Alex's Story

Stella felt panic slowly creep into her mind as she entered the kitchen and began to dish some of the delicious chilli topped spaghetti and meatballs she earlier made into two flat plates.

"What important and sensitive issues does he want to discuss with me?" Stella muttered to herself. "Does he know something I don't know? Does he suspect me of lying to him? Did he send one of his servants to come to check up on me when Mina was around? Did his father say something about our discussion?"

Even though Stella was done serving the food, she remained in the same spot holding the spaghetti spoon and lost in her thought until Alex came into the kitchen and asked if she was alright.

"Yes!" Stella said almost immediately as she swiftly swung back into action.

"Let me help take the food to the sitting room," Alex came closer and stretched out his hands.

"Thanks!" Stella smiled and handed him the plates while she got the water.