MengTing's Cultivation Journey Begins

On what was supposed to be a casual outing with her father, Zenki Lee, to the castletown, Mengting had dressed up as a common noble for the occasion. After a pleasant lunch, they stumbled upon a kidnapping incident, which ultimately led to Mengting meeting her now close friend, Liu Wei.

After their encounter during the kidnapping incident, Zenki and his daughter decided to accompany Liu Wei back to her home, where they were introduced to her Cultivation Master, Liu Yong. During their conversation, Liu Yong noticed that Zenki's daughter possessed a rare Primordial Physique, which was a critical factor in beginning her cultivation journey. Surprised by her father's newfound openness to her cultivating, as he had previously stated that women did not need to cultivate, his daughter felt a rush of excitement and anticipation for what the future would bring.

As Mengting reflected on her newfound path in cultivation, she felt a newfound sense of purpose. Determination burned within her as she resolved to prove her worth to her father and show him that his decision to allow her to cultivate was not a mistake. She knew that the journey ahead would be difficult, but she was willing to persevere and overcome any challenges that came her way. Above all, she wanted to become strong enough to aid her father in shouldering the burden of the kingdom someday. With these thoughts fueling her, Mengting continued on her cultivation journey with a fierce resolve.

Mengting reflected on her cultivation journey, realizing that the first step was indeed the most challenging. It had taken her nearly a full day to achieve the status of a Beginner body tempering cultivator. If her father, Zenki, had heard her thoughts at that moment, he would have surely spitted blood and will be envious of her progress speed.

Sometime during her training, Liu Yong sat down with Mengting and began to explain the mysteries of cultivation. He started by telling her that cultivating one's body was like forging a weapon. It takes time and effort to create a strong and powerful weapon, just as it takes time and effort to cultivate a strong and powerful body.

He then went on to explain the three pillars of cultivation: body, mind, and spirit. The body is the physical vessel that houses the cultivator's energy, the mind is the cultivator's ability to focus and control that energy, and the spirit is the cultivator's connection to the universe and the source of their energy.

Liu Yong emphasized the importance of balance between the three pillars, as neglecting any one of them could lead to stagnation in cultivation.

He also explained the concept of Qi and its importance in cultivation. Qi is the energy that flows through all living things, and the cultivation of Qi is essential for progress in cultivation.

Mengting listened intently, absorbing every word Liu Yong said. She asked questions and sought clarification when she didn't understand, and Liu Yong patiently answered each one.

By the end of their conversation, Mengting had a newfound appreciation for the complexities of cultivation and a deeper understanding of what was needed to succeed.

When Lian Yaoshi has successfully produced the Golden Root Pill for Mengting, She was eagerly waiting for her father's summons, her heart beating with anticipation. She had heard rumors that the Golden Root Pill had finally been produced, and she couldn't wait to try it. As soon as she received the summons, she rushed to the throne room, her mind filled with excitement and curiosity.

When she arrived, she saw her father sitting on his throne, a small golden pill in his hand. "Mengting, come here," he said, beckoning her over.

Mengting walked over to her father, her eyes fixed on the pill in his hand. "Is that...?" she began, unable to contain her excitement.

"Yes, it is," her father replied with a smile. "The Golden Root Pill."

Mengting's heart raced as her father handed her the pill. She stared at it for a moment, taking in its golden glow and the intricate markings etched onto its surface. This was it, the key to unlocking her potential as a cultivator.

Mengting's heart was racing with excitement as she made her way to the Pill Room to personally thank Lian Yaoshi for her hard work in creating the Golden Root Pill. She knew that without Lian Yaoshi's expertise, the pill would not have been possible. As she entered the Pill Room, she saw Lian Yaoshi surrounded by her apprentices, all of them congratulating her on the successful production of the pill.

Mengting approached Lian Yaoshi and bowed deeply, expressing her gratitude for the hard work and dedication that Lian Yaoshi had put into creating the Golden Root Pill. Lian Yaoshi smiled warmly and patted Mengting's shoulder, saying that it was her pleasure to help.

After thanking Lian Yaoshi, Mengting quickly made her way back to her room, where she would consume the pill. She closed the door behind her and sat on her bed, carefully taking the pill out of its container. She had heard stories of the effects of the Golden Root Pill and was nervous but excited about what lay ahead.

Mengting entered her room and took a deep breath. She looked at the small golden pill in her hand, the Golden Root Pill that would determine her fate as a cultivator. She knew that once she swallowed it, there was no turning back.

With determination in her heart, Mengting swallowed the pill, and immediately felt a searing pain in her chest. She felt like her body was on fire, and her vision blurred as tears streamed down her face.

Mengting clutched her chest, trying to endure the pain. She had heard that the Golden Root Pill was an extremely powerful medicine, and that the pain of its effects would be immense. But she didn't expect it to be this unbearable.

The pain seemed to last for an eternity, but eventually it began to subside. Mengting felt a sudden surge of energy coursing through her body, and she gasped in amazement. She could feel the power of the pill working inside her, strengthening her body and mind.

She stood up, feeling a newfound sense of vitality and determination. Mengting knew that she had just taken a big step forward on her path as a cultivator. She felt a new power within her, as if she could take on the world.

Mengting took a deep breath and smiled, feeling the joy of her newfound strength. She knew that the Golden Root Pill had done its job and that she had become a Beginner Core Formation Cultivator, skipping the Advance Body Tempering level in the process.

Mengting felt a newfound sense of purpose, and she couldn't wait to see what the future held for her as a cultivator.

After successfully consuming the Golden Root Pill and achieving Beginner Core Formation, Mengting sought the guidance of Liu Yong on how to properly stabilize her cultivation.

Liu Yong was impressed by Mengting's rapid progress and congratulated her on her achievement. He explained to her that with such a sudden increase in power, it was important to take the time to stabilize her cultivation and make sure she could handle the new level of energy flowing through her body.

He instructed Mengting to focus on her breathing and visualize the energy flowing through her meridians, ensuring it flowed smoothly without any blockages. He also advised her to gradually increase the intensity of her cultivation practice to build up her body's endurance and avoid any potential injuries.

Mengting followed Liu Yong's instructions diligently and over the next few days, she was able to stabilize her cultivation and adjust to the newfound power. She was amazed by the difference in her strength and abilities, and felt grateful for the guidance of her master and father.

With her newfound power, Mengting continued to train and cultivate under Liu Yong's tutelage, eager to unlock even greater potential and become a formidable cultivator in her own right.

Mengting followed Liu Yong deep into the forest, her heart pounding with excitement and a tinge of fear. She had never hunted monsters before, and the thought of fighting against them made her uneasy. But she was determined to learn and become stronger, so she steeled her nerves and followed her master.

As they walked deeper into the forest, Liu Yong pointed out a group of advance body tempering monsters in the distance. They were large and intimidating, their sharp teeth glinting in the sunlight. Liu Yong turned to Mengting and said, "These monsters will test your strength and your will to survive. Remember, killing them is a matter of life and death. Are you ready?"

Mengting nodded bravely, summoning her courage. She took a deep breath and focused her qi, feeling it pulsing through her veins.

Mengting's hand trembled slightly as she summoned a fiery ball of energy in her palm. It was a skill she had learned when she advanced to Beginner Core Formation level, but she had never used it in a real fight before. .

The monsters charged towards them, their huge bodies making the ground shake. Mengting tried to aim her fireball, but her hand was shaking with fear. The fireball flew off course and missed its target. The monsters were getting closer and closer, and Mengting felt her heart racing in her chest.

Liu Yong stepped in front of her, deflecting the first monster's attack with his sword. Mengting watched in awe as he skillfully parried the monster's blows, striking it with lightning-fast counterattacks. She knew she had to act quickly if she wanted to help.

Summoning her courage, she took a deep breath and aimed her fireball at the second monster. This time, it hit its mark, scorching the monster's flesh and causing it to howl in pain. Mengting felt a sense of accomplishment wash over her, spurring her on to fight harder.

She dodged the third monster's attack, feeling a sharp pain in her side as its claws grazed her skin. She gritted her teeth and summoned another fireball, this time hitting the monster directly in the face. It roared in pain and stumbled backward, giving her the opportunity to strike again.

With Liu Yong's guidance, Mengting fought with increasing confidence and skill. She summoned fireballs with ease, dodged the monsters' attacks, and struck with precision. The battle was intense and grueling, but eventually, all the monsters were defeated.

Mengting panted heavily, her body aching from the effort. But she felt a sense of pride and accomplishment, knowing that she had faced her fears and emerged victorious. She turned to Liu Yong, who gave her a nod of approval. "Well done," he said. "You have shown great progress in your cultivation. But remember, there will always be more challenges ahead. Are you ready to face them?"

Mengting smiled, feeling a newfound sense of determination. "Yes," she replied. "I am ready."