Sugar Coated Words


Adrian's slightly startled voice conveyed a hint of disappointment.

He gently freed himself from her flirtatious hold and turned to face her. As always, she was looking so beautiful. Her innocent looks and captivating smiles were capable of melting hearts, aside from Adrian's.

Since the breakup, Adrian didn't feel anything for her anymore. Her gentle touch, warm kisses, and silky-textured voice had no effect on him.

Whenever he looked into her shimmering blue eyes, all he saw was the image of a betrayer he once loved. The lady that broke his heart and made him weary of dating.

"It's been a while. I never knew you were visiting." Adrian said casually as though her presence was of no relevance.

"Your mum and dad invited me." Sonia smiled. "Were you expecting me to decline their request?"

"Not at all! You are their guest and I have no problem with that." Adrian replied dismissively while looking for an opportunity to ditch Sonia.

"Adrian, at least, shows a bit of excitement at seeing me. You don't need to act as if we are strangers to one another. It has been over a year since we last saw each other. You can't remain angry at me forever." Sonia pleaded. She tried placing hand hands around his waist but he instinctively stopped her.

"Sonia, stop! I'm not angry at you anymore. I have forgiven you long ago."

"If you claim you have forgiven me then how come you've never asked of me? We live in the same city yet we barely run into each other. You keep avoiding me like a plague and you keep declining all my calls. Do you call that forgiveness?" Sonia pouted animatedly at Adrian.

"Yes, that's my kind of forgiveness." Adrian didn't bother to mask his sarcasm. "Aside from me being a very busy man, we are no longer in a relationship. Hence, don't expect me to act like your boyfriend. I have better things to do with my time."

"Baby, I'm still in love with you." Sonia gently took Adrian's hand. "No one gets me the way you do. No one calls me those sweet and special names. I've missed you sweet kisses and pampering. I miss the way you used to make love to me. I haven't slept with anyone since that last incident. I made a mistake and I am sorry. I'm a changed girl. I will never cheat on you again. I want things to go back the way they used to be when we first fell in love."

Sonia allowed a few tears to flow down her cheeks.

Unfortunately for her, Adrian's heart was already beating for another. Her pleas were like an annoying buzzing bee in his ears. He was unmoved by her tears or her sugar-coated words. He knew she was lying about the sex part but he decided not to dwell on it.

"I don't know what anyone has promised you but I want you to digest this properly. Whatever we once shared is over. I have moved on and I expect you to do the same. You are free to date and marry any man of your choice. I do not even care if you choose to wed my friend whom you so generously gave your body."

"Adrian, for a million times, I've said I'm sorry."

Sonia suppressed the urge to yell at him like she would have done in the past. She knew she had to win him first and make him come back to her before she could show her true identity.

"It was just one silly mistake. I was drunk and stupid. Mark means nothing to me. He doesn't possess your charisma. You're the only man I want. What can I do to correct my mistake? I've asked you to sleep with any random girl of your choice as a way of feeling even but you refused."

"Can you hear the words coming out of your mouth?"Adrian's eyes flared at her statement. "You think sleeping with a random girl will make me feel even? Well, for your information, I intend going beyond just sleeping with any girl. When I find that special girl that will erase the hurt you've created in my heart, I will keep her forever."

Adrian attempted to leave, but Sonia quickly caught him by his Jean trouser waistband and pretentiously went down on her knees. She knew fully well that Adrian hated public drama. Hence she decided to pry off his weakness.

"Baby, I love you!"

Sonia said in a high-pitched voice. Her voice and action drew a lot of curious pairs of eyes toward them.

When Sonia observed that a small crowd what's building around them, she grinned inwardly and continued in her crazy profession of love.

"I'm sorry for what I've done. Forgive me! You alone are the only man I've ever loved. I've given you my body, and soul for two whole years and now you want to leave me? Please!" Sonia cried.

Adrian felt immobilized, infuriated, and perplexed by Sonia's new line of drama. He was even more disgusted by the people around them who were begging on her behalf. He wanted to push her away and walk out on her but he knew that would taint his public image as an abusive man. Hence, he was forced to play along with her drama.

"Baby, I've forgiven you for sleeping with my best friend a night before our engagement." Adrian forced a smile through gritted teeth when he saw the horror in her eyes. He gently pulled her up to her feet and gazed mockingly into her eyes. "I'm in love with someone else."

Sonia, being the queen of disguise and mischief, quickly recovered from her temporal shock. She smartly took advantage of Adrian's closeness and wrapped her hands firmly around his neck. Then she activated her seductive charms that usually got Adrian drooling in the past.

"Baby," Sonia softly stroked his nape, "No girl can love you the way I do. We were designed for each other." She gave a thumbs-up signal to a hidden cameraman in the crowd as she leaned closer to Adrian's lips for a kiss.