The Captured Assassin Torture [Trigger; Reader Discretion Advised.]


Thanks to my number one supporter, BedheadBookworm. You and all my other readers are my true inspiration.

Here is a thank you gift from me to you all.



"You don't need to prove how tough you are because you are not," Alex said calmly. He asked for a seat and sat down when it was brought to him.

"Weakling like you prey on the innocent by different dubious means or by the element of surprise. If you were for example asked to face an opponent head-on without the use of weapons, I don't think that you will be able to make any meaningful impact."

Alex turned to the other captive and asked. "What's your name?"

The man shrunk at Alex's chilly gaze and those of the combat dressed men standing behind him. He knew they were already doomed from the moment the driver tranquillised them. Hence, he chose cooperation to ease his own torture.

"I'm Chris, Sir and my partner's name is Walter."