The Request

When Carlos and his wife arrived at the given location, they were escorted by some men in masks into a candy store that was closed for business.

Selena's eyes darted around the store, in search of her son. She has been over the moon ever since her lover gave her the good news about their child. She was so eager to meet her son that she left her husband's side and ran ahead of him.

"Selena, wait..." Carlos called out to her.

"Luis..." Selena called out ignoring her lover's call. No one stopped her and no one questioned her.

"Mama!" Luis's voice echoed behind a shelf of assorted candies.

"Luis..." Both father and mother called out at the same time.

The running and happy sounds of a child were heard.

"Mama, Papa..." Luis came into view, his eyes brimming with so much joy. He ran a little distance while his mum knelt down to welcome him.