In an unforeseen turn of events, the peaceful kingdoms were caught off guard by the sudden demon invasion. Despite the Kingdom of Avaloria's prior warnings, many neighboring realms dismissed the threat as mere superstition or exaggerated tales. When the demons struck, their onslaught was swift and merciless, leaving a trail of destruction and bloodshed in their wake. The once-thriving kingdoms were now reduced to desolate landscapes, with few survivors left to bear witness to the horrors they endured. Helplessness gripped the hearts of those who remained, as they struggled to comprehend the scale of the devastation and the ruthlessness of their assailants. In the face of such overwhelming chaos, the other kingdoms deeply regretted not heeding the warnings and wished they had taken the threat more seriously. Now, the survivors must find a way to come together and stand united against the relentless darkness that has engulfed their lands.