Dance of Shadows: Facing the Crimson Shadowfiend 

In the heart of the Immortal Realm, nestled amidst the captivating landscapes and mysterious energies, Zenki and his companions began to lay the foundations of their new base. The knowledge of the Celestial Jadeleaf had ignited a spark of determination within them. They were determined not only to advance their own cultivation but also to create a haven where others like them could thrive.

As the sun cast its golden hues upon the tranquil land, Zhen Yi, Lianhua, Jin Rui, and Lian Yaoshi set out on their mission to scout the area for precious resources. Each step they took resonated with the promise of newfound strength and enlightenment.

Their journey led them through enchanting forests, where the trees hummed with energy, and streams flowed with crystal-clear water imbued with the essence of nature. It was a realm where every breath carried the potential for growth and transformation.