The Gift Bags

Adrian spent a few minutes pacing up and down in Stella's living room until she finally showed up looking more composed and in charge of her emotions.

He awkwardly apologized for his behaviour in her bedroom and motioned her to sit down.

"Thank you," Stella smiled and took her seat opposite him. She took note of about six shopping bags neatly arranged by the corner of her living room before giving Adrian a questionable look.

"I took the liberty to get you a new and improved mobile phone, alongside other stuff. We could check them out later on after our discussion ." Adrian said in a serious tone while studying Stella's face. He observed the fading blemish on her forehead which explained the bump Philip was referring to.

"Stella, I'm very sorry about your mum's death," Adrian said softly. 

"Thanks," Stella averted Adrian's intense gaze.