
George felt sorry for Abigail even though he was greatly disappointed by her lies. He wished there was a way he could save Abigail from his mum and wife's fury without jeopardizing his relationship with them. He watched helplessly as Abigail kept on crying and pleading for forgiveness. 

George wanted to forgive Abigail for all her lies but something within kept him from doing so. He wasn't sure if her tears were genuine or one of her many ploys. So, he just stood there and stared at his bitter wife as she vomited all the ire at the bottom of her stomach.

"My son can never have anything to do with the daughter of a useless woman. He can never have anything to do with a bastard like you. He can never have anything to do with a tainted woman who the whole world knows as an whore." Camila snarled.

"Camila, that's enough already." George's forehead furrowed.

"Never!" Camila barked at her husband.