
A week had passed since Zenki, Zhen Yi, and Qingyi embarked on their journey to the Kingdom of Valkoria. As Zenki and the others settled into their new surroundings, news began to reach Meiying, Zhenyue, and Yu Mei who were left to care for the Kingdom of Avaloria. Reports surfaced, detailing the alarming sickness that had befallen the commoners, particularly those living in the poverty-stricken slums.

Word spread like wildfire, reaching Meiying, Zhenyue, and Yu Mei, who were deeply concerned for the welfare of their fellow citizens. The reports described a growing number of people falling ill, their conditions worsening by the day. It was a distressing revelation that demanded their immediate attention and action.

Feeling a strong sense of duty towards their people, Meiying, Zhenyue, and Yu Mei wasted no time in organizing a response. They gathered trusted advisors, healers, and scholars, forming a task force dedicated to understanding and combating this mysterious illness.