing everything unfold before my eyes,I knew that the time was ripe. Without hesitation, I leaped forward with all my strength, using the Ling Tai Secret Technique to its fullest potential and charged towards Four Symbols Divine Sword.

As expected, when I was halfway through my leap, a figure on the opposite side of the tomb also flew up and charged straight towards the Four Divine Swords without any hesitation.

Despite being much faster than me, that figure arrived two seconds later and I managed to grab hold of the hilt of one of the swords before him.

"Good kid, you actually saw through it--" The figure was shocked to see me take away one of the divine swords and stopped in his tracks. He looked at me and said: "You thought you were clever by planning everything flawlessly but I'm not stupid because there were too many flaws in your plan." Holding onto the Four Divine Swords, I stepped back to the edge of the platform and coldly stared at "Chi Qing Shuai": "Master Chi, should I call you Master Chi or Elder Zhi Guang now?"

"Not bad. You even figured out my identity. So it seems like you've already seen through my scheme long ago. Hehe...not bad...not're indeed worthy as his reincarnation; at least this time around you're not as foolish as last time." Chi Qing Shuai looked at me with a mocking tone after removing his human skin mask revealing his true face - an extremely old face covered in wrinkles with white hair all over.

"Not bad for someone who has lived for two or three thousand years while still maintaining such youthfulness. I have to admire your ability to preserve your looks," I smiled while looking at that old man who was previously known as Chi Qing Shuai.

"Hehe...anyone can make witty remarks but real battles aren't won by them alone. Liu Yi Heng, do you think just because you got hold of one sword means that you can defeat me?" Elder Zhi Guang looked at me with a smile before shaking his head: "Let me tell you something; it's useless. Never mind the fact that you haven't yet subdued the sword spirit, even if you did, you're still no match for me with your pitiful strength. Do you think my two thousand years of cultivation were all in vain?"