Conquering the Veiled Enigma I

As the days passed by, Mengting and the others continued their exploration in the Demon Realm, uncovering more about the unique city of Harmonia's Nexus and its harmonious coexistence between humans and demons. They marveled at the vibrant culture, where humans, who were originally from the human realm, now called the Demon Realm their home.

Meanwhile, in the Kingdom of Avaloria, Zenki received the long-awaited letter from Mengting detailing their discoveries about the demonic plans to break the seal separating the Human Realm and the Demon Realm. He gathered Zhen Yi, Lianhua, Liu Wei, Zhang Yitian, Jin Rui, and Zhang Wei for a meeting to discuss the urgency of the matter.

"We cannot underestimate the danger the demons pose to our realm," Zenki said, his responsible and duty-bound nature pushing him to prioritize the safety of their people. "Mengting and the others are doing all they can in the Demon Realm, and it's our duty to protect our side of the Veiled Enigma."