Cause And Effect.

Stella wished the ground under her feet would open up and swallow her whole. She wished a stray bullet could locate either her or Valerie and her father.

It would have been better if Valerie took a knife and plunge it into her heart than threaten her this way.

She couldn't believe that she let her guard down and got involved with so many people. If she had been all by herself with no one to worry about, it wouldn't take her anything to punch this brat in the face and render her unconscious before disappearing again.

Now, aside from Alex, she had Mina and a whole lot of people to worry about.

Stella gritted her teeth as a vortex of fury swirled within her. She wished there was a way she could go back in time and stop this day from materialising.

'What would become of me if I let this brat have her way? What could she possibly profit from at my detriment? I have nothing valuable aside from the gifts Mina gave me.'