Raphael's Fury

Mina glared at her son speechlessly for a split second. She shook her head from side to side and said in a repressed tone.

"Did your wife put you up to this, Victor? Is this how you intend to prove your responsibility as a father? I am not surprised that you would stand there and support your wayward son as always. Big congratulations to you."

Raphael's forehead furrowed at Mina's outburst. He pretended to be deeply hurt by her words. So he came closer and tried to turn the table around in his favour by emotionally blackmailing his grandma.

"Mina, you just broke my heart with that statement. Why would you refer to me as wayward or my father as irresponsible? That's not a proper way to talk to your children. By the way, I am not a child that should be told when and how to behave. I am a full-grown man and I do not need anyone's permission to do as I please."



Mina slapped Raphael fiercely on both cheeks and said,